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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sweetiebell33

  1. Hi Everyone,I am new to this so please forgive me if I am long winded ,lol.. My name is Daniella and I am over weight by ALOT,its been very hard to loose it and keep it off,I just lost 48 pounds over the winter and I put it all back on ,plus some. I have decide to get help,I can see that I just cant do it myself,I am a binge eater, I have always kept it to myself,I get up after hubby goes to bed and eat,I and eat. I have depression,I am also Bi-Polar 2,I cant fix my mental state but being over weight, tired ,you can fix that..I dont sleep,I am up 2 to 3 days at a time,being over wight has cause my health to go down hill. I am now having problems with my knees from my weight,I am short also 4"11 ,yes I am tall,lol (JK) . SO I have decided to take my first step,I called my local bariactric hospital and set and appointment, I am set to go in November 2 for a consultation and a video.. I am excited but kinda nervous . I just wanna be healthy and learn to control my weight and ,I wanna like myself.. I wanna be able to look at me from the floor up not from the neck up. I ask myself,is this me,what did I do to myself? I wanna look at me and say YES this is me,I am now healthy and this is what I should be. I hope I am able to get the help i need to have a new look on life. This is my start of my journey , I would love to know what kind of steps that are needed to be taken before the surgery is done,any special diets? Thank you ahead of time.
  2. sweetiebell33

    Hi All,i Am New And This My First Post.

    My cousin had the gastric bypass done and she had to have the skin removed..I will keep in touch with you,I cant thank you enough for responding to my post
  3. sweetiebell33

    Hi All,i Am New And This My First Post.

    Thank you very much,I am excited for energy thats the right weight for our 4 ft 11" ,Thats what I use to weigh,I miss them days..lol.. Thank you again!
  4. sweetiebell33

    Hi All,i Am New And This My First Post.

    Thank you all for leaving me comments I am looking forward to my appointment...My mother also is diabetic ,I know if I dont get this now,I will get bigger..I know its alot if hard work but I need to feel better about ME,my depression is very bad,I dont like looking at me...I have worked hard to loose 48 pounds BUT I put it all back on..I felt so good when I lost that weight..I cant fight the fat anymore,the sad feeling and the I dont fit in and the I am not healthy..I have grandson and would love be healthy and make sure I am here to see him grow up,if I keep letting this go,I will be over weight by more and whos to say what else..I am glad I am I have decide to do this,I am excited but scared at the same time..lol..thank you all!!
  5. sweetiebell33

    Hi All,i Am New And This My First Post.

    My BMI is 38.6, indicating my weight is in the Obesity range I am very short so I have some health issues that go along with it,I have high blood pressure and my cholesterol and now my knees are starting to give me problems.. i.I go from 190 to 220 ,I go back and forth..I just know that now is the time to get this done before it gets worse.I know 190 may not sound like alot but in a small body frame it is..I cant go back and forth with my weight any more so I have decide ,time to nip it in the bud,lol....I should weigh 115 and my height is 4 ft 11" yup,I am short..lol..Thank you and I am sure I will have alot more questions..I go nov.2nd for my first appointment.. so I am kinda nervous.. Thanks for the replies!
  6. sweetiebell33


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