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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About twindad

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  1. twindad


    hang in there.... i am sure he has a great office staff and they will get it through!
  2. twindad

    Muscle gaining question - help!

    Hello, I would recommend a whey Isolate. As you know the creatine will help retain Water and repair your muscles – both great things – I would suggest cycling the creatine every 3 months (you may see weight loss by doing this). Work on hitting ½ weight in grams of Protein. My work out routine is as flowed: Day 1: 15 / 20 Min treadmill walk and run in 3 min spurts Chest (incline, decline, flat and dumb bell press) Day 2: 20/40 Min treadmill walk and run in 3 min spurts (I cannot complete the running at this point, soon) Day3: 15 / 20 Min treadmill walk and run in 3 min spurts Arms Forearm, bi and Tri Day 4: 20/40 Min treadmill walk and run in 3 min spurts (I cannot complete the running at this point, soon) Day 5: 15 / 20 Min treadmill walk and run in 3 min spurts Back Day 6: 20/40 Min treadmill walk and run in 3 min spurts (I cannot complete the running at this point, soon) Day 7: 15 / 20 Min treadmill walk and run in 3 min spurts Shoulders Mix a press and free weights Day 8: 20/40 Min treadmill walk and run in 3 min spurts (I cannot complete the running at this point, soon) Start over, I do from time to time take one day off. I was working out at night time and now set the alarm for 5:30…… getting use to it. Also, I use a powertech multi station, love it bit mix in other exercises with dumbbells, weighted bar and hit the floor.
  3. I remember the day like it was yesterday, you will do great. Follow the liquid meal plan as suggested, the weight will come off quicker than you can imagine. When it starts to go you will have the strength to work to the next stage, thoughts and prayers with you.
  4. Welcome to all, what a journey. I commend you ability to get out there before the big day, I found that wanted to document my process but was afraid that it want going to get the results that I wanted…. It did and continues to, bets choice I ever made (this and not drinking / partying anymore).
  5. Well, I am 11 months out – what a journey. My starting weight was 305, I am now 97 LBS. I find myself stuck, so… I wanted to see what others are eating. 7am: Two egg white, sprinkle of low fat mozzarella cheese 8am: Cup of black coffee, I have cut out the sugar, spender and milk 9am: 8oz of chocolate whey Isolate Protein and another cup of coffee 11am 6 to 7 oz of the following: Tuna and Cracker Refried Beans, low fat mozzarella HOT Sauce chicken and Brown rice Low Fat Cottage Cheese, with green olives and garlic 5pm: Hand full of heart healthy wheat thins or Cookies 8pm: Turkey meat loaf 6 to 7 oz Grilled Chicken and rice 6 to 7 oz Pasta and Sausage 6 to 7 oz Buba burger with salad 6 to 7oz 9:30pm: This is not every night but I love ice cream now, my pallet has complete changes through this process. I was a loaf of bread and mayo guy and I am moving away from that completely I do not drink 30 min before or after a meal, I do time to time have to take a sip of Water (no carbonated drinks for over a year).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
