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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms.AntiBand

  1. Ms.AntiBand


    I think the basic reason is because most people don't or won't drink it black as in calorie free. Most load it up with useless sweetners and full calorie dairy items. I drank/drink it blk with stevia drops or torani sf syrups. Follow your drs orders though
  2. Ms.AntiBand

    Post-Op Wet Dreams...

    Unknownst to most people slurpees have carbonation in them.. Icees too! Just saying... Not starting a big issue
  3. Ms.AntiBand

    Honestly, how much do you vomit?

    OMgosh.. Yes! My family is soooo relieved that I no longer puke. They were so tired of it and beyond worried about it. Of course, they had good reason. I was slowly dying of malnutrition. I was at a point that even a bite would send me to the nearest restroom.. Or worse yet, I was a pro at puking in a plastic cup and no one even knew it. So thankful those days are long gone and I'm healthy again. You will love your sleeve
  4. Ms.AntiBand

    Honestly, how much do you vomit?

    Never! If you vomit with the sleeve you are doing something wrong. I had the band for many years and vomited several times a day. Never have I done that with the sleeve. If you over eat, eat to quickly, eat the wrong foods etc then yes, you may vomit. But you have to know what you can and can no longer due with your new eating lifestyle. You are the boss.. But only if you are knowledgable. Having the sleeve is NOTHING like being banded. THANK GOD!
  5. Ms.AntiBand

    Three Year Update

    BEAUTIFUL! And the baby is too!
  6. Ms.AntiBand

    Hair loss.

    Pretty much. Sorry, but there are a lot of us who have religiously taken our vitamins, gotten oour proteins, water and biotin etc... And everything else and still lost our hairs. Not all of it.. Just a lot of strands at brush time. It's livable.
  7. Ms.AntiBand

    Sugar Substitute?

    Artificial sugar substitutes are not very healthy for you. I would stick with stevia, xylitol, honey or the like. Natural over artificial.. Always
  8. Ms.AntiBand

    Vacation 7 weeks past surgery, can you help?

    To me.. Mushy means anything you can mush. Which means a lot of foods out there are mushable. If you can smash it with a fork.. It's mushy ;D
  9. Ms.AntiBand

    Do Not Take PPIs if at all Possible

    I agree! Drs are so fast at dishing out drugs for reasons unknown.. Except that the drug companies encourage them to do so. My surgeon doesn't put his patients on any PPI and I'm glad. I've had some reflux and luckily Zantac or tums are working for me. America is so over medicated ... It's scary
  10. Ms.AntiBand


    Talk to the Cordinator.. It's her fault so she should handle the appeal.
  11. Ms.AntiBand

    You cant be serious!

    Are you really Mrs P/S America? Awesome.. that's quite an accomplishment! Congrats to you.. You're beautiful! Well.. We all are, but you got a tiara of proof
  12. Ms.AntiBand

    You cant be serious!

    At 300 calories your body is in starvation mode and has stopped any weight loss because it has to have something to survive on. At this rate you're becoming unhealthy. Trust me.. I've been there. I have very little appetite most of the time, but it's important that I make myself eat. Your health is the most important thing.. Way more than your weight. The weight will come off once you get back into a healthier eating routine.
  13. Ms.AntiBand

    Geez - Like I DIDN"T already know that ?

    Ain't that the truth! I love it when people say, all you have to do is stop eating and you'll lose weight. Well.. DUH?
  14. I didn't get sleeved so that I had to diet all over again the rest of my life. BUT.. I did realize I had to change my diet for the better. The sleeve has helped me accomplish this and I eat regular food.. But it's healthier food than my past "regular" foods. I still haven't got my appetite back, but that's a blessing, in my opinion.
  15. Everything I owned was left unattended in hospital and safe. Same with hotel. Although, I admit I was hoping someone would steal my laptop so I would have an excuse to buy a new one
  16. Ms.AntiBand


    Joseph.. Did you have your surgery in Mexico?
  17. Awesome! So encouraging and thanks for taking the time to share with us
  18. Ms.AntiBand


    Did you search for complications under the Mexico forum? There are some complications due to the particular patients health. Leaks are rare.. But best answers are in a search
  19. It's great when you can be helped personally, but sometimes not everyone sees a specific post and it slides by. That being said, yes, there maybe cliques and even some of the so called groups you mentioned are cliques in my view. But what they hey... It all works out
  20. Ms.AntiBand

    Things that make you go hmmmmmm

    I remember my friend in college (years ago) took HCG shots and the hormone were from a flippin' monkey in those days... And btw, she lost weight lol, but by golly they were "natural"!
  21. We're you not out for the endoscopy? I was totally out and didn't even know they did it. Not sure what the dr has planned for your next test, but seems to me you may want to question why all the extra testing and concern. Make sure there's a legit reason for it and all. Drs like to milk the system and it's a waste of insurance and your time.
  22. Ms.AntiBand

    Things that make you go hmmmmmm

    Hey .. Some actually like the taste of diet over regular
  23. Ms.AntiBand

    Things that make you go hmmmmmm

    I know! It's like my naturopathic dr does the HCG shots... Wonder why that's so natural? just because it's natural doesn't mean it's good or the right way to do things.
  24. Ms.AntiBand

    sooo scared! please help!

    He's done many resleeves? All his own patients? I'm confused I guess :/
  25. Ms.AntiBand

    sooo scared! please help!

    If I remember right you said you were one of your surgeons first sleeve patients.. And it was not done correctly... And now you're going to be his first resleeving patient? Maybe you should go to some one who has performed a resleeve?

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