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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KickRocks

  1. Wow!!! Congrats!!!!! You rock!! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  2. KickRocks

    Desperate for answers

    She wasn't trying to offend you though! She was giving you advice. that is why you posted here right?!She didn't know what your beliefs was and I feel you could have been nicer and said it in a better way without having to get in detail. Don't take your angry and issues out on someone who was just trying to offer you support. On that note hope you get everything worked out..maybe someone on here can give you some advice. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  3. Wtg! Keep up the good work! You look awesome Sent from my iPhone using VST
  4. KickRocks

    Taco soup

    That sounds yummy! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  5. KickRocks

    Desperate for answers

    Wow that was just rude and uncalled for! Smh she was trying to give you support and advice. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  6. KickRocks

    Dreams Do Come True

    Congrats! That was a great story! I am so happy for you! Can't wait to hear more updates! You are doing great!! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  7. KickRocks

    Waiting....waiting...waiting...BCBS of AL

    Wow that seems like a long time!! I have the same insurance and I was told they have 30-45 days to respond. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  8. I agree I think that's great!! Stay positive and be proud that you are loosing! I know sometimes we get caught up on the number and see others lose faster but I think you are doing perfect! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  9. I agree everything don't work the same for others. However I feel that there is way too many women that actually suffer from the side effects from Depo. My eating habits didn't change. I didn't even have cravings. Plus I got started right after my daughter was born so I was actually trying to lose my pregnancy weight by dieting and working out! But I kept gaining...then that's when my OB told me I should consider different methods. (He was actually against the shot in the first place) after I came off it I still couldn't lose all the weight and it took 5 years to become pregnant again after my last shot. Too many people have had the same side effects to blame it on the individual eating. There has been many women that has never had weight issues till getting the shot. Just do a quick google search and look how many women experienced awful side effects besides just weight gain. With all options out now compared to when Depo first came out I'd urge anybody to pass on Depo. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  10. Congrats!! Looking good! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  11. KickRocks

    I Got Approved!

    Congrats and good luck to both of you!!
  12. KickRocks

    Mexican Surgeons

    I have been doing the same thing. I still have till March but I want to have a backup plan just in case! So far I am looking at Dr Ponce De Leon or either Dr. Fernando Garcia. I pray that Insurance approves because to be honest the thought of going to Mexico scares me.
  13. KickRocks

    My Ongoing Story :)

    That's great!! Good luck and keep us updated! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  14. KickRocks

    1 Week Post Op Down 22 Pounds!

    Wow that's great!! Congrats! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  15. KickRocks

    Peer To Peer

    Good luck!!
  16. I haven’t even had the sugary yet and I have already noticed my husband being distant. At first he seemed to be real supportive but now that he sees this is really going to happen I have noticed changes. He doesn’t want to talk about it and seems to get annoyed if I even bring it up! He says we will talk about it closer to surgery date. The other night he had the nerve to say he sees me changing. I just don’t get it. I am so hurt that he would feel that after I lose the weight I will crave other men’s attention. I tried to tell him that has not even crossed my mind! I mean even being overweight I get male attention so wtf is he really saying? I am trying to show him that I am doing this to get the healthy not just for me but him and our kids. Being overweight has changed me so much. I am often depressed and isolated. I don’t even want to get out of the house because I hate being overweight! I have tried and tried to lose weight and I always fail! Another man is the last damn reason I would be having surgery. If a man didn’t want me at my worst I sure don’t think he deserves me at my best. He also has gained weight over the years and I really thing that he is not happy with himself either. He just tries to hide it. Our 7 year daughter told him last night he should have the surgery with me and he said he was going to lose weight on his on! Well good for him. I will support him either way. However the fact is don’t try to bring me down because you are miserable with yourself and try to put this on me.. And to top that off he keeps bringing JUNK in the house after I have told him not to. I am trying to lose as much weight as I can during my supervised diet. I know I don’t have to eat it but I’m also trying to not only get myself in better eating habits but our kids too. So why bring it in period!? Every time I go on diets I always used to joke that he tries to sabotage it but now I really believe that’s exactly what he is doing! I have been in tears all day today because his whole altitude has changed. He is so damn moody. The fact is if our marriage does happen to fall apart after the surgery it won’t BE BECAUSE OF ME! It will be his own damn attitude and lack of support that will push me away. Does anyone have any advice?
  17. KickRocks

    Marriage Issues Already!?

    Thanks so much ladies! Since I haven't told anybody about Surgery I feel so alone at times. You Ladies are great!! The last few days have been better but we know how that can go! And men say they don’t have mood swings..HAHA RIGHT!
  18. I have decided if insurance don’t approve that I will be going to Mexico and get my sleeve done. The only thing that I am worried about is my husband might not go with me. So I have decided to go alone! Has any other ladies gone alone? I will be honest I have never been by myself ever so that really freaks me out, but I know that I am going to get sleeved one way or another. I have decided it would be between either Dr. Garcia or Dr ponce de leon. I would love to hear any feedback or advice that you have.
  19. KickRocks

    Atlanta, Georgia

    Hi! I am in GA! I would love to be your buddy. Good luck on your surgery! I am scheduled for March But if Insurance don't approve I am looking at getting mine done by Dr Ponce de Leon. So I can't wait to hear all about yours!
  20. KickRocks

    Marriage Issues Already!?

    So sorry you are dealing with this also. I would think they would be happy and supportive for us. This is not something we decided in one day. I just don't understand how they don't see that we need them involved. My husband and my kids are the only ones i've told so I really need his support now. However, I REFUSE to let him stop me or make me feel bad. So he is either going to support me or not but I will not change my mind!
  21. KickRocks

    Hubby Is Mad

    I am dealing with the same thing. ((HUGS)) I have been in tears all day. The sad part was he was supportive at first and now it’s like "whatever". I don't know what else to do. I still have a few more months before surgery but I'd like to have his support now during these supervised diet months. Even if he don't agree with the surgery I would appreciate if he would tell me what's going on in his head! Just don't shut me off.
  22. KickRocks

    Im Scared!

  23. KickRocks

    Bcbs Alabama (Waiting Game)

    Good luck!! I have them also tho I haven't submitted yet. Can't wait to hear your update!

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