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Posts posted by robbdtn

  1. I want to thank all of you for your words of encouragement, I'm afraid that I gave the impression that things were bad before the procedure I just wanted to express the feeling of optimism that I am experiencing now. And maybe I chose my words too hastily in my previous posting i just cant believe that i waited so long to get this done, oh well once again Thank you all for your kind support.

  2. So I had my procedure one month ago today and I'm down 30 lbs. It has been a heck of a ride And every day gets easier and every day I feel closer to being the man I want to be. "Hope"is back in my vocabulary and for the first time in many years I'm not afraid of dying fat and alone at an early age, clothes are fitting better sleep is better and one of my diabetes meds have been DC'd so all in all not a bad month at all---keep the faith Robb.

  3. So five days post op and every day is getting better, sleep is improving which is very nice and the swelling at the incision sites is going down and is much easier to live with. If I drink too fast or don't pay attention to how fast i eat my Jello my new stomach will let me know right away there is a problem. I also have to consciously remind myself to sip Water all day to get in my liquids but overall each day is better than the one before it.

  4. I had mine on the 23rd and I won't sugar coat it it is rough that first day, but it will start to get better right away. Remember to walk as much as you can as soon as you can, and use a heating pad to help with the post surgery discomfort. when I woke up I was disoriented and in pain and I got really scared thinking "OMG what have I done" I am pretty sure that that was just the lingering effect of the anesthesia but it also passed. I read the success stories in this forum to keep my spirits up especially when I couldn't sleep I made the mistake of not moving much the first day after the surgery and that was a big mistake once I figured out that the more I moved the better I felt and the faster time seemed to pass which is a big help. This is day four post op for me and I am doing great no real discomfort except in the mornings and as long as I sip my broth and chew the Jello I have no problems.

    I realize that I am rambling here I just wanted to let you know that your fears while valid are not the horrors that your mind is presenting them to be take a, deep breath be calm, daydream about crossing a finish line or that bathing suit you want to see yourself in ( for me it is a tailored camel hair sport coat) and appreciate the fact that you are doing the best thing you can do to achieve your goals.

    Good luck I'm sure you will do fine.

  5. I make yogurt every weekend. It is very easy you can buy a yogurt maker if you choose but it's really not required to make a good tasting product. I got started making yogurt by watching an episode of good eats

    I couldn't find a link to the episode but here is a link to the recipe-http://www.food.com/recipe/yogurt-homemade-from-good-eats-alton-brown-40602 I use good organic milk now (lesson learned) and i always run the vessels I'm gonna use through the dishwasher to act like a sterilizer before I begin a batch

    Good Luck- its really very satisfying to make, and if you have an Ice cream maker you are in, just pop in the fresh yogurt with some sliced peaches and you now have a lovely frozen treat- you can also use it to make cheese (kinda a nice farmers style herb it up any way you like)

  6. Thanks Mattr2,

    I just started the process and I am committed to having the procedure, I just need to get all the ducks in a row so to speak. Do you know or have heard of someone who has not had a positive experience? I just want to see if there is a common issue that can be prevented or avoided if possible. I thank you for your input and I do have a few questions if you wouldn't mind? How long was your pre-op diet? how difficult did you find the liver shrinking diet to adjust to? What kind of discomfort did you experience after your surgery? The reason I ask is I have arthritis in my spine and have been living with chronic pain for years, and just trying to plan for it. How long after the procedure were you able to return to work? What kind of weight loss have you experienced.? And finally, is there anything that you would have done differently knowing what you know now?

    Thanks once again for any insites you may be willing you share,


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