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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from Bananas4Bananas in Pain drinking water :(   
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from Jiggly Puff in Coloring hair   
    OTR... At some point, every person you have either provided sound info to, made laugh, or helped to pull back on track, should meet you somewhere in mid-America for a big bash! You're a hoot!
  3. Like
    moregoodtimes got a reaction from slenderme2B in The Official What You Will Need For Your Upcoming Weightloss Surgery Thread!   
    I've been "lurking" on your site for about a month now and finally joined today. I also joined My Fitness Pal today and with these, I'm beginning my journey back to a healthier life. As I read through the different postings, I jot down new pieces of info into a notebook that's divided into catagories. One of them is:
    choice of gown/pjs/sleep shirt
    warm socks
    non-slide hallwalking slippers
    chap stick
    hygiene wipes
    beauty products/deodorant/lotion/shampoo
    ear plugs
    face mask
    stretch pants a size too big and shirt for coming home
    undies/sports bra
    shower flipflops
    hygiene wipes
    biotene mouth spray
    phone/ipad/ipod and cords
    pen/paper if you don't use your phone for notetaking
    small firm pillow for stomach and trip home
    list of important numbers in case you don't have access to your phone
    copy of advanced directive and power of attorney
    Hope this is a beneficial first post!
  4. Like
    moregoodtimes got a reaction from slenderme2B in The Official What You Will Need For Your Upcoming Weightloss Surgery Thread!   
    I've been "lurking" on your site for about a month now and finally joined today. I also joined My Fitness Pal today and with these, I'm beginning my journey back to a healthier life. As I read through the different postings, I jot down new pieces of info into a notebook that's divided into catagories. One of them is:
    choice of gown/pjs/sleep shirt
    warm socks
    non-slide hallwalking slippers
    chap stick
    hygiene wipes
    beauty products/deodorant/lotion/shampoo
    ear plugs
    face mask
    stretch pants a size too big and shirt for coming home
    undies/sports bra
    shower flipflops
    hygiene wipes
    biotene mouth spray
    phone/ipad/ipod and cords
    pen/paper if you don't use your phone for notetaking
    small firm pillow for stomach and trip home
    list of important numbers in case you don't have access to your phone
    copy of advanced directive and power of attorney
    Hope this is a beneficial first post!
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from hiccupingduck in List of slider foods   
    My nut said to think of it two ways.....
    If it breaks down with mainly saliva and little to no chewing.... Like crackers or chips.. It is a slider and moves through too quickly. BUT
    You can also make good foods sliders by adding goop to them causing them to slide on through your tummy too quickly.. Ex.. Too much mayo in tuna, too much gravey on beef or drinking at the same time while eating!
    The goal is dense Protein to cause the pylorus to close.
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from nursekimberly89 in Where are my maryland sleevers?   
    Dr Barry Greene in Rockville! Truly amazing doctor and support team!
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from Butterthebean in Vet's Forum   
    Hey kirk... Like the new pic! Wait.. Im not a vet... Retraction!
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from NicholeRain in The Good, the Bad, but Mostly, the UGLY   
    No sharts, no gas issues neither cavity or inside tummy, very little to no pain, did have to do 12 days of shots but they are truly nothing. You must manage bowel movements...do not let it go more than a day or two before taking action. Hospital gown does not come off until you are asleep and its back before you wake up. Most of this surgery, in my humble opinion, is all about figuring out what you CAN do.. Can i sneeze without being afraid i will hurt my incision? Can i roll onto my side with no pain? How much can i drink without stretching myunhaled incision too far? Can i wear these jeans for two hours while i run to town? Etc etc.... Just like you, I liked knowing about anything that could possibly happen so that i would know what to do about it. I was one of the lucky ones that breezed through the surgery. Hope you do too!
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from kryssaboo in Share your "slow loss" success!   
    MAGNIFICENT! You are a true inspiration! I so appreciate your constant "voice of reason."
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from Jiggly Puff in Coloring hair   
    OTR... At some point, every person you have either provided sound info to, made laugh, or helped to pull back on track, should meet you somewhere in mid-America for a big bash! You're a hoot!
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from janaeF in Negative Boyfriend   
    Im sure there will be those who say he is just feeling insecure but personnaly, that kind of comment is made to degrade you. I dont care if he is insecure - there is no excuse for that kind of hatefulness. It is totally self-centered and was meant to hurt you. Please dont let him get by with that behavior. You deserve better....either by him or someone new.
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from TES in Going to miss the most   
    Rather than thinking about whats loved and will be missed, maybe we could think of this as the opportunity to really get it right and leave behind those things that are really not healthy for us. I have major issues with some complex carbs, so as much as i would like to eat like a normal person and not diet once i have gotten down to goal, i may remain a carb addict and never be able to limit like a normal person. So for now, i am thrilled that i have broken my coffee addiction and will not start it up again, just because i can, and i am hoping i can limit carbs once i start maintenance, but that remains to be seen. I am however, not going to mourn getting rid of some of my unhealthy habits and waste time thinking about what i cannot have. My dreams are all about the blessings of the future.
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from NicholeRain in The Good, the Bad, but Mostly, the UGLY   
    No sharts, no gas issues neither cavity or inside tummy, very little to no pain, did have to do 12 days of shots but they are truly nothing. You must manage bowel movements...do not let it go more than a day or two before taking action. Hospital gown does not come off until you are asleep and its back before you wake up. Most of this surgery, in my humble opinion, is all about figuring out what you CAN do.. Can i sneeze without being afraid i will hurt my incision? Can i roll onto my side with no pain? How much can i drink without stretching myunhaled incision too far? Can i wear these jeans for two hours while i run to town? Etc etc.... Just like you, I liked knowing about anything that could possibly happen so that i would know what to do about it. I was one of the lucky ones that breezed through the surgery. Hope you do too!
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from lwilliams65 in Caffiene   
    Order a few samples of Chike! I go out the door with one most mornings. Dump, shake and go!
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from LadyOfVirtue7 in Lovenox Shots   
    I had to do 12 days of them. Im pretty tough but was glad when they were done! Make sure alcohol is dry before doing the injection. I found that doing them low and out to the sides stung the least. Aim toward center of the body. And yes, alternate sides. I also avoided stretch marks where skin seemed thinner. It is not pleasant, but just one of our things that must be done. Power through it and move on! It will be over before you know it!
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from TES in carbs in the morning?   
    Some of the vets who are runners buy these energy square from nuts.com for additional nutritional needs... Before and during their runs.
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from IWannaBeHealthy in Help! I'm hungry!   
    You have a massive raw wound in your stomach that needs time to heal. Your doc gave you a plan to follow for a reason. Just because some plans advance sooner and some people say go ahead, does not mean you should. You will always get the answer you want to any question you ask on a board like this so if you wante nto hear yes gonahead, someone said that. If you wanted to hear no, youve heard that as well. So do you follow the plan from the doc, who cut out 85% of your stomach only 5 days ago, or do you listen to the general public? No need to answer... . Best wishes to you.
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from IWannaBeHealthy in Help! I'm hungry!   
    You have a massive raw wound in your stomach that needs time to heal. Your doc gave you a plan to follow for a reason. Just because some plans advance sooner and some people say go ahead, does not mean you should. You will always get the answer you want to any question you ask on a board like this so if you wante nto hear yes gonahead, someone said that. If you wanted to hear no, youve heard that as well. So do you follow the plan from the doc, who cut out 85% of your stomach only 5 days ago, or do you listen to the general public? No need to answer... . Best wishes to you.
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from Kristina J. in Was able to eat 2 hard shell tacos today... Is that considered a lot?   
    ...and loser... I am done... I have two ounces of nice tender chicken breast ready to finish off for my Protein for the day! You and your crew of six...you all have a nice evening!
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    moregoodtimes got a reaction from fatrosie in Was able to eat 2 hard shell tacos today... Is that considered a lot?   
    I had been busy, just jumped back on and only saw your comment. Then i read the whole mess and saw that you finally realized you carried it too far and tried to rewind. So yeah...probably wouldnt have posted had i read first. I am surprised though that a person working in corrections has so little self control. Poke..poke.

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