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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Boofster

  1. Boofster


    I'm over 6 weeks out and lost 24 lbs. Husband is jealous. Never thought that would happen. Makes little comments about me staying after work to go to the gym, being friends with guys on Facebook, etc. He respects my new way of eating - that's not a problem at all, but the jealousy thing is a bit hard to take. And I think he's suddenly bothered by the money I'm spending on new clothes (I work in a very conservative, professional atmosphere and need to dress the part). He never ever says anything about money. And I'm not anywhere near goal yet. . .
  2. Today I wore pants that I haven't worn in YEARS (yes, I save everything). I tried them on a few weeks ago and they were a little tight...so I put them back in the closet thinking ok, I'll try them in a couple weeks. Well today I put them on and they were big...almost sloppy...I was amazed!! I wore them to work but they probably won't be worn again. Squeal!!
  3. Boofster

    Tell me your recent NSV!

    I love hearing all your stories!! Keep them coming!!
  4. Boofster

    First date

    And if the date sucks chalk it up to experience and if he's really weird then you will have some funny stories!!
  5. Boofster

    First date

    Shopping will definitely be fun - and you'll probably hit some sales too. Rock it!! Can't wait to hear details on that date. My friend went on a date once and the guy was a bit nerdy and drove an old beat up car. He was in grad school and didn't have a lot of $$. She was about to ditch him but we talked her into giving him a chance. Turns out he was sweet, kind, smart and got a fabulous job -- now she's married to him driving a BMW and living in a big house. They've been together almost 20 years.
  6. Boofster


    CONGRATS!! That is awesome. Thank GOD New Jersey doesn't have weight on ours!!
  7. Boofster

    First date

    OMG! Good luck, my friend! I will be thinking about you!
  8. First, you should be applauded for not smacking her very hard. Even though they are in the medical profession, not everything they say is bible. I would find your zen place, take it in stride, and keep doing what you are doing. On what other "diet" or "program" have you lost 22 lbs in less than a month?? You are doing great. Don't lose sight of the big picture just because of one person's comments. You ROCK ON.
  9. Boofster

    Husband jealous

    Oops, hit "enter" too soon. Anyway, I know it's kind of off-topic but is anyone else experiencing a bit of jealousy from the hubby? I'm 6 weeks out, down 24 lbs, and I'm getting a bit of a jealous overtone lately...comments about being friends with guys on Facebook, staying late at work to go to gym...one thing I did NOT expect as a side-effect of losing weight and getting healthier was to have to reassure my husband. Like I don't have enough to think about!
  10. Boofster

    HELP! Not related to VST!

    ha ha Firebelle, here too!!
  11. Woo hoo!! You go girl. Keep us posted. And I just love the shoe bootie, and even better that they were on SALE!!
  12. And remember what "they" say...dress not for the job you have, but dress for the job you want to have! Good luck!!
  13. Good luck! And first of all congratulations are in order on that weight loss!! What about Avenue, Dress Barn Woman, Catherine's etc.? Also, Marshall's and TJ Maxx....Are any of those stand-alone stores near you? They're probably having great sales now too. Just a thought... I know I am just giving my unsolicited opinion, but as someone who worked in HR, I would probably not mention weight loss or having a cold (unless the cold is really evident). Just my 2 cents. Keep it uber professional. Also, I would douse my hand in sanitizer up until the very last minute and go for that handshake!! I agree a strong handshake totally shows confidence - I hate the half-dead fish handshake too. You will rock it!!
  14. Boofster

    Pardon my bluntness...

    She's responding to Amazon 13's post.
  15. Boofster

    Pardon my bluntness...

    Wow, pretty incendiary post. I've sometimes wanted to post that I was hungry or that I couldn't take another day of _____. Glad I didn't. Pretty harsh crowd.
  16. Boofster

    Pardon my bluntness...

    If you're here, chances are you are well aware that weight issues make for a lifelong battle. First, you should know that doctors' post-surgical programs and advice varies greatly - some people are eating different things sooner than others. So there are always questions. Also, as I'm sure you can imagine, there is a little bit of a food funeral that goes on after surgery - I know all too well because I had my surgery a few days before Thanksgiving and prepared a feast for my family right after while being on liquids. It was hard, and I was drooling most of the time, but I got through it. And yes, it's very easy to be tempted, especially if you've been eating one type of thing (liquids, mushies) for a very long time. I could go on and on for reasons, but Strangefruit is right - this is a support group and people vent or write when they have questions or are having a hard time. While it is always best to follow your doctor's advice to the letter, life and temptations and such get in the way. Perhaps it takes a little walking in our shoes to understand where people are coming from, you know? And if you are never tempted, or have a question about what to eat, more power to you.
  17. So I'm almost 5 weeks out and have lost 20 lbs. While trying on a smaller-sized skirt today (it fit) I found that I now have...gasp...muffin tops! - a result of the butt (and legs) getting smaller but the waist/middle/belly still thick. Sigh... Now I need to start wearing a shaper and start doing "whittle my waist" exercises... goodbye 20 lbs, hello Spandex!!
  18. Boofster

    November 19Th- Officially

    Hey Sel! The docs went fine but he thought I'd be down a few more lbs by now (down 20 by my scale)...oh well. He said to keep plugging away making sure to get my liquids, protein and vitamins. Anyway, I feel great and am buying smaller clothes. Hope you are doing well and that your stall is no more! Have a great Christmas if that's what you're celebrating!!
  19. Boofster

    8days post op and feeling 100%

    Glad you are recovering so well. I had an easy recovery too, but a bit of a word of warning - easy does it! I was feeling awesome about a week out until I overdid it one day with shopping, decorating, baking, etc. and woke up with stomach pain at 3:00 in the a.m....thought I had a leak and was freaking out. I realized that I just did too much that day and needed to give myself a break, so the next day was bedrest and I was feeling better. Just don't want you do too much too soon.
  20. Boofster

    Why Lie?!?!

    mme5, thanks for the laugh!! "Are you going to stick with it?" - DUH.... it just makes you want to smack someone very hard. I would have shot something back like, "I think so, 'cuz your husband said he likes me skinny."
  21. Boofster

    Why Lie?!?!

    I'll omit, deceive, and straight out lie or whatever you want to call it about this very personal, private health matter, especially if I think that people's reactions are going to be negative, unsupportive, cause me stress, or make people have a watchful eye on me. One million percent. Why don't people broadcast that they're doing IVF, or had plastic surgery, or are having a controversial, experimental treatment for cancer in Germany, or that their pelvic organs are falling out through their hoo hoo and they're having them removed or slinged back up? Because it's private and confidential. The very reasons that HIPAA laws were enacted. The very thing that bars you from calling up an insurance company or doctor and ask about your boss, your neighbor, your friend of a friend down the road. We live in a nation of people that broadcasts everything - to their friends, on Facebook, on reality shows, around the water cooler, etc. etc. I choose not to tell certain people and I stand behind that decision. Let them guess and talk all they want. Now that gives me a giggle.
  22. Boofster

    November 19Th- Officially

    Hey Sel - Stall here too. Been the same weight (within one pound) for over a week, although I am down in inches. I went to the gym on Monday and will try to go today. Have a follow up with doc today - we'll see what he says about stalls (if anything). Just gotta press on, I guess! Hope you get Aunt Flo soon!!
  23. Boofster

    Why Lie?!?!

    Oh, but when in public (mostly shopping), I do want to wrangle every obese female I see and sing it from the mountaintops about how I am so glad that I did this and how good I feel, etc. I have to fight the urge and distract myself with pretty shiny things (or shoes).
  24. Boofster

    Why Lie?!?!

    I didn't tell very many people and I'm so glad I didn't (family and close friends know, but only 2 people at work not in my department, and one had WLS twice). Family is very supportive. As for friends -- good friends -- that is a bit of a different story. I think a few of my friends are having a hard time with it - with some I didn't get the positive responses I expected. Jealousy or envy? Possibly. Maybe a bit of judgment too. Whatever the case, I'm good with it - I'm off all meds, down almost 20 lbs in one month, and have never felt better or had more energy. How could you not be happy for a friend going in such a positive direction? What can you. Onward!!

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