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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MsVeDub

  1. MsVeDub

    Sleeved 1 Week Ago Today

    Wow - that's one fast surgery. I was sleeved on 12/20 and I also have no issues or pain, but I am also on liquids. There are sometimes when I drink a Protein shake, I feel some discomfort, but it goes away quickly. Just tonight I had a few bites of mashed potatos, and no issues. I was also thinking if my Dr left too much, but then I think I'm one of the lucky ones without issues Best of luck to you!
  2. One thing a Dr told me years ago is this....when you are on a low calorie diet (which we all are on)...it is impossible (even with a thyroid issue) for your body not to use your fat as energy. You will lose weight, the issue however, is most people give up. I need to keep this in mind during this journey as well. Best of luck to you.
  3. MsVeDub

    Sleeping on tummy?

    Ya, I was using a heating pad when I first came home on Friday. I didn't sleep on my tummy until Sunday (I was afraid to try). But now I'm ok. I still have some pain when turning at night, but I take it slow.
  4. MsVeDub

    Sleeping on tummy?

    OMG! I'm doing it now! Is this something that we shouldn't be doing?
  5. I had my sleeve done on 12/20 and I'm down little over 6#. I am trilled. There are so many people that lose a lot the first week, that it makes us slow losers feel bad. However, fast losers will slow down and the slow losers will stay steady and strong, maybe even pick it up. I think 10# is GREAT! I have had an issue getting all of my protein in. I have set an alarm to go off every 15 min to remind me to drink. It seems to help. Good luck and congrats!
  6. That's great that you are seeing such a difference already. Getting new clothes is going to be great! I used to shop at 2nd hand stores when I was jumping between sizes years ago. You can really get some good deals. Luckily, I kept all of my clothes as I was growing out of them, knowing one day I will be back. I'm hoping they are stll good when that time comes. Good luck to you, and again, congrats on the weight loss!
  7. I'm replying to the first post - I would think that sex is different after you lose weight, mostly because it changes when you gain. I am so insecure with my body after gaining this weight that I can't fully let go and enjoy. My husband has also gained some weight (from predinsone) and now we both have a gut, and positions aren't as easy as they used to be. That being said....I really think losing weight brings out the best in all of us. Good luck!
  8. MsVeDub

    Dec 20 Sleevers!

    I came home the next day (Friday). Friday was really rough. Gas pains were really bad. They get better every day. I didn't do too good on Sat and Sunday with drinking and getting my Protein in. Today - I'm great! I am drinking a 4 tsp of Protein shake every 15 min, which is really helping me get my 70g in (today is the first time I did this). Once I got my protein in, I am drinking hot tea and juice freely, just slowly, as needed. I am really trying to drink something every hour. I also just had some Jello, which went down easy. I am noticing that if I drink too fast, I feel pain. I actually rock myself until the pain is gone and it usually brings up gas. My incisions are starting to itch. I'm a picker, so I'm really trying hard to leave them alone. I have some serious bruising as well.
  9. I had surgery on Thurs 12/20 and on liquids (not clear). I can have protein shakes, broth, diet drinks, jello, popsicles, unsweeten tea. I am also drinking one shot of New Whey to help me reach my 70g protein/day. I was told to drink an ounce - working up to 2 ounces - every waking hour. I was told I will be on this for 1-2 weeks, but I go back on Friday, which I am sure I will change to pureed. I can't wait for that!! I am really craving apple sauce!
  10. MsVeDub

    A word on pop (soda for some)

    Good deal! I'm still pre-op (surgery on Dec 20) and I havent offically stopped yet. I switched to Diet, which is slowing me down, but I still crave that sizzle. I know I won't have the option after surgery - and I would be to scare to even try. Good for you for kicking that habit early...and yes, that's a NSV!
  11. MsVeDub

    Dec 20 Sleevers!

    I'm scheduled for Dec 20th in MD! Super excited! Im gonna bring in 2013 ready to rock out this new body!
  12. MsVeDub


    I have a surgery date of Dec. 20th. I have been so excited and counting down.... I just found out my Dr. had a heart attack yesterday. I don't know if he's ok or what the deal is. I am heartbroken for him and his family. I also have no clue what to do now....
  13. MsVeDub


    Not that I know of. I don't even know how to approach his office. I have all of my pre-op stuff done and I also paid a hefty program fee as well. The reason I was going for Dec. 20th is because it's a good time to do it for my job. My boss isnt happy about me taking off, so this is the best time for "her". Who knows what happens now.
  14. I don't think I slept for more then 3 hours (with Ambien). I was in and out of sleep the whole time. It wasn't because I wasn't comfortable...the wires didn't bother me at all. I just couldn't get into my deep sleep. Has this happened to anyone else - do you think I will need to re-take the test? I'm pretty sure I don't have sleep apena...
  15. MsVeDub

    Here's A Thought, Shut Up!

    My reply now would be: It's a moot point...surgery is done, so lets now ruin a good relationship. I love you and respect you, please respect my decision and support this journey." Good luck!
  16. This is my biggest fear! Not that I will die on the table, or that I will have hanging skin - all of that is fine...but losing my HAIR! Hang in there.
  17. MsVeDub

    me fat.JPG

    From the album: MsVeDub

  18. MsVeDub


  19. I believe the 1/1,000 is from some committing suicide, not the actual surgery. Some people can't handle the fact they can't eat like the used to and can't use food for comfort and end their lives. Since it happens w/i the first year, it counts towards complications. The depression factor is the same issue if you have a problem with food. This surgery is not for the weak ones...it's going to be hard, but worth it. I believe you can also control the reflux. You are just freaking out because its in b/w. Did you look into your surgeon? Do you know his background and successes? I'm sure you will be ok. (hugs)
  20. That is great news~ Good for you. I wish my next 2 months would fly on by. I know when it's all over and my date is set, I will think that the last few months flew....but right now, man...its slowwww.
  21. MsVeDub

    What's A Consult Like?

    EA, is Executive Assistant or office manager. They will be the ones to make sure you have all of your paperwork together, tell you what appointments/clearences you need, and they also submit everything to insurance for you. (this is the case at my dr office) When you meet with your Dr...they will talk to you about what procedure you have chosen, ask you some questions to make sure what you have selected is best for you and answer any questions you may have. Mine felt my stomach and looked under my tummy to make sure I didn't have any sores (I guess some ppl do). It was a fast appointment, but I felt great when I left. Oh ya - if you had to have bloodwork done (I did), he went over those with you. I found out I have low Iron and Calcium, he put me on come Rxs to bring those levels up. Hope that helps.
  22. I always recommend to friend "Smooth Move" tea. It's wonderful. It's just enough to get yourself going. When I was on Medifast, I would take it a few times a week, sometimes everyother day. Drink that Water, you need it.
  23. That's awesome! Congrats to you! Good luck.
  24. MsVeDub

    What's A Consult Like?

    Are you meeting with the Dr or with his EA and the NUT? Before I was allowed the office visit, I needed to go to the seminar, then my first visit was with the Drs EA (which is when I got a binder of a bunch of materials and a list of appts I need to have before surgery) then I had my first appt with the NUT. I finally had my appt with the Dr 2 weeks ago.
  25. OMG!!! I just skipped to the pics - you are a totally different person. Way to go. Now back to reading your post.

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