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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    twoolley got a reaction from 7carol3 in Can i eat crab dip   
    The general rule is that mushies can be mashed up with the back of your fork. It does have a lot of fat in it and sometimes people have trouble with that right after surgery. You may want to try some at home before eating it at the restaurant or you could be running for the bathroom.
  2. Like
    twoolley reacted to clk in Some people here are meanies   
    Wait! There's a surgery for that! It's called DS (duodenal switch) and if you're willing to live with a lifetime of supplements and malabsoprtion, you can eat those burgers and pat yourself on the back for it.
    It's mean and unsupportive to say, but I always considered the DS the absolute laziest way to do WLS ever...but that's probably an unfair assessment based mostly upon the fact that when I researched it most people were talking about eating bacon cheeseburgers sans bun and how great it was that they could eat whatever they wanted except bread.< /p>
    Ugh...getting excited about food and WLS ruins everyone's grammar, even mine!
  3. Like
    twoolley got a reaction from Zazous in Some people here are meanies   
    You make an interesting point. This "people are so mean here" thread popping up kinda often lately.
    I'm probably considered one of the mean ones, I just don't take the extra time to sugar coat things. I work in a high pressure professional environment as a financial analyst and I am just a nononsence tell it like it is personality type. My wife actually just reminded me to be sympathetic about something this weekend... I can't remember what it was, I think her sinuses hurt or something. Obviously I failed that one. My son also knows that little Suzie stealing your toy car at school isn't a newsworthy complaint.
    I would like to point out that the alternative is that people stop caring.
    So next time someone posted that they haven't lost any weight but they just figured how to eat an entire Jack in the Box bacon ultimate cheeseburger if they just took off the top bun and cut it into 16 pieces and at one piece every 15 minutes they got SO much Protein in just 4 hours & they at all the french fries that they thought would make them sick but they didn't! Ok come on, I LOL'd while typing that!
  4. Like
    twoolley got a reaction from ATX Girl in My husband is an ass   
    That's the truth. Watching my family shovel huge amounts of food into their mouths during the holidays was very disturbing. Not only did I see my former self, but something about watching how much they can eat really is gross. I will admit that I have had to go out of my way on more than one occasion to not be judgemental. I don't want to become a former overweight person that is a hippocrite and condems other people. I didn't like being treated that way and I am scared that it's what I would become.
  5. Like
    twoolley got a reaction from Zazous in Some people here are meanies   
    You make an interesting point. This "people are so mean here" thread popping up kinda often lately.
    I'm probably considered one of the mean ones, I just don't take the extra time to sugar coat things. I work in a high pressure professional environment as a financial analyst and I am just a nononsence tell it like it is personality type. My wife actually just reminded me to be sympathetic about something this weekend... I can't remember what it was, I think her sinuses hurt or something. Obviously I failed that one. My son also knows that little Suzie stealing your toy car at school isn't a newsworthy complaint.
    I would like to point out that the alternative is that people stop caring.
    So next time someone posted that they haven't lost any weight but they just figured how to eat an entire Jack in the Box bacon ultimate cheeseburger if they just took off the top bun and cut it into 16 pieces and at one piece every 15 minutes they got SO much Protein in just 4 hours & they at all the french fries that they thought would make them sick but they didn't! Ok come on, I LOL'd while typing that!
  6. Like
    twoolley got a reaction from Zazous in Some people here are meanies   
    You make an interesting point. This "people are so mean here" thread popping up kinda often lately.
    I'm probably considered one of the mean ones, I just don't take the extra time to sugar coat things. I work in a high pressure professional environment as a financial analyst and I am just a nononsence tell it like it is personality type. My wife actually just reminded me to be sympathetic about something this weekend... I can't remember what it was, I think her sinuses hurt or something. Obviously I failed that one. My son also knows that little Suzie stealing your toy car at school isn't a newsworthy complaint.
    I would like to point out that the alternative is that people stop caring.
    So next time someone posted that they haven't lost any weight but they just figured how to eat an entire Jack in the Box bacon ultimate cheeseburger if they just took off the top bun and cut it into 16 pieces and at one piece every 15 minutes they got SO much Protein in just 4 hours & they at all the french fries that they thought would make them sick but they didn't! Ok come on, I LOL'd while typing that!
  7. Like
    twoolley reacted to Butterthebean in Some people here are meanies   
    Honestly y'all....the bitching and whining about mean people is getting way worse than all the truly mean statements ever were. Accept or ignore....move on. Don't let it keep bothering you and certainly don't keep rehashing old news.
  8. Like
    twoolley reacted to fluffylibra30 in Some people here are meanies   
    Sometimes people come here for justification of their behaviors and only want positive posts. If you come on here a few weeks out of surgery "oh I ate a double cheeseburger and some chips with no problem" people are going to be upset and be opinionated. If you don't want both sides of the opinion spectrum maybe you shouldn't post. Just because someone doesn't AGREE doesn't mean they are a "meanie" should they call names, use offensive language and belittle anyone, absolutely not. But this IS an opinion forum. You take the good with the bad and don't let anything anyone says here get you down.
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    twoolley reacted to clk in Some people here are meanies   
    I see VST less as someone's personal cheerleader and more as a place to share information, ideas and strategies on life with a gastric sleeve. It's a forum full of strangers from across the globe and I cannot expect everyone here to think and act the way I might.
    I don't know, but as an adult I suppose I'm just used to dealing with both nice and not so nice people, with people that are blunt and with people that are delicate, and with people that take everything very personally and with people that let things roll of their backs. It's part of life. In the real world, I interact with those people just fine without the need for someone else to back me up or intervene.
    I think what frustrates many people isn't that people don't search out old searches (though many people never bother to search at all), it's that on any given day you can find four active threads about the same exact topic in a forum. Most often, I simply ignore these repeats, but yes, seeing the same questions and information (and sometimes misinformation) being continually revived gets annoying. I think what frustrates people here the most is that those of us that don't need to be here come back to help. We want to share our experience and we genuinely want to see people succeed. Finding repeated posts from people that simply want validation for what they know are poor choices gets aggravating and I'm sure you'll understand that once you've been here a while.
    This isn't kindergarten where we need a moderator to separate us into opposite corners because we disagree on occasion. We're all adults here, right? It's very easy to simply ignore someone that posts something you don't like or don't agree with and to avoid posts where you know that particular member has been active.
    Oh, and I'm not only a meanie, I'm a hormonal pregnant woman.
  10. Like
    twoolley reacted to gmanbat in Some people here are meanies   
    I dunno,.. this is one of the nicest Care Bear-Rainbow Brite sweetness forums I've ever been on. But then, being a MAN and a dullard as well I don't know there's a problem until the fry pan bounces off my head.
  11. Like
    twoolley reacted to elektrik_rose in Is my Mom trying to steal my shine?   
    @butterthebean You're absolutely correct!!!! I did this to be healthier. I am trying every day to figure things out, but very happy about my decision. I will think positively about my Moms surgery next month.
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    twoolley reacted to Butterthebean in Is my Mom trying to steal my shine?   
    Did you have surgery to be healthy or to be skinnier than your mom? Be happy for yourself....then her. Don't begrudge her a healthier life. Even if she is trying to one up you, be a better person than that.
  13. Like
    twoolley reacted to kyllfalcon in Other's opinions   
    I've reached an age and a place in my life where I don't give a dang about other people's opinions. I told everyone and when I got that look from a couple of them, I just shrugged it off. I expected some folks to not understand, and I really understand them not understanding!! A couple of years before I even heard of the sleeve, my husband suggested the bypass and I gave HIM the look - how could he even suggest such a thing?!?!
    Just do what is comfortable for you.
  14. Like
    twoolley reacted to FatFreeMe in Venting!   
    BTW, I have decided to go ahead with the surgery. I finished all my pre-op appointments and will get my surgery date and pre-op diet on Thursday.
    I also recently got laid off from a job I had for 20 years. I told him that I'm not looking for another until after my surgery. It's added a lot of stress to our life. He's self-employed and I carried the insurance and paid 75% of the bills.
  15. Like
    twoolley reacted to Butterthebean in My husband is an ass   
    For me, it isn't even about the huge amounts of food they eat....it's about the effort spent. It's all consuming. When my inlaws all get together, the whole day is nothing but preparing a big meal, eating it, waiting around long enough for enough food to pass to eat more, then clean up. Then it's time to start preparing the next meal. It's crazy and it takes all day. At my MIL's there is constantly someone in the kitchen preparing food. It would just rather have a 5 minute Protein shake and go on about my day. I just don't care about food enough to spend so much time on it. Especially if I can't eat much of it.
    PLUS....they can't seem to make a meal without making at least 4 different deserts. How did I ever live this way?
  16. Like
    twoolley reacted to Gene1970 in Alcohol Abuse   
    If you need fear... then you need to seriously fear that those 61 pounds that you have lost will be back on and then some with all of the extra calories from the beer. Fear that you will have went through a major surgery and failed yourself. It will be a total waste of a surgery. It's not worth it... I hope you are able to stop drinking and focus on the success you have had so far and on losing the last 28lbs to get to your goal. Good luck.
  17. Like
    twoolley got a reaction from ATX Girl in My husband is an ass   
    That's the truth. Watching my family shovel huge amounts of food into their mouths during the holidays was very disturbing. Not only did I see my former self, but something about watching how much they can eat really is gross. I will admit that I have had to go out of my way on more than one occasion to not be judgemental. I don't want to become a former overweight person that is a hippocrite and condems other people. I didn't like being treated that way and I am scared that it's what I would become.
  18. Like
    twoolley got a reaction from ATX Girl in My husband is an ass   
    That's the truth. Watching my family shovel huge amounts of food into their mouths during the holidays was very disturbing. Not only did I see my former self, but something about watching how much they can eat really is gross. I will admit that I have had to go out of my way on more than one occasion to not be judgemental. I don't want to become a former overweight person that is a hippocrite and condems other people. I didn't like being treated that way and I am scared that it's what I would become.
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    twoolley got a reaction from weightlossmomma85 in All i want for Christmas is... (join in)   
    Galveston, TX? I live close to there... Magnolia TX
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    twoolley reacted to tinarho in ADDICTED TO DIET COKE   
    that was the hardest thing for me. i stopped 1 month before surgery. i still miss it.
  21. Like
    twoolley reacted to Butterthebean in My husband is an ass   
    Looking back at the OP, I'm sure a lot of that was hunger talking. It can be very frustrating. But to you presleevers, this is the kind of conversation you should have with your significant other (or resident ass) before surgery. If you want him to eat Oreos in the other room for the first month, ask him if he's willing to do that BEFORE the surgery, while things are calm. Think about how you'd feel if you were being asked to do this. If he will agree to this...great. If it doesn't seem reasonable, then you may be the one who has to be in the other room while he eats Oreos. It's your issue, not your spouse's issue. Part of your recovery will be learning how to deal in these situations...when people are eating in front of you. You can't expect everyone to change their life because you are. Just know, in the long run you'll be a stronger person for it.
  22. Like
    twoolley got a reaction from Huntingnurse in My husband is an ass   
    My WIFE does this to me all the time. I don't throw a hissy fit or pout like a child about it, I just deal with it. It's not her fault that I got fat and had to have surgery to deal with it!
    I don't think men are asses at all. I think we just don't expect everyone else to change their lives because of our issues. Not that women think that way at all.
  23. Like
    twoolley reacted to Huntingnurse in My husband is an ass   
  24. Like
    twoolley got a reaction from Huntingnurse in My husband is an ass   
    My WIFE does this to me all the time. I don't throw a hissy fit or pout like a child about it, I just deal with it. It's not her fault that I got fat and had to have surgery to deal with it!
    I don't think men are asses at all. I think we just don't expect everyone else to change their lives because of our issues. Not that women think that way at all.
  25. Like
    twoolley got a reaction from Huntingnurse in My husband is an ass   
    My WIFE does this to me all the time. I don't throw a hissy fit or pout like a child about it, I just deal with it. It's not her fault that I got fat and had to have surgery to deal with it!
    I don't think men are asses at all. I think we just don't expect everyone else to change their lives because of our issues. Not that women think that way at all.

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