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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Nina_S

  1. Hi TinaGirl!

    Congrats on your band date! Both you and your sister will be do great. You are both so fortunate to have each other & experience this at the same time - that support is great! The band will work for you guys - it's a tool, you make it work for you. Don't worry about the hunger or anything else, focus on how your quality of life will improve.

    I wish the both of you the best of luck!

    See ya'll in bandland!

  2. Hi all!! Here is a shout out to all the June Bandsters!!

    OMG! My head is spinning, it is so hard to keep up with everyone.

    Jenf3, bd_pgx, KimberlyNYC, 2bhealthyagain, Adventurerider, LadyHR, FaithMD, Annie, CarlaHopeful, Cblancha9 - Congrats to all of you guys! Best of luck to you all!!!

    FaithMD - Congrats on your band! You have a gret idea with the prune juice & prunes. I totally forgot about the effects. I have been drinking Smooth Move herbal tea (Traditional Medicinals) & it helps. Prunes are good altenative.

    Thinsoon - I was banded on Jun 5th and I totally understand about the hunger. I get my first fill on Jul 11th - I am hoping that the fill makes a difference.

    CBM818 - The weight will come off - hang in there!

    Toni - Woohoo!! Hey Ms. Toni, I am happy that your fill went well. This is what I am hoping for.

    HottyToddy - I'm glad that you guys had safe and fun vacation!! I am having soft regular food envy - enjoy!

    I had my first post-op dr's visit on Friday (Jun 22) and I am down 7lbs since the surgery (Jun 5). The dr. says that I am "ahead of the game" but I look at the weightloss some of you guys are having, I may be a skeptic. So in I have lost close to 20lbs since my pre-op diet. That leaves me 50 lbs to lose to meet the dr's goal weight for me - I'll just take it one day at time. He said my scars are "cute" - they literally look like small scratches. I go back for my first fill on Jul 11th. I've decided that I am not going to get on the scale until the 11th but I have set a goal to lose at least another 7lbs by then. My blood pressure was 130/64 (without meds) - I am aiming for a better reading my next visit as well.

    I started back working out one week after the surgery - 45 mins on the elliptical for one week. The following week I went back to spin class (alternating with 60 min elliptical workout) and this past week I started back on circuit machines. I am being patient with weightlifting & ab work - it is a challenge.

    I want to wish everyone that will be banded this week the very best & happy losing for all! Salud!!


  3. When someone asks you how much you've lost, just say, I'm not sure, but I feel great, thanks for asking!

    That should send the right message, that it's none of their business, and make them feel just a bit guilty about asking how much you've lost...WITHOUT being a jerk about it.


    That is a great response!


    Don't be discouraged, I think that you are doing GREAT! I don't have numbers like that.


  4. Good Morning All!!

    Becks477 - Thank you so much for that information!! Now I have a reason to go back to my lush lifestyle. Really, what you shared was interesting & helpful. Ms. Ali's book seems like a great read! Thanks again!

    Toni - I surely hope that you feel better. I have had Migraines and they are no fun (((feel better)))! Bigbaby is so right - you have the most inviting and warm spirit.

    Pippz - 37 lbs in one month!!! Phenomenal!! Believe it girl!! Isn't it amazing as you see your body change. You do have to take a moment to take it all in.

    Danielle - Good to hear that you are doing well. I am sure that your nutritionist will approve of you having a clear broth.< /p>

    Lovelibabi21 - Good luck on Saturday!!

    Bigsexy - Did I hear that you need some warm socks:cry. You have to know that the band is going to change your life for the better - focus on all the great reasons why considered it intially. Take it one day at a time - don't look that 40 year thing. I have found that in life with the band, everyday (almost) brings a new understanding about food, life, relationships, & well-being. Your stay will be really short in the hospital but think what a great inspiration you can be to your roommate. They'll be lucky to have you!! Good Luck soon-to-be Lil Sexy!! :clap2:


  5. Good morning everyone, I'm fine. I have my pre surgery appointment in the morning, I pray all goes well there so I can count on June 25th. It's getting hard to sleep at night. Excitement, anticipation and concern all rolled into one. I attend a seminar last night just for that little extra reassurance. My doctor actually hyped the RNY mor ethan the band? I guess that't normal, maybe more money? They scare people with the slippage thing. Scare tactic. I'm still sticking with my descision on the band. After the doctor's performance last night, RNY won many new prospects. I learned to research what causes this to happen, and make every effort to prevent it from happening to me.

    Hi Pamla!

    Wow, the 25th is like right around the corner. I remember I had all of those same emotions. You made a good decision to stick with the band & you are smart enough to do your homework.

    Good luck lady!


  6. Nina S-I was thinking of doing the exact same thing with the roast, but in a crock pot, then blenderize. How did yours turn out? Was the meat in small pieces, stringy? Easy to chew?

    Jackie - The roast had good marbling & it cooked long enough to be really tender. When I put it in the food processor (even with the carrots & onions), the stringy parts kind stayed on top of the shredding blade but the part that was shredded was in very small pieces. Out of habit I chewed it & partly out of fear that it wouldn't agree with my new stomach but it was easy to chew. I enjoyed it - you should give it a try! Add a little au jus!!

  7. :help: i just got the lap band on Sat. june 16, when can i start walking for long periods of time? -Aly

    Hi Gutierrezea!

    I don't know what you consider long periods but the day after my surgery I did 30 minutes (slow pace) then everyday I added more time, considering the comfort level. The walking surely helps with the gas. To answer your question, go for as long as you feel comfortable.

    Welcome to bandland & good luck!


  8. Hi Nina :wave: No, I can eat any mushie my little heart desires! Now I REALLY have to be careful about keeping the calories low!

    On another note...I wish I had told NO ONE about my surgery!!!!! I am SO frustrated! LOTS of people are asking me..."how much weight have you lost so far?" I snapped at a lady yesterday for it. Poor lady! I know it's because she's interested in the surgery, but DANG, I'm only two weeks out!!!! Give me a break!!! A few people have asked and then said, "it's just because I can SEE that you've lost..." Or something to that effect...but I've lost 40 pounds since JANUARY! Only 10 since surgery...why are they noticing NOW all of a sudden!? I just so wish I had kept it to myself. Today I get to go to church and be asked by many more people I'm sure!

    Musical Momma,

    On the food front, that's great. I haven't come across anything that didn't work well either, which is kinda scary. I cooked a beef roast for about 3 hours then put a piece of it in the food processor. I took a couple of spoons then waited for any reaction but all was well.

    I know what you mean about sharing your surgery with people. I have had some interesting responses/reactions. Some people ask about the weight lost but then some don't mention anything at all surrounding the surgery. Some of it maybe jealousy but I'm thinking, why weren't you jealous when I was working my *ss off & getting crappy results.


  9. Here's question for ya...

    I shower every day, wash my incisions with soap and Water without letting the shower spray hit them directly...but my steristrips look dirty and disgusting! I know it's because the blood they soaked up earlier, but I just wish they would come off already! I can't stand to look at them!

    Can you buy this tape at the pharmacy and can we change them out at least?

    I am a clean freak and they really gross me out.


    I am no medical expert but my advice would be to be patient. I thought the same thing about mine but I believe that even removing them and re-taping would disrupt the healing process. It is kind of like a a cut that eventually "scabs" and you know that once the scab falls off it is healed.


  10. hi, i was banded by dr ahmad on 6/4/07. had some issues post op but i am feeling much better today. that darn shoulder pain though. I was 240 on 6/4 and 228.5 this AM. still on full fluids and have no appetite, which is great for me. I am taking this weight loss before the fill as a bonus.

    Pacutpatty - Good for you! I was banded on 6/5 and my numbers look NOTHING like that! You are doing really well.

    Missy - I am happy everything went well for you!

    MusicalMomma - Yay! 8.5 lbs, lucky you. On the mushies, have found that there are some things that you can't tolerate? I am so ready for the mushies.

    Insubordination - You are so right about the replying to posts. It is hard to keep up with everyone and read all of the posts. We are all together & in good company.

    Austiesky - :clap2: I'm glad you are doing good!


  11. I am newly banded (June 5th) & just got back to the gym - thank God!!

    Tues, Wed, & Thurs - 45 mins on elliptical (varying resistance up to 20)

    This 45 minutes of cardio is for the birds - bring it on!


  12. Hello Everyone!!! :wave:

    Lady Libra - See you didn't have to mention the hero. With every mountain, valley & hurdle you get stronger, I even surprise myself sometimes. Keep dreamin Lady! :thumb:

    Minty - Anxiety about the pre-op diet is normal. I just knew that I wouldn't survive it. I do mean survive - I was certain that I would be found laid out due to malnutrition. Hang in there, you have a great support group right here. :rolleyes:

    Dru - Welcome!! :welcome:

    Congrats to all of the newly banded & good luck to those that are to be banded!!! (it's hard keeping up)


  13. I'm $30 richer today! :biggrin1: Macy's department store had a sale on their Magic Bullet knock-off called Bella Cucina. It was normally $60, on sale today for $20. :clap2: So I'm returning my $50 Magic Bullet that I luckily hadn't even opened.



    Don't you LOVE sales - I live for them! Congrats on the save

  14. Hi Everyone I had my suppose lap band surgery yesterday but the doctor found a huge hernia and could only sew up part of it. Was unable to have my surgery due to the surgeron finding a

    >>massive hernia in my stomach area, some of her bowels, intestines,

    >>and stomach has grown into it. He thinks I might have been born

    >>with it or it developed sometime in childhood. He said he is very

    >>surprised I never had any problems and it wasn't found 2 years

    >>ago when I had my gall bladder taken out. He stated no doctor

    >>could have missed it, due to the extreme size. He took out some of

    >>the hernia, but my stomach and bowels would not detach themselves

    >>from the rest of the hernia. There is a hole in my diaphram (sp?)

    >>due to the hernia. This is not life threatening and once I have an

    >>operation to fix the problems (it may be several), Then I might be able

    >>to have the lap band operation. I need to have a Cat Scan in

    >>order to see the amount of damage the hernia has done. I got home about an hour ago and do have the five incision on left side from the hernia Dr. Malley repaired and will go back to work next week. So I will not be a June bandster but hopefully will be a banster some time this year. One good thing my doctor said I could go off diet now and eat whatevery I want. Too bad I had emptied out my freezer and cabinets and gave all my food to my daughter a couple of weeks ago and she said they have eaten almost all of it. HA HA Well I will go lay down for awhile I am having the gas pains and soreness even thought I did not have the lapband installed.



    I am sorry to hear about your hernia - I guess you are lucky that it was found before it caused any damage. Know that you have a spot reserved in Bandland. :)


  15. I bought some "Any Whey" at GNC. It's tasteless and is meant to be mixed in other foods. I haven't tried it yet cause I don't start mushies til TOMORROW!!!! But I read a lot about it on other threads, and people like it a lot.

    So tomorrow I get to start on soft mushies! Scrambled eggs, grits, oatmeal...etc. I'm soooo excited! Yesterday was the first day I've been really hungry since surgery. The funny thing is... I ate (well, drank) more than I have been and felt really guilty and like a failure kinda. Then I added up all my calories for the day and was at 1000. What the heck?! The reason the band works before restriction is called STARVATION! Anybody can lose weight eating 700 cal a day!! Hope today is better!! :hungry:


    Thanks for mentioning the Any Whey! I think I'll head over to GNC this evening. I can't wait till I get to the mushie stage - I have my food processor ready! I am craving steel cut oatmeal.< /p>


  16. Hi everyone,

    OK, so 3 days to go till surgery. I've finally come to peace with my clear liquid pre-op diet. Which is a good thing since I'm on liquids for one month after surgery. The first week - Clear Liquids with no Protein Drinks. that might be hard but hopefully I wont' be hungry.

    I'm trying to gear myself up for the gas pain. It seems that almost everyone has it. My doctor said that gas-x or phazyme wont do any good because the gas isn't inside your organs. It was pumped into your stomach and has to dissipate through the tissue. So he said not to waste my money. Did anyone find that this truly helped or do you think it was a "mental" help? (Does that make sense?)

    To everyone who just had surgery, keep your chin up. It sounds like it gets better everyday. I'm praying for all of you to feel better very quickly.

    take care.


    Maybe it was a mind thing for me but I thought the Phazyme helped but not alone. Walking is important & I also sipped warm tea.

    Well girlie, good luck with your banding & we'll see you back hear for the great results.


  17. Wow...very bad day. I went out on my patio to have a cigarette earlier. (It is 92 degrees outside today.) When I came in, I was making a grocery list for my mom to get for the kiddos when extreme nausea washed over me and I nearly passed out. :faint:

    I was able to make it to my bed and that helped to be able to lay down, but then the nausea turned to cold sweats, so I'm not sure what any of that was. I'm just glad it is over for now.

    I'm one day out and not a happy camper, but I'm sure every day will be much better than the day before. (Right? :help: LOL)

    I hope all "Junies" are doing well, Stef


    Everyday is better than the one before, believe that!! Hope you feel better!


  18. I was just banded on June 4th. I am doing well, physically, however I have a lot of gas, and my bowel movements are not regular, and most of all I am HUNGRY!hungry.gif

    I am still on the liquid diet, but I also, have had Soup and cream of wheat. Which my nutritionist said is fine. Once I eat, I am fine, but I get hungry again very fast. Not sure if anyone else is having this issue.

    The gas is something I anticipated to deal with, that get's better by the day. But I have always had regular BM's, and now they are slowed down to a crawl! I do drink Water, but I fill up fast with water. How are you all doing with drinking all the water? Any tips on any of the above mentioned, please let me know.

    Oh, and I am craving popcorn popcorn.gif

    Girl, why did you say POPCORN!!

    Yes, I am irregular as well. I had my first movement a couple of days after I was banded but it still isn't like it was before.


  19. {{{{NINA}}}} I am SO glad it all went well for you. Glad you're feeling better all the time and NOT hungry! That's the BEST part!!!

    Nvalicia: Glad you're doing OK. It's pretty normal to freak a little before surgery. I am lying low from all my friends here, cuz I don't want a million questions ;)

    Just got back from a 4 mile bike ride! That felt GOOD! Gonna take the kids swimming tonight...if the pool's open that is! Feels good to get active! ;)

    Thanks MusicalMomma!

    I am so happy that your are doing well too. I am so impressed with your weight loss - you are my inspiration!


  20. First of all...Hotty, I love ya! Thanks for keeping up with your awesome calendar! Can't believe how blue it's getting!!!!! We're banding together like C-R-A-Z-Y!

    {{{{{{{{{{{ Rhonda }}}}}}}}}} o2bthin----again, I'm so sorry about your Mom. ;) There's no doubt she's looking down at you and is so proud!!! I'm with you: I have trouble staying asleep at night, and I take Lunesta for crying in the night! When I can't sleep, I come see what this board is up to! You have so much on your plate. Congrats on you son's graduation, but I know you must have a lot of emotions going on with that, too! BTW, this is off topic, but I *still* use benefiber/metamucil/fiber choice tablets dujour once/day, usually in the morning with Breakfast, to keep my blood sugar in tact.

    Dakota....congrats on your band, and I can't believe how quickly you were mobile. I milked this band for all it was worth and didn't even TOUCH the treadmill for 7 days! Even then I only walk a half mile and it was s-l-o-w-l-y! Good for you, girl!

    SimplyMe....have you seen the posts from Stefanie42467? She got banded in Hurst, TX, too, but with a different doctor, I'm pretty sure. Small world!

    Speaking of small worlds......NINA GIRL! Are you by chance in Houston, TX?!? I am! And we have a St. Luke's Episcopal hospital here! How cool would that be if we were neighbors!?!? Even if you're not lucky enough to be a Houstonian ;) I'm so glad your banding went well, and despite the gas you were out there hittin' it too. I'm so proud of everyone being so darn active!!!!!

    ...like Thinner----you active soul! Welcome! Thanks for sharing your story and CONGRATS on your 25 pound weight loss! Holy smokers that is awesome!!!!

    Speaking of 25 pounds down the tubes....way to go JackieP!!!!! That is fantastic! And I loved the tip about eating fruit at the end of the meal if I'm dying of thirst (which you know I will be!) :speechles

    Hi Twinkletoe...congrats on your banddate! And to answer your question, I think I speak for all of us when I say we all have LOTS and TONS of willpower. We only need the band because......hang on. I'm just kidding! Diets that restrict are HARD as HECK to maintain---some see it as lack of willpower, but diets just aren't maintainable! At least for me! So I would, for instance, join Jenny Craig. Lose 20 pounds, and gain back 30. This band is going to help me choose my foods more wisely (e.g. Proteins first, then veggies, etc...) and in limited amounts. Viola! I'll lose weight, be motivated to move more (exercise) and God Willing maintain it! HTH!

    Beckie....Congrats on your banddate, too! I can tell by your post you are happy as a clam!

    FarmerE....Welcome to our family! :biggrin1:

    MM---High-Five on the Dr. appt! :clap2: I'm coming over for dinner tonight at your house. I want mushies, too! No, seriously though: remember yesterday we both had Soup at a restaurant? Well, it was sooooooooooooo good, that I'm going back tonight for more! (but it sure would go great with your chicken!);)

    Whew...sorry if I missed anyone! Ok, I've bugged you people more than enough for now.....but you KNOW I'll be back to post more....

    ....in like 5 minutes! :omg:



    Yes, Miss Toni, I am your neighbor yet I am centrally located (near Medical Center). The gas has gotten so much better, everyday the healing gets better. I am dying to get back to spin class, but being patient.

    Toni, your kindness & warm spirit fills this thread - keep it goin!


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