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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About EdaW

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/27/1988

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    Knitting, cross stitch, swimming
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  1. I had the info session today and set up my first appointment! Here we goooo.

    1. jane13


      good luck!

    2. MrsSugarbabe


      Good luck!! And fasten your seatbelt :) Sometimes things, i.e. appointments, surgery, etc., can happen very quickly.

    3. EdaW


      Thanks! I have a six month program ahead of me, due to insurance, but I bet it will fly by. I'm one of those lucky people whose insurance covers the surgery 100%. I'm excited.

  2. EdaW


  3. EdaW

    Non Food Rewards

    I used to sew dresses & did a jumper & some shorts for myself when I was in high school. Then I got too fat for the patterns. :} I dare say you have inspired me... Glad I inspired you!
  4. EdaW


    I'm not drinking with my meals because I have been told to try to adopt the lifestyle BEFORE surgery. Also, I feel full longer if I don't drink with meals, which is really helping me not overeat.
  5. EdaW


    Okay, thank you. I usually don't have a problem, and usually when I do, it's not so painful. The fact that I haven't been peeing much makes me think I'm not getting enough water.
  6. EdaW


    I'm still way preop, so it's not from the surgery and lack of eating. I just am wondering if it could be because I'm not getting enough water.
  7. EdaW

    Science Behind High Protein Diets

    My orientation class said it was because they want you to have enough protein so you aren't losing muscle instead of fat when you're losing weight. Hope this helps. =)
  8. I've been noticing since I've stopped eating with meals, that I'm not going as often. Is this a sign of dehydration? I'm also not urinating as much. I usually drink the bulk of my water with meals, because it's hard for me to get down water when I'm not eating. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I'm so constipated that I haven't gone #2 all day, which is highly unusual for me. I took Miralax, but I'm in pain from the constipation.
  9. EdaW

    My Journey Through Photos

    You look amazing! It gives me such hope. I would be happy just to get down to 185. I'm at 331 right now, haven't been sleeved yet. Your photos give me hope that I'll make it.
  10. I've been keeping up with not eating with my meals, and boy, does it make a difference! I never expected it to make such a huge difference, but it really does.

  11. The heck is wrong with him?! That makes no sense. He should be happy that you're doing so well, and after 3 years? Seriously?
  12. I'm not quite 350. I'm 331, which is close. Still 6 months away from surgery. I have my first appointment in 15 days. Looking forward to getting down to my high school weight, which was 185! I'd be thrilled to see that on the scale again.
  13. I was just looking at this on the website... so helpful! I'm going to give it a try since I know cost will be an issue for me.
  14. EdaW

    Non Food Rewards

    At my goals, I'm going to start learning to sew my own clothes since I'll be at the size where I no longer have to alter patterns to fit me. So learning a new skill to help outfit me for my new weight will be my goal. Not sleeved yet, have at least 6 months until then, but I know what I want. xD
  15. EdaW

    Baby Silverware

    I need to do this! I'm still way pre-op, I just had orientation yesterday, but I think this will really help!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
