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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FutureSlimMe

  1. FutureSlimMe

    Texas get together

    Hey, l am intersted in a Texas get together too. I have not met anyone. I think there are quite a few of us in Houston. There was a get together in Galveston a few months ago but I could not make it then. Why don't we try and organize this somehow. Does anyone have any suggeestions that is here in Hoouston. Let's Do it! Who all is iterested?
  2. FutureSlimMe

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    Congrats on your future band. You are going to love it! It will all be so well worth it. It really does change your life. Keep reading and ask all the questions you have now. Prepare your icebox and pantry for the liquid diet and write down the foods that appeal to you for the mushie stage. Refried beans are great for mushies and loaded with protein. You will be a bit sore after surgery but it goes away pretty fast. Good luck and keep us posted after surgery.
  3. FutureSlimMe

    Real Meals, Whey Protein, a problem..

    My old stand-by is skim milk, bananna, vanilla and Unjury protein powder. Go to Unjury.com. It's the best protein powder on the market and comes in chocolate, vanilla and unflavored. There is 20 grams of protein in each scoop. You can put the unflavored on anything and can just barely tell it is on it. 60gms of protein is the daily requirement, I believe.
  4. OK, Gang...I am taking a poll. How mcuh was your first fill? Mine was 1.5 in a 10 cc band. My doc said that was not a small fill.Got a question too. Is 10 cc the amount of fluid it hold or the size of the band. I was shocked when I asked how large my band was and he pulled one out of a drawer and it was about the size of a 50 cent piece.
  5. I was approved today and I am so very excited about this! United Health Care PPO s great! I got my approval in 16 days. I found out after 10 days you can ask for an "Expidite" and then you will have an answer in 7 days. Words can not express my eagerness to begin my new life. My surgery date is Dec 17. I am looking forward to meeting some Houston Bandsters in person before long. I hated to miss the Galveston get together. I've heard nothing but good things about Dr. Spivak and he certaining is a nice person, along with his whole office crew, from what I have encountered so far.
  6. Welcome Angela,.....that is what I named my daughter. Your fast loss is tremendous! I've only lost 15 and I've been banded for 5 weeks. Keep up the good wor. Welcame to Bandster land.
  7. I always knew I liked sweets a lot, but know I am realizing that I may be a sugar addict.....BUMMER....Not having sugar is the very most difficult aspect of this whole trip for me. I have a very stressful job which consissts of 95% complaints all day with nasty and pissed off people......(Anyone know any companies hiring in Houston? I DESPISE this job. I've only been there for 6 months and have been looking for another job for 3 months)...I am finding I am running to the candy machine when I get stressed or bored at work. I try not to have things at home so there so I don't deal with the craving much at home, just when I am at work with all the many candy machines. My new trick is to leave my wallet in the car so I don't have any money to buy any. That seems to be working pretty good for me. I am eating more now that I am feeling better, so I have gained 3 of the 11 pounds I lost. I go see my doctor on the 20th and sure hope I can get a fill. Any other Dr. Spivak patients get a fill that early? Please let me know. I am doing great so I don't see any readon why I should not get one. What is the usual time for a fill after surgery gang?
  8. FutureSlimMe

    I Think I am Addicted to Sugar

    Pat, Where do you get the zone bars?
  9. FutureSlimMe

    I should have asked sooner...

    Big boobs are a bummer. I am checking out a reduction right now. I've got Aetna and I tried with them in 1997 and 2000 and got turned down both times. Their answer was loose weight...Well, my answer is I am loosing weight and this time I will even lie about what I weigh. My shoulders feel like they are holding up 2 watermelons and I am in pain 23/7 and have been for years. My doc said to get it done now and he will through in a lift. They surely won't do it when I am thin.
  10. FutureSlimMe

    I should have asked sooner...

    Greg, Your weight is falling off even from the last time I talked to you. What is your secret? And what is an average day of eating for you? Give me an example, please! Thanks
  11. FutureSlimMe

    Band Sizes

    My doctor put a 10 cc band on me. Do others have different sizes? I am not drinking after meals but am trying to figure out why you are no soposed to. Please tell me. Thanks!
  12. UHC PPO paid for my lapband but it ends 12-31-04. I will have Aetna from then on. It's a MC (Managerd Care) policy. I called once and was told fills would be paid for but I have received so much WRONG information when I call asking questions, I would't be surprised if they don't. Does anyone know about Aetna MC?
  13. FutureSlimMe

    Here Goes! (1.5.05)

    Keep us posted on your outcome!
  14. FutureSlimMe

    Car accident

    Theresa, I nkow it is a bummer but at least you are ok. That is the main concern. It could of been a lot worse. Take care!
  15. FutureSlimMe

    I am a BANDSTER NOW!

    Hi Everyone, I had my surgery 12-17 and am now a BANSTER!! The whole surgery was more painful than I thought it would be. I did get up and walk at the hospital but not as much as I really could have. I just did not feel like it. It felt better to order pain releivers and lay it bed! Ha! I am exercising more now. All my incisions are OK, except my port incision is really sore. I am sure that it doesn't help much but I forget about it and seem to bump it often. It has a reddish circle around it, but I don't think it is infected. Did anyone else experience the red circle around your port incision? I'd really like to hear about this from several people. When I got home I took off the large band aid and there was tape on the incision holding it together. I felt compelled to take it off as it soaked in old dried blood. The incision did spread apart a little bit and this could be the reason for the red area around it, but that old dried blood looked so nasty and non clean I felt it was important to take it off. My lower back was killing me after surgery and it was not even bothering me prior to surgery. One of the surgery aides in the operating room told me that the operating table had a food rest on it and theat during surgery they stand you up at a 45 degree angle. I don't know if that could of caused it or not. Did anyone else have a hurting lower back afterwards? I was surprised when my doctor told me to make an appoint for a month away. Is that the length of time form other doctors? THE GOOD NEWS....I have lost 11 lbs. since surgery. I guess I am one of the lucky ones as I feel a great restriction and get full so easily. I can't imagine what a fill will feel like. Looking forward to hearing all feedback! Phyllis
  16. YOU Look GREAT!!!! Keep up the good work!
  17. Hey Gang.... I need to delete a screen name/ Can someone tell me how to do it? Thanks!
  18. I am getting more and more excited each day as I will be banded on Friday. I can't wait and feel like a kid waiting for Christmas!
  19. I want to fully understand why we have to take liquid meds or crush our pills or open capsules. Can someone please explain this to me? My pharmacist told me that with 2 of my meds I cannot do that with so I am having to be changed to a different medication. My old meds worked so well for me.
  20. FutureSlimMe

    Please Explain why no pills

    Hi Marie! Spivak told me I would have to crush pills and open capsules, and I said. OK, however I just jumped to my next question and did not ask why. He looked at my list of meds. He did not say spefically that this would be for a short time or long time but the way he said it made me assume it would be long term. I will definately check with him before surgery, becasue I've got to have these meds ready for me when I get home. The problem with that is that I have gone through a lot finding blood pressure (tried about 8) before I came up with 3 that really work good and other meds that really seem to work for me. I talked with my pharmacist in depth and some I can not crush or empty the capsules. She took a lot of time looking all this up and even called one manucturer. They can compound 1 or two, but I take 3 high blood pressure pills plus generic lasix, nexium and several others. I was surprised about one of my blood pressure meds called Hytrin, which looks like a red pill. Come to find it is filled with a blood pressure "oil" and not safe to open up becase it wouold drop the blood pressure too fast. My potassium pill will disolve in Water which is convenient. Geez, so much to learn. I am going to prepare a list so I can bombard Spivak with all my question! Thanks to all who game me some feedback on this, as I really appreciate it.
  21. FutureSlimMe

    What do you want Santa to bring you?

    I'm getting banded and that's a wonder gift for me!!!! Life is pretty good now, and I will be a Grandma for the 2nd time, in about 6 weeks, so I am thrilled about that. Now, if I could just find a good looking man that would treat me great I'd be really happy, although I don't feel I need a man to be happy. I do feel stongly that after the weight comes off it will definately be a bit easier to attract them. After all, I don't really find "FAT" men apealing myself so I can understand why men prefer a more proportionate healthy woman. I've been divorced for 6 years and had 4 dates the first year. They all wanted sex the first date and so I just decieded I didn't want a relationship like that so I've just stayed at home to "hybernate." I do miss male companionship. I do miss the sex but for me, it's just got to be attached to "A GREAT FONDNESS over time or love. Are there any men left like that? I am beginning to think all the good ones are either taken or dead.....LOL....Hello, Mr. Wonderful, where are you? I am waiting!
  22. FutureSlimMe

    iI'm Approved by UHC Ob BOY!!

    Thanks Letha! I have been reading for months and have spent a great deal of time studying but am finding that one continues to learn more each month, no matter how many months one reads. There sure is a lot to learn. I've been stoking up with "mushies" and preparing ahead of time. From what I gather, that is a diffiicult period to deal with until I can eat a wider variety of food. I keep telling myself the pounds will melt away then so hoping that will make it all worth it.
  23. FutureSlimMe

    iI'm Approved by UHC Ob BOY!!

    Yes, I did first register under another name but can't figure out how do delete it. I already asked for help with this earlier but no response. Can you help me?
  24. FutureSlimMe

    iI'm Approved by UHC Ob BOY!!

    Gunn4ya... Do you have a PPO with UHC? Have you called the precertification departement and asked for an expidite? If not, do so as soon as possible. Have they spoken to you about this since you applied? I sure understood it to be 30 days at the most, provided all was furnished that they needed. Waiting even the 16 days was difficult for me after I made up my mind, so I can really feel for others who wait and wait and wait. Waiting sucks!
  25. FutureSlimMe

    iI'm Approved by UHC Ob BOY!!

    Hi Marie, We were able to work things out. We will have to talk personally some time after I'm banded. OK?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
