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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ladyscorpion

  1. Well cardio increases ines metabolism so if you want to see a change in your weight loss you may want to evaluate your carb intake as well as increase the amount of cardio activity that you are getting.

    Had my 3 month post-op check on September 19th (more like 3 1/2 months) and had lost a total of 75 pounds. Since then... I've lost nothing, nada, zip, zilch, nothing.

    My brain knows all the logical reasons... rapid weight loss up front, body readjusting, etc. But my emotional part of me is in sheer panic that i'm done losing weight. :blink:

    I'm really working on my Protein intake, pushing fluids and changing up my work outs. If something doesn't give soon, I may just break down and cry. My surgeon's goal for me is 100 grams of Protein a day with no more than 80 grams of carbs. I aim for 80 oz of fluids.

    Just looking for some encouragement.

  2. that is awesome!! so happy for you (and a lil bit jealous, Lol). :D

    Hey have you had surgery yet?If not do you have a date yet? My doc said that for the first 6 months I could expect to lose 6 to 10 pds a month, then it will taper off to 2 to 4 pds a month. I have a foot injury that keeps me from being able to excercise right now because I am in a cast, but when I am able I will incorporate some excercise and strength trainging as well. really going to focus on the strength training to help me skin bounce back.

  3. I think for now wthat we are really supposed to focus on getting the suggested amount of protien in followed by veggies and the carbs, which I can say I honestly try to do when ever I have a balanced meal for example Sunday i had meatloaf, string Beans, and mashed potatos and I ate them in that order. Now for Breakfast today I must have been hungry I had two turkey sausage patties (13 grams of protien) and 2 boiled egg whites ( 9 grams of proten) so my breakfast was 22 grams of protien out of the suggested 40 to 60 grams..

  4. Thank you for the support, yes when I went to my group class last week to talk about the foods that we should and should not have when starting solid food my nutrionist/dietician advised us to stay away from all soft breads for not until we were three months out She did say that toast would be fine and I have had toast on several occasions and did not experience any problems. We were also advised that we could not eat anything crunchy right now including pickles, lettuce, any raw vegetables, or fruit with the skin on it. I was a little dissappointed in this. I actually enoy eating salads.

  5. I had my first post op appointment today. I had alot of questions and as far as the scale goes I didnt know what to expect. Ive lost 17pds in three weeks. My one month anniversary is the 17th. I am able to pretty much eat anything that I want just small portions at a time. I dont have any trouble with keeping my food down or anything like that. I wanted to share this news with someone but I wanted to expess it with someone that would appeciate it.

    Good luck all

    Everyday truely gets better.

  6. I am 2.5 weeks out from my surgery and I often think that I too eat too much, for example, today I had a 4 to 6 oz protien shake for Breakfast some chicken broth w saltine crakers for lunch. dinner was chicken and stars Soup, and I also had about 5 pieces of sandwich meat with cheese and I have had Water to drink today with a 8oz glass of juice. I know I am a little further out than you but I still get a little concerned.

  7. WOW The irony of your nurses name and your tattoo. Well I am happy for your success. I have had surfery in the past for differernt things and I was nervous about this surgery the morning of, but I prayed about it because I felt as though I was making the right decision. I orginally wanted the lapband but my doctor advsed that the sleeve or full gastic would be a better option for me and choose to go with the sleeve. I read one of your other posts and it will get better how much you can drink and eat. I find that i can drink alot more Water at one time than I could a week ago and I am able to actually eat food. I had some tuna last week ( i wasnt supposed to but i did and i had no problem) I actually ate a whole can.

  8. Hello,

    I had surgery on 9/17 and am not cleared to go on my soft diet until 10/4 and must honestly say that I have been eating regular food off and on since I have been about a week out. I would have some potato Soup a small amount with some chicken broth added. Last Saturday I had some tuna. I have been able to digest these things quit easily. What has surprised me is that some days I have had a hard time drinking a protien shake but yet I can turn around and eat a piece of turkey sandwich meat wrapped in cheese. I am not advising you to cheat by eating early but i did and I have been just fine. Have you tried apple sauce?

  9. Hello my name is Tiifany

    I am 30 years old. I had my sleeve gastroectomy on 9/17 to date i have lost 10 pds. I thought that it would be more than that by now.I had alot of pain the first day in the hospital it was horrible. I also developed a infection in my incensions but my doctor has me on antibotics and it seems to be getting better.

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