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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About ln414664

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  1. thanx, guys. That makes me feel a bit better. Plus the whole thing about BMI and body weight makes sense. I'll try to be more patient.
  2. I'm glad to hear you guys have had success with your surgeries, but I'm quite frustrated with my sleeve surgery outcome. I had my surgery April 24, 2012 and have only lost 41 lbs. This recent month that just passed I only lost 5 lbs. and I'm killing myself with keeping the diet and exercising. A couple years ago when I use to diet and exercise I would be able to drop 15 to 20 lbs like nothing in a month and I feel that now that I've had the surgery I should be able to drop weight quicker, but it's not happening for me. Do you guys think there's is something wrong with me? My brother had the same surgery I did and in 5 months had dropped 125 lbs. I don't know why my goal seems to stay stuck.

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