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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About akwitham72

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 04/25/1972

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    Fourth Grade Teacher
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  1. akwitham72

    Low Bmi'ers...how Long To Goal?

    I had my surgery on December 17th so just a little over 4 months. I have lost 47 lbs. so far and am at 137 wearing a size 6 pants today felt so good. I eat whatever I want I just can't eat much of anything. I cannot do any bread, pizza or crackers as I throw up. I cannot do much meat unless it is shredded or it feels stuck and I barf. Started running and doing kettle bell and feel amazing. I wanted to he down to 120 but would be more than happy with stopping at 130.
  2. Hello, compliment of the day, I'm Miss Helen as it is my pleasure to write you after viewing your profile i become interested in communicating with you. Contact me at (helendickson41@yahoo.com) for more about me and send you my picture. yours new friend. Helen helendickson41@yahoo.com

  3. KatiKati, I am here to tell you it will get better, but you will be up and down the whole time. I was sleeved on December 17 th. I spend 5 days in the hospital in TJ, had to have a blood transfusion, and came home with the drain tube for 20 days. I still have a huge blood clot on the right side of my abdomen which makes me not able to really work out. To top it all off my husband went off on me three weeks ago in front of my entire family that I selfishly left my family and risked my life to have this surgery and after 14 years left me and our 3 kids. On the bright side, I have lost 30 pounds that I never would have lost without the sleeve. So I really am here to tell you things could be worse and they do get better. Keep your chin up and breathe. Keep coming to this wonderful place for support from people who get it. Stay strong. Angie
  4. KatiKati, I am here to tell you it will get better, but you will be up and down the whole time. I was sleeved on December 17 th. I spend 5 days in the hospital in TJ, had to have a blood transfusion, and came home with the drain tube for 20 days. I still have a huge blood clot on the right side of my abdomen which makes me not able to really work out. To top it all off my husband went off on me three weeks ago in front of my entire family that I selfishly left my family and risked my life to have this surgery and after 14 years left me and our 3 kids. On the bright side, I have lost 30 pounds that I never would have lost without the sleeve. So I really am here to tell you things could be worse and they do get better. Keep your chin up and breathe. Keep coming to this wonderful place for support from people who get it. Stay strong. Angie
  5. akwitham72

    Does the drain hurt

    I had my drain tube in the 5 days I had to be in the hospital. I had to go home with it in from Mexico (I had a bleeding problem after surgery) for another 13 days. To say the least it SUCKED! It hurt so bad around the drain site where the skin started to grow around the tube and every time I moved it would bleed and I would have to change the dressing. It hurt really bad when they pulled the stitches out around the tube but the pulling out part did not hurt at all. It was heaven when it was finally gone.
  6. I am being really diligent about waiting the 30 before and after sometimes a little longer afterwards. I am having a hard time getting my water in and that bothers me since I know how important that is. Do we have to wait the 30 minutes before and after we have our protein shakes too since they are liquid as well I wasn't sure. I feel like all I do all day is worry about my food and liquid and getting it all in and right. I hope it gets easier.
  7. Hi everyone. With all that I went through it seems crazy that I will be three weeks out tomorrow. I got a call on Friday stating that my last labs showed my hemoglobins went back down again and I am now anemic which I have never been in my life. This would account for my extreme tiredness. My surgeon said I could not jog for two months only walking. I have not done anything as far as exercise so far because I am still so sore and bruised and I still get tired just taking a shower in the morning. I also am having extreme gas and heart burn. I never had any hunger pains whatsoever the first week and a half but now I feel hunger all day. Is this due to the gas pain and heart burn? Do any of you have any suggestions or know any meds I could take or ask my doctor for to help this?
  8. I think I will try the Isopure. As long as it is not too sweet. Sweet makes me kind of icky feeling now. I don't know why I am so bruised but it is pretty black and large. My incisions are great even where the drain tube was left in for so long. I am really trying to get 2 protein shakes in a day for sure to get 50 grams. Work went pretty well today but I am pooped for the day and down on the couch until bed. Everyone needs to really take it as easy as possible to get their energy back.
  9. Hello Everyone. I am not new to the forum but new to all of you. I was sleeved on Dec. 17 as well and am down 15lbs. from 180. I feel really good about this. I am unable to get all of my protein in or my liquid at this point. I have vomited a few times I think from eating too fast or that one bite too many. I did have a bleeding complication after surgery and my blood pressure dropped to 90/30 and I passed out in the hospital. I ended up having a blood transfusion with 3 bags of plasma too. I ended up staying in the hospital a couple extra nights. I came home with my drain tube in for 13 extra days. I got it out this last Monday. I went back to work today and did pretty well considering how extremely weak and tired I have been every day. Drying my hair takes forever because I have to stop several times to rest my arms. I am on the mend though. I fell like I have stalled the last few days on the weight loss. Yesterday I was really not able to eat anything because it made me feel sick. Today was a better day and that seems to help the scale move. I think our bodies go into shock and I know for me when I don't eat enough food I will not lose weight. I spent the first 10 days on clear liquids and then 10 more on pureed. I get to move to soft foods like fish, tuna, soft chicken, eggs etc. next Monday and I cannot wait. I am going to meet a couple girl friends tomorrow night and I think I might actually order some chicken brochettes (they are really soft and tasty) and chew them up really good. One last thing. I am still very badly bruised and really swollen. How long did everyone stay swollen and sore? I am also sore on the right side of my body which is weird to me because isn't the stomach on the left side? Anyway nice to meet you all and hope we all keep up with each other on this thread since we are all on the same time line.
  10. akwitham72


    I am 16 days post-op (surgery on Dec. 17). I am wondering how long everybody stayed swollen? I still am very bruised on my abdomen where the hole was for the instrument. Even though I had to bleeding complication (under All Things Dr. Ponce in the Mexico thread). I just still feel so swollen and sore. Today is the first day I mights actually get in an entire 33 oz. bottle of water and 60+ grams protein. It has been rough getting all of this in. Anyway, just curious as to when I won't feel so sore and swollen? Thanks!
  11. akwitham72

    My experience

    I got the drain tube out this afternoon. I am so happy to be free of that thing. I can now sleep in my bed and not the couch. It was still over 40ml so I am a bit worried about what happens to all the Fluid that isn't getting to drain out. I asked the doctor and he said oh if you start to bloat up they will just cut you open and stick it back in. NICE! Anyway I am feeling good and happy to be able to just focus on my diet and keeping up with my Protein and fluids. Thank you all again for the support you all ROCK.
  12. akwitham72

    My experience

    Hi everyone. I made it home last night at 7:00. I saw a doctor this morning and my blood stats have gone up just not well enough. I am still draining too much fluid so I still have the drain tube in. I go back in on Monday for more blood work. He really wants me to get some protein going and electrolyets. He gave me a prescrition for low potassium as well. I will come around it is just going to take some time. It is unjury chicken soup and vitamin water with clear protein powder in it for me. Will keep you updated. Angie

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