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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by JordannChristina

  1. Hey everyone! I've seen so many positive posts today! All of those make me even happier to have had this done. I posted a picture of how I look today. And I can really tell my weight loss in my neck and my clothes!

    My appointment for 2 month follow up is next week :) So far, there is no food I can't tolerate, except fried foods though. Those make me feel super sick, which is a blessing in disguise! I have a plan of eating very healthy during the week and I give myself small treats over the weekend. It's been working well and I believe in indulgence with moderation! This is going to be for the rest of our lives, so I have to make sure I don't deprive myself, as well as over indulge. Even though I can only eat very little. Still no soda, red meat, or pork. I've had bites, but not meals. No drinks high in sugar, I love Water and some coffe every now and then. All in all, this surgery has been the best thing I've ever done.

    For those of you struggling in the first few weeks, believe me, I had seconds thoughts on doing this to myself. But once you get some normalcy around a month or so out, you'll start reaping the benefits! I feel energized, happy, and smaller!

    Have a beautiful day everyone! Xoxo


  2. Hello everyone! Hope all of you are well :)

    Weighed myself and I am officially 44 pounds lighter at 6 weeks post op. I can pretty much tolerate anything and my stomach is one hell of a trooper! I've been mostly eating the healthiest options I can with what I have. I have whole wheat stuff every now and then but it's so filling I can't even finish one slice with the crusts cut off! Rice is just so filling, I don't find it worth eating and I don't miss it. I usually have chicken and fish. No meat or pork just yet, and I only miss steak. I noticed that chips are TOO easy to eat so I try and stay away from those. I hate to say that I did have chicken nuggets once and my body just does not like junk food anymore. I feel weaker after I eat bad things and I can feel my heart working a bit harder, so it's not worth it anymore. It also makes me feel tired. I sometimes have ice coffee with skim milk and sugar subs. I love nuts and sunflower seeds but ill have to cool down with those since they're high in calories. Other than a craving or two here and there, it's been great! A struggle the first three weeks but I'm feeling so good. Energy is up! And my old jeans fit again! :)

    Best thing is that I can finally start working out this week!! Can't wait for those results :)

  3. I have been back on a regular diet for a little over a week now and it feels awesome! But I am a little scared of how well I tolerate everything! I have no problems with Proteins, although I haven't tried beef and pork just yet of course.

    I've had chicken, every Soup imaginable, coffee, potatoes, fish, shrimp, whole wheat toast, lobster, yogurt, mushrooms and much more. This week I've been starting to get hungry every 2-3 hours! My stomach is like an orchestra when I'm hungry. I always try and drink some Water though, to make sure it's not my head but it's usually real hunger. I guess my metabolism is faster??

    I'm just wondering what everyone is eating one month out! Please let me know :)

  4. Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well :)

    It's been a while since my last post.

    I was officially one month post op yesterday! The first two and a half weeks after surgery were very tough for me. I had gone through some type of withdrawal from all the habits and foods I once felt so close to. I felt depressed, in pain, and just overall weak. I felt like I had made a mistake in having this surgery. However, I had to keep reminding myself that things will get better. That this is the best decision I ever made even though it might not feel like it right now. For a week I had a pain in my stomach area that felt like it'd never go away, but with time, it did. I went to universal after two weeks post op and the walking was too much. I got dehydrated quickly and hardly kept up on fluids. I had painful Constipation one day (sorry tmi) but with some laxatives, that went away. When I started to eat more solid foods, I started to feel better. It was easier. Now I'm on regular diet, reintroducing foods one by one.

    I feel so great! My energy is up, my clothes are loose and I'm just so much happier. I went to the doctor 12 days after the operation and I had lost 32 pounds in those 12 days. Incredible right?! I can only imagine what I've lost up till now! I can't wait for my next weigh in. My advice to all newbies would be to keep as much of a positive attitude as you can! And all the hard times are going to be worth the way you feel afterwards!

    My diet is finally something that's not so boring like liquids -.- Today for lunch I had some chicken from Pei Wei! And last night I had some ceviche for dinner. Only tiny bits though! Since I can hardly fit anything in my pouch lol

    Ill try to keep my page updated! Good luck everyone! :) Much love

  5. I am only 10 days post op and I might be having the same exact thing! I've never had any problems with my period pre op and as soon as I started my period about 4 days after surgery, I started to feel weird. I thought it was my stomach at first, but I am now sure that my period is really taking an effect on me. It sort of feels like a bad stomach ache, but I guess it might be cramps as well.

  6. Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well :)

    Well I have to be honest, this surgery has gone very well and I am healing almost suspiciously quickly! However, I feel like my mind and my mouth are still so far behind. I know that I am going through some sort of withdrawal of this serious and unhealthy habit I had just a week ago. My nose is going crazy everywhere I am. From perfumes, to every single type of food in the room, I can smell it.

    I tried Protein shakes for the first time, and that was a nice change. I think I'll try it with lactaid, because the fat free milk made me feel a bit bloated and uncomfortable. I hate to say I haven't weight myself yet since surgery. My scale at home doesn't work, and I haven't really gone anywhere. I'm going back to work tomorrow, which should get my mind off of the cravings, or urges that I have.

    I really should weigh myself, just so that it can be a constant reminder or reward of what I have done. I actually cried to my mom today because I wanted to eat things that I couldn't. The reality is starting to set in and I can feel the effect of what has actually happened to my body. I guess you never really come to terms with something until it's actually done! It's just a habit I have to get over, and it will take some time. I must find other things, healthier things, to do with my time. In the time I always spend eating, and planning to eat, revolving my life around what I'll eat next.

    I'm hoping I can weigh myself soon! For now, I am certainly enjoying the new pudding I get to eat on my phase 2 diet! :P

  7. Two days post-op and I'm feeling pretty good!

    Of course, there is still some discomfort, and the soreness gets pretty bad but other than that, it could be a lot worse.

    After surgery, I was counting the minutes till the pain went away, and little by little, it does go away.

    I noticed that when I drink a bit too much, my body does a quick hiccup, which HURTS and its a sign to stop. So far, I've had broth, Water, crystal light, and sugar free popsicles. Haven't had any Jello yet, but I never really liked Jello. Might try that tomorrow.

    My mouth is definitely missing all the foods (junk) I was eating before this surgery. I found myself biting at my nails today (which I NEVER do) and I realized what a habit my horrible diet was. Not only did I eat horrible foods, but I ate them constantly. So I feel like I need to replace my habit, but with something healthy. I'm still trying to figure that part out, instead of developing a nasty nail biting habit. I have no intention of cheating on my specific diet, but I did smell some Tostito chips today, and my mind wanted them so badly. My stomach, however, said no way. I know it will take some time to get all of my body on one sync and schedule, so I'll have to go through this withdrawal carefully.

    I plan on weighing myself tomorrow! I cant wait to see the results! Even if it's not much, I've gotten this far, so it's only a matter of time!

    Hope everyone is doing well :)

  8. Hello everyone!

    I had my sleeve done on the 4th of October, and came back home yesterday afternoon.

    I arrived at the hospital at 6 AM and by 8:30 I was completely prepped and ready to go. Although I was exhausted, not having been able to get sleep the night before. The last thing I remember them saying to me before the operation was "You'll do great Jordann, we are now going to give you medication that will make you sleep". And before I could say ok, I was out!

    My next memory, unfortunately, was a painful one. I woke up and I immediately felt the pain in my abdomen. It was more of a throbbing pain that came in waves and I was extremely uncomfortable because of the gas trapped inside me. They gave me pain medication, and I had to endure the pain about 15 more minutes before I felt it start to go away. A doctor took me up to my room where we met with my parents and aunt. I was still very loopy from the anesthetic, so everything is pretty fuzzy.

    To say the least, I didn't want to eat or drink anything at all. All I wanted were ice chips because my mouth was so dry. I was able to get up and take a couple of steps around my room to go to the bathroom. I was dying for the gas inside me to escape, cause the discomfort was out of this world. I took a couple of laps around the floor of the hospital and immediately felt better.

    My first night was a difficult one. I was very uncomfortable and the placement of my IV didnt help one bit. Every time I moved, the machine would beep and needless to say, I hardly got any sleep, and neither did my poor mom by my bedside. I had to ask for extra pain meds at around 1 AM because the waves of pain and discomfort wouldnt let me sleep.

    When I woke up at around 5 AM, I went for a walk, and I felt much better. The pain slowly, but surely started to get better. The doctor came to see me and approved me for discharge.

    I immediately fell asleep when I got home. I woke up later from the discomfort and took a few laps around my house. Tylenol helped the pain go away. I am able to take in only little bits of liquid at a time. I have had some chicken broth, Water and crystal light. My doctor told me to make sure I stay hydrated and I am trying my best to take Water in every other couple of minutes.

    So far I am doing pretty well. I must be honest, I didn't think the pain would be as bad, but then again I've never had anything like this done to me my entire life. My first night, I had that thought. The "Why did I do this?" thought. I now know that I thought that way because of the pain and because of the 'fix' I couldnt fulfill with food. I have to keep reminding myself that I will be able to eat again one day. And although my stomach and my body are not hungry, my mind and mouth are so used to my food addiction that it's going to take some getting used to.

    I wouldn't change a single thing that happened, and although it was a tough two days, I am getting better. I know that soon enough, I will be able to get up and have a normal day. For now, I am just healing the best way I can. I can't wait to see the changes!!!

    I want to thank everyone for the support I have been receiving this past week, it really means a lot. Everyone should know that this journey will not be an easy one, but the decision to do something about your health and lifestyle will be the best decision you will ever make.

  9. I can't believe the day is finally here!!!

    I just wish I could wake up and be out of surgery already. I'm terrified and excited all at the same time!

    I'm so lucky to have the family to support me throughout this journey, and I'm so grateful that I found this forum to answer all of my questions. Everyone has been so motivational and positive! :)

    All I know is that I wont miss the body I am in right now. The risk of surgery is far less than the risks I will take in being obese. I wish I could have had the strength to do this sooner, but better late than never right?

    See you all on the sleeved side! And good luck and prayers to everyone who is planning to get this done, in transition, or right about to take this huge step towards a better life ^_^

  10. I can't believe the day is so close! I am growing more and more anxious, but at the same time nervous. At some points in my day, I feel just the need to get it all over with.

    My surgeon never gave me a pre-op diet, so I feel like I'm going to be going cold turkey after surgery. I read so much about how everyone had pre-op diets, and I was never given one! It gets me a bit uneasy! Above all, I am hopeful for everything that is about to happen to me. My whole life will never be the same, and I couldn't ask for anything more! I have been so tied to bad food my whole life that I cannot even process the thought of not wanting any of it.

    However, this is a time to push ourselves, and challenge ourselves to be the people we all know we can be! I want to be able to choose a healthy lifestyle and use this surgery as a tool to achieve my goals.

    I hope everyone is just as excited as I am for their surgeries!

    Hugs and prayers to all! :)

  11. Hi everyone! Hope you are all well and happy :)

    I'm definitely very new to this, having joined about 10 minutes ago. I was pleasantly thrilled to stumble upon this site, because I sure do need the support/advice/reassurance etc.

    I am 22 years old and I have been more than overweight my whole life. I don't ever remember a time where I fit into the clothes I wanted or comfortably fit... well, anywhere. I always thought I could lose the weight whenever I wanted to. Once I tried once, twice, thrice, I realized that not only was the problem physical, but mental. I saw myself revolving my life on what I was going to eat next. I knew I had a problem. Lucky for me, a friend of mine had her gastric sleeve done about a year and a half ago. Watching her turn into a beam of light inspired me to take control for the first time in my life. I have been jailed inside my body. I want to know myself without this addiction. I can't wait to see the potential I really have. When I picture my future, I am not the person I am today. I am the best me I can ever be.

    So, being pre-op, I just wanted to introduce myself to this great web forum. I see inspiring posts, as well as some posts that keep me grounded, and remind me that what I will be doing in four days is a serious life altering change.

    I am nervous and anxious. But above anything, I am hopeful.


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