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About KickRocks

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  1. Alex at this point I don't give a d@mn about any of this like I said After I heard he paid $$ for their surgeries and flights I'm not going to support or back anyone. But I haven't bullied anyone and our full names should be removed!
  2. Excuse me I haven't posted today!! I have spoke to you in private and I've not spoke victim #2. I'm confused but like I told you people are looking at what legal actions can be done. This post is creating y'all tons of money cause we know more page views more $$$ so of course it's going to keep going but like I told you I refuse to speak about or bring out info I have till legally requested.
  3. 100% truth and I think I have a copy of a chat where she even said if he does her wrong she will out him! (Looking now)
  4. I don't need details about when u went back I know enough. Don't forget all our chats...screen shots don't lie. You didn't have to go back and see him! All I'm saying is dont play the victim role cause u know a well as I do u knew all about him
  5. Oh and not to mention that he told me that it couldn't be nothing between y'all but you refused to take the hint. Girl please just give it up.. I can't believe you really want to put all your business out like this. Cause you already know if you wanna call me out it's on..
  6. Lol really?! I don't even speak to Omar anymore so keep my name out of your post Sandi! I don't have to bash you to anyone cause everything I said I told you!! Before you went back to MX have an affair. Please don't play with me or pull the victim bs with me cause me and Jessica was your friend! We begged you to leave him alone. Even after all that he put you through you went back to MX and slept with him so umm yea you could have prevented getting hurt. You was involved months before the sexual affair....
  7. Well I'm sorry but common sense tells me like it should anybody that you can't go off to MX and fall in love! Red flags everywhere so yea I tried to protect her. So I guess you got a point but why not make a general post and not just single out one person cause everyone going to MX needs to use common sense and safety. I'm sure he isn't the only one and I'm sure these ladies aren't the only ones that have had this happen with other "groups" it's not just Omar and Illan Your post contradicts itself so much that my head is exploding. You personally tried to prevent a friend from getting hurt but you don't want Susan and the other women that were exploited from trying to prevent others from getting hurt? You warned her about something happening and it did and now she's "playing" a victim? You say he "played them", but they are not victims? Wow!
  8. But yet we always believe the females and call them the victim. I'm sorry but as adults we know what's right from wrong period. If they felt so uncomfortable then why they keep relationships after they came home and even went back to visit! Yea ok. Yes it's wrong as hell what he did But again it took 2! And I'm only speaking about the 3 I know about that was not uncomfortable at the time and wanted more.
  9. But she is married and had a affair with Omar so what does that say about her? Let me guess he is the only one wrong here still right? It really scares me that you excuse his poor behavior with the words "he was wrong as hell but he is a man". Wow.
  10. Well I'm personally speaking on the women I personally know about that wanted what Omar was giving and didn't feel uncomfortable! If There is really other women this happen to then yea I feel hurt for them and won't give him a pass! But like I said I'm speaking up on the 3 that was involved and wanted it just as much as he did hell one is even married so yea.. But y'all believe what y'all want cause trust me I have screen shots and chats that prove what I'm saying.. Dr Illan is a great surgeon and it pisses me off that he is being drug in this bs cause of Omar and his groupies Oh, my apologies, you are right, he was wrong, but he is a man so that excuses it. Seriously, are you reading what you just posted? There is no excuse, man, woman or otherwise. Have you ever gone to your doctor's office and had one of the staff make explicit comments to you about his genitals? Would that be excused because, well, he is a man? Because, that is what one of these woman had happen to her. And, he continued even after she specifically told him it made her uncomfortable and she also did not appreciate the advances he was making towards her. She did not tell Dr. Illan because she was alone in a foreign county by herself. She was afraid her care would be compromised if she spoke out, so she kept it to herself. They are victims, they do not have to take the blame. Like I said before, that is like saying a rape victim is partially to blame because of the way she was dressed. They were vulnerable, obese, low self-esteem, alone and far away from home. They were going through major surgery and most likely in a very emotional state. Omar feeds on that and takes advantage of it. He is wrong and anyone who defends him should be ashamed of themselves.
  11. I wasn't going to post but I gotta agree here! Yes I know 3 of these females myself. The sad truth is we personally tried to prevent one that we considered a friend from getting hurt before it happen but she wouldn't listen! She just knew this was "true love" it got to the point where she thought I was a hater lmao!! So we stopped speaking! Now everything we warned her about happen and now these women are playing the victim? Please they knew about eachother, hated eachother and now they are all buddy buddy trying to bring Omar down cause they are hurt and embarrassed! Yes Omar made mistakes and I talked to him many times and tried to make him see his ways but these ladies are adults. He would stop contacting them and yet they would threaten and black mail him so he would keep talking to them. It got to the point where I even stop talking to Omar cause I seen what was going to happen before it did! But I refuse to allow people to think these ladies are the victim here! He played them and he was wrong as hell but he is a man.. But they have to take some blame in this
  12. KickRocks


    I can't say enough about Dr Illan and his team! I wouldn't change a thing if i could!
  13. I love him. I had my surgery 3/7 and couldn't be happier. There is alot of others that have had surgery with him but they really don't post on here as often since we have our own FB Group so that may be the reason you don't see many reviews. I haven't heard one negative thing or anyone having any complications. So that is also a plus!
  14. KickRocks

    Dr. Illan?

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM! I posted all about my trip back in March. I have not had ANY issues and would pick him again in a heartbeat! My husband will be going to him soon! Trust me he didn't even like the idea of me going to MX for surgery so this is BIG LOL!!
  15. KickRocks

    I lied.

    What a train wreck! I actually feel bad for everyone involved in this BS even if it's true or not.

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