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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FutureSlimMe

  1. FutureSlimMe

    Hey Houston Bandsters

    Hey Houston Bansters.... I live in the north area near Spring (I$% and 1960 area) and was just curious if there any bandsters in this area?
  2. FutureSlimMe

    Throwng up at night

    Kashia....I am in the process of having more tests run. I go for an upper GI later this week to check for erosion and slipping. This is the most horrible health problem I've ever had. I wake up 10-12 times a night spitting up acid and regergitated food. My gastro doctor thinks it's the band giving me the problems, but I too have a hiatal hernia so we we continue with testing until I figure out what is causing this horrible problem. I am miserable and would rather be fat than to experience this without a doubt.
  3. FutureSlimMe

    Throwng up at night

    I say RUN, don't walkto get an endoscopy. I just had one today and I now have Barretts Esophagus which can lead to cancer. I have been miserable coughing and heavy spitting up in my sleep. I am now on 3 new mids. My stomach was not empting right either so I am on a new med for this. I am miserable and want this band removed. I never had problems with reflux and I blame all my health problems on this band. It's just not worth it to maybe get cancer or any serious health problem just to be thin. Everyone....THIS IS YOUR WARNING...it could happen to you too!
  4. FutureSlimMe

    Esophogeal Danger for Bandsters

    Hi, I was just diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus today after my endoscopy. My band doctor (Dr Spivak in Houston) told me that the band would help and relieve acid reflux, what a joke. I have been miserable for a long time and have not had a fill in about 9 months because I knew it would only make it worse. I saw Spivak several moths ago and he just said to incrase my Previcid to two a day and I should be fine. Why didn't he suggest a endoscopy then? They never tell you uall the stuff that can happen to you after the band. I also got a hiatial hernia and also have food remaining in my proximal (which I don't even knkow what that is but am assuming it is my stomach) I was given a medication to help with stomach emptying. Because of all these conditions I am now on3 new meds and take them all except one with each meal. It's hard to remember to do that, much less an hour before the meal. I am very disappinted in this band and really would like to have it taken out. It's not worth cancer or anything just to be thin.The meds are expensive and no one likes to be taking a bunch more medications. None of the meds really helped at all but just got the one that will help in empting my stommach today so don't know if it will help or not but I am not optimistic at all. I choke and gag all night long and sometimes think I may choke to death. This has been going on for about 9 months and I am at my wits end, not to mention the toll it has taken on my job because I am not getting a full nights sleep. I've had such little sleep that I am sleeping through 2 alarms and have had about 7 tardies in the pat two weeks. (For the previous 2 years I only had 1 per year which was a pretty good record) Now my record is horrible at work and I am single and really need this job bad. Golly, this is depressing me just writing about it so I think I will stop. Any replys would be nice, Thanks for listening.
  5. I'd love to come any date. I've never met any bandsters yet and have had my band for over a year. Please keep me posted. Thanks!
  6. Can someone please recap what the final decision is for the May get togeter? Date, time, etc. I'd like to attend.
  7. FutureSlimMe

    Yummy meal replacement

    I haven't seem them around. Where do you buy them?
  8. FutureSlimMe

    United Health Care

    HI, UHC paid for my suergery and approved me within 2 weeks. Dr Spivak was my doctor. He's a good doctor. If you have any other quetions don't hesitate to contact me. Good Luck!
  9. FutureSlimMe

    MSA Visa/MasterCard

    I was considering saving some money in my flexible spending accout for future plastic surgery to remove excess skin, however I called them and they say I can not use it on plastic surgery. I was really disappointed. I don't know if spending spending accounts differ but perhaps they do. I t would seem any medical expense would qualify, but they say no. Does anyone else have more information onthis issue?
  10. FutureSlimMe

    Labor Day Weightloss Challenge

    Paula, Thanks for the info. Where so we post our weight on Mondays? How will we know the site that Jonathon willpost this one? Thanks again!
  11. FutureSlimMe

    Picture Page

    Here is a picture of me. I am afraid it may be giant and I don't have a clue how to attach it or make it smaller. Thanks!
  12. FutureSlimMe

    Please rate...

    UNJURY is the best by far. You can order individual ones on their website for taste. It's great! www.unjury.com
  13. FutureSlimMe

    Labor Day Weightloss Challenge

    OK, I'll try this challenge for the first time. Do we have to input our weight somewhere or how does one do this? Just let me know please. I've been slacking off and need to get serious. I'm tired of allthis exta fat on me. Hey group, LET'S GET WITH IT!
  14. FutureSlimMe

    steri-strips question?????

    I took mine off the next day after surgery. No one advised me what to do and they looked nasty and a bit bloody so I got rid of them right away so that I could feel more sterile. It did not seem to matter. I was a wimp too, and didn't feel well for about 10 days. Don't worry abot it. Everyone is different. We can be wimps if we want to! Good luck on your weight loss goal.
  15. FutureSlimMe

    Need Tasty Liquid Protein

    Can you explain why the dietician wants you to have the same amount of protein as carbs?
  16. FutureSlimMe

    Rockin and a Rollin

    Hi Mark! Welcome! Do you ever play in Houston?
  17. Hi Gang, I got my 2nd fill of 1.8cc a few days ago under floro. The doctor actually filled me with 2cc and I drank the barium and it showed the barium would not go through the band. She took out .1 and I was still blocked. After another decrease of .1 the barium flowed through. The band holds 4 cc's so how can 2 ccs fill up an 4cc band? I don't understand that. Can someone give me their opinion on this? Cound this mean the band was put on tight to begin with?(even though it was empty?) Thanks!
  18. Catfanlover....Please tell us your SYMPTOMS and how this was discovered so we can all be on the lookout for this problem. I feel your sadness and I am so sorry.
  19. FutureSlimMe

    Where's your port?

    Mine is dead center right 2-3 inches below bra line. It seems to be a good spot for me. No chance of ever seeing cleavage that far down.
  20. FutureSlimMe

    How Can This Be?? My Fill only holds 2cc?

    Letha.....Great article and picture. I printed it out to share with others. Thanks so much!!
  21. Hi, I wouold love to get the information to go myself. Can you give me his name, address and phone number? What city did you fly from? Did someone meet you atthe airport and pick you up? What is the name of the hospital? Thanks for all the infomation. How long did you have bruises around the eyes and how long before the stitches were taken out?
  22. FutureSlimMe

    How Can This Be?? My Fill only holds 2cc?

    Thanks Alex...It makes more sense now!
  23. Appetizer Eggplant Dip (Baba Ghanoush) Yield: three cups Ingredients: 1 eacheggplant, large, peeled, cut in 1/2-inch slabs1/4 c.olive oil, virgin1 Tbsp.garlic, fresh, chopped fine1 tsp.garlic, fresh chopped fine1/2 c.yogurt, low-fat1 1/2 tsp.salt3 Tbsp.tahini paste1/4 c.fresh lemon juice2 tsp.ground black pepper Procedure: Coat the eggplant pieces with the garlic and oil. Grill over high heat until the eggplant is charred on the outside and soft in the center. Cool completely. Purée the remaining ingredients with the eggplant and refrigerate until ready to use.
  24. FutureSlimMe

    How Can This Be?? My Fill only holds 2cc?

    Kathy, Thanks for your input. I'm hopeing to hear from others to get their opinion of this. Good Luck on your future banding. It's great. You will love it!, But not until some healing takes place. Follow your doctor's instructions and you will be just fine. Let us all know how things work out for you!
  25. FutureSlimMe

    Taking pills with milk

    Some people take whole pills and some don't. My doctor explained that it is safer to cut all of them up whether they get stuck or not becuase he says in a large tummy there is lots of room and acid and secretions to disolve them, but in our smaller pouch it is safer to cut them up so no drug has a chance to do bad things to the small pouch lining. Other patients of this doctor say he told them small pills are OK to take whole. I think he probably changed his position on this after time, I am guessing. I guess I just like being exta safe like he suggested.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
