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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarahec

  1. sarahec

    Approved but now NOT SURE

    I have gone through every single reason on why I should have this surgery. What counts is they are MY reasons and no one elses! Whether its for the just the health portion of it..the looking great part is a bonus and vice versa!
  2. sarahec

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    January 7th..can't wait to get started on this journey
  3. sarahec

    Grrrr. This Part Is So Stressful!

    thanks! hoping you hear something soon!
  4. sarahec

    Grrrr. This Part Is So Stressful!

    Yeah! congratulations to you too!!
  5. sarahec

    Grrrr. This Part Is So Stressful!

    Sounds like a big mess..and I hope they can get things rolling forr you. Yesterday when I got home I had my approval letter in the mailbox. 8 days after my original submit. Too bad I had to reschedule til January. Keep strong and keep pushing. The insurance company would like nothing more than to blow you off so they don't have to pay! Good luck and keep us posted!
  6. sarahec

    Grrrr. This Part Is So Stressful!

    Sorry about the double post..my phone was freezing up
  7. sarahec

    Grrrr. This Part Is So Stressful!

    Yep I sent in a letter and pics! So I am glad to hear someone say that its an option! Also my surgeons office told me to start my pre op diet..kinda feel like they wouldn't tell me to do that unless they were fairly confident I would be approved. Lol I don't work for lowes..I work for a hospital..a hospital that wants to promote total good health of their employees. That's another story lol
  8. sarahec

    Grrrr. This Part Is So Stressful!

    originally it was submitted electronically and kicked back almost immediately which the surgeons staff warned me about that. So I wrote a letter explaining my meds and diet blah blah blah and sent pictures as well. So I'm glad to hear someone else say that its possible with that! Funny thing is the surgeons office emailed me and said go on the 2 week pre op diet. I kinda feel like they wouldn't tell me to do that if they were not confident it would be approved. But since this set me back in the timing dept ..I have to wait till January anyway. I work for a major hospital in north alabama.
  9. sarahec

    Grrrr. This Part Is So Stressful!

    Oh great I have bcbs of Alabama..keep me posted
  10. sarahec

    Grrrr. This Part Is So Stressful!

    I have bc bs of Alabama
  11. sarahec

    Grrrr. This Part Is So Stressful!

    Let me know how it goes..I'm kinda in the same boat. I have bcbs and in 2010 with the help of diet meds my bmi dropped to 38 with no comorbidities. This was for about 8 months then back up to above 40. Insurance denied me last week..submitted again with pictures and and a letter explaining everything so now I'm waiting again. I will be so upset if I'm denied..after all the money and time I have put in this. Good luck!
  12. sarahec

    So I Got Denied Today

    My denial was from in 2010 my bmi was less than 40 with no comorbidities..so we resubmitted with pictures of myself in 2010 and a letter explaining I was on diet meds..have bc.bs..anyone else been denied like this?
  13. sarahec

    So I Got Denied Today

    Good luck to you too! Guess maybe they do all this to stress us out and make us quit. Can't say I haven't thought about quitting..but its gonna have to take a little more than this hang up!
  14. sarahec

    So I Got Denied Today

    This is so frustrating I know..my surgeons office said they would be able to send to bc/bs electronically and we would have an answer with 4 days. Went to their office today to give the final paperwork to submit and the office staff tells me to get ready to be denied. In 2010 I lost 20lbs with the help of Adipex and that knocked my bmi down to 38 and I have no co-morbidities. As soon as I went off the adipex..SURPRISE I gained every bit of it back plus 15 and have held that ever since. That was 2 yrs ago. It will happen I am just gonna have to fight. My work just required that I use all my vacation time by the end of the year. I was hoping to use that time for recovery.
  15. sarahec

    Struggling With Pre-Op Diet

    I have to lose 15 to 20lbs pre op..is this a reasonable expectation for this pre op diet? It seems so much to lose especially since I have struggling for soooo long to even lose 5lbs.
  16. Sorry seen you meant kate lol
  17. Blue cross blue shield.
  18. My surgeons office said three days! I hope so!
  19. Thanks..good luck to you as well..if all goes well I will be having surgery in December too. How long did it take to get your insurance approval?
  20. My surgeon said I need to lose 15 lbs prior to surgery. My last appt with my primary for my 6 month diet is Nov 27th. I have lost a whole 2 lbs out of the 15. With my first visit with my surgeon I was a little over confident and told him I could easily drop 30lbs..which I always have but now I might be getting a reality check. My primary dr says it just shows that I really do need the surgery. I'm scared to see what my surgeon or my insurance is going to say. I gave up smoking..gave up snacking..cokes..I started exercising and for a fat girl that's a lot! Ugh..
  21. I am tentative for December. I have my last visit with my primary doctor on Nov 27th and then on to the approval process. Was originally a January 2013 sleever but the hospital I work for is requiring a mandatory use of vacation time by the end of the year.
  22. sarahec

    Failing This Pre-Op Thing.

    Don't feel bad..I had my 5th appointment with my primary dr today. I had gained a pound! So within 5 months..I have lost a whole 2 pounds. I have never paid attention to numbers I just always measured my weight loss or gain based on how I fit in my clothes. Now that I have to look at numbers its like I am obsessed. I weigh myself all the time and its stressing me out. I am trying not to worry and relax..for I am almost positive my surgeon wouldn't have took me on if he didn't think insurance will cover it. At least I hope so..I work for the hospital that he works in..so he knows this insurance. Good luck to you.
  23. sarahec

    How Do I Stay Positive?

    I'm due to have my surgery in December 2012. I'm on a emotional rollercoaster. One day I'm all brave and I can do this..the next day I'm scared to death. One day I want to tell everyone about having surgery and the next day I want everyone to mind their own business. I hope I can calm down somewhat in the future. I admit I am a person that likes to be prepared..it gives me control..and planning for surgery helps me some. Like researching my protein shakes and meals etc
  24. sarahec

    Afraid ..

    Well even 2 weeks isn't too bad! I thought it was 6 weeks! Which you are in school..I'm sure you wouldn't mind the longer break he he
  25. sarahec

    Afraid ..

    my surgery is set for December 2012. I am new to this support forum and I am nervous too. My doctor hasn't said anything about a liquid diet and all he has said is I need to lose 15-20lbs before surgery. Then again I won't see him again until I am done with my 6 family doctor visits which I have 2 more to go. I guess that will be a part of my pre-op visit. It doesn't sound like fun but I am determined to do what it takes. Also on average how long did some of you have to take off work? My doctor says he will have me back to work in a week. Just wondering...

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