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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KickRocks

  1. KickRocks

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    If its causing her stress and negativity I suggest she find new friends and remove herself from it.. Real friends wouldn't be stressing it anyways. So it seems these are the smile in your face type people that just wanna gossip. She don't need them anyways!
  2. KickRocks

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    Well I'm not going to lie lol I'm just going to say "I've been working my @ss off!" Which is true! The sleeve is just a "tool" it don't do the work for you. The only people who know I had wls is the people who need to know! I haven't even told my own father cause I know he would just be negative and watch everything I put in my mouth when I can start eating normal again.
  3. KickRocks

    On my way to Mexico today!

    Good luck!! Sending prayers and happy thoughts...Please update when you can!!
  4. (((Hugs)) you will be fine. I PROMISE! If i can do this ANYONE can! I am the biggest baby ever when it comes to being alone..Especially having surgery and in another country!! I just had to put my trust in God and pray about it. i truly believe if it wasn't meant for me to go something would have stopped me. I had a melt down the night before and i was just going to cancel. Then My husband really made me feel better., I had came to far to give up now just because of what if's...I will never forget what he said, " You have to trust God and thank Positive, you cant go into this being negative, Being negative is only going to bring you negative outcomes" and that is so true because i could have let all that negative take control and I would have canceled and still been fat, unhealthy and unhappy with regrets later! But I thought positive and now i know i will be able to reach all my goals and also be a better mom, wife and friend since the weight will not be holding me back and having me in depressed moods where i just never want to leave the house!
  5. KickRocks

    Gas X strips?

    The only place I could find them was Walmart. And lucky me I got the last box
  6. KickRocks

    March 28 sleevers?!?!?

    Y'all 2 ^ will be there the same time. That's neat. When we were there Thursday we met one of dr Kelly's patients. Her room was right across mine.
  7. KickRocks

    Drinking bigger sips..

  8. KickRocks

    Any March Sleevers?

    Mine tends to use 36 and then oversew. But it also depends on the patient. I got 34 with oversew. There really isn't a big difference.
  9. KickRocks

    My marriage sucks

    I say leave! It's clear that You have tried to make things work! But let's be honest it takes 2! And he seems not to be trying. I'm sorry but it seems like he needs to grow the hell up!! He has a family to care for! Why is he wanting to leave his job?! Does he not know how hard it is to find a good job!? Me and my husband have issues but He takes care of home! I will give him that. His job closed down 3 years ago but he took another job that same week. It didn't pay like we were used to but it was a start. Now with all his raises we are making almost the same. However he hates this job with a passion! He is steady looking for another one. He has even done job interviews out of state! That's how bad he wants to change but he knows he can't just up and leave his current job and he wouldn't even if he could. I just don't understand men that don't want to take care of home! My brother in law is the same way. He always wants to change jobs and let m sister take care of everything. Hopefully everything works out but if he leaves his Job without another one lined up he would be on his own!!
  10. KickRocks

    Off to the hospital

    Good luck sweetie! You will do great. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please update us when you feel up to it.
  11. KickRocks


    You will be in our thoughts!! Keep us updated when you can!!
  12. Thanks everyone. I tried to be as detail as I could I know I have left things out and ill post the important ones when I remember them. Let me add all our nurse wore gloves and we had wash cloths. (I packed m own cause I heard I should lol but didn't need them) I was so worried about glove issues but we had no issues at all
  13. KickRocks

    I made it

    That's how I was! I'm glad You are doing well. Congrats!!
  14. KickRocks

    At the airport

    Good luck!! You will be fine! Keep us updated!
  15. Congrats! I am glad everything went well! I am watching now... I have no idea who he is going to pick lol!!
  16. KickRocks


    I'm happy it worked out! That's great!! Now let the countdown begin.
  17. KickRocks


    I agree! It was a eye opener
  18. Just as the title says. I just want to know If we can block certain people from reading my post or replying to them? Thanks...
  19. KickRocks

    Can we block certain people?

    That would be a great and well needed feature! Thanks Alex!
  20. KickRocks

    Any March Sleevers?

    Thanks I think I'm going to try some tonight. I know my body needs something other than water. (I really hate broth)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
