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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Savedbyamazinggrace

  1. Its on the warning literature from both of my doctors (dr HoDAD) and Virginia Mason, I cant find the study but it's from a study in switzerland if I remember right (I read it but cant find it now) where this procedure is more common. Rates for those with higher bmi and comorbidities are higher.

    Yes my case was worse because of neglect, but death is a factor in all leak repairs. Repairs are difficult and often take more than one try and can result in the loss of your stomach all together, loss of your lower limbs, and of course the ultimate negative.

    Death is a factor in ALL surgeries and truthfully in each moment of our lives. We will never live a happy and full life full of fear . We all are aware of the dangers and have been informed .

  2. Oh, I have lost my sense of smell and so I'm hoping that I might possibly smell something again LOL! Woo Hoo that would be awesome ! I hope I get to smell a Christmas tree and a baby slathered in that pink baby magic lotion LOL! These are my two favorite smells....Its been 15 years since it disappeared : ( i hear tell, part of my problem with gaining weight...My sense of taste has greatly diminished as well ...

  3. I think you have a bit of depression and I've been told it comes with the surgery. I'm sure this will improve for you. : ) Try and focus on the positive. I suggest making a list of the good things and reading over them during these tough times. I'm excitd you feel so well, this encourages me ! I've yet to have my surgery. You will be fine and soon I imagine !

  4. Welcome Yael ! So very glad to have you ! Keep us updated on our progress.

    I have my next appt on the 17th of this month ( next week ) and am anxious to speak with my doctor. i was scheduled for the band but called and told them i wanted the sleeve instead. I hope to hear about my approval from my insurance on this new procedure. I already had my approval for the band. Woo Hoo ...exciting days ahead !

  5. I think your case was so much worse because of neglect. If your Dr. would have listened to you or you had went on to someone else when he did not , things would have decreased in severity. Leaks are serious we all agree. I think we can all learn from your experience. If we have a concern and are not heard,take on to someone who will listen. We are responsible for ourselves too ,not just our doctors. I am curious as to where the 1 in 400 came from . Can you post the web site that you are referencing ?

    Thanks !

  6. For myself, i look at why I'm on this forum in the first place. Faliure at dieting is why I'm here. Things will never change for me unless I try something different. As far as the friends go, if you lose them they were never your friends to begin with. I would rather find out now. I'm just looking for quality of life. You can get terrified when reading on here as well as encouraged. If you get too scared then wait : ) The surgery isn't going to disappear and will be here when you are ready and if you are ready. Could be this isn't the choice for you. I hope it all works out for the best for you Nicci. MY surgery day is Nov. 9th and Iwill be posting my surgery story as it unfolds. I guess the most important thing I would like to pass along is that food is KILLING us. Its just a slower death .

  7. Awesome...good to her of someone making this change with a low BMI...Mine is also...I weigh right a 200 and people are making me feel bad for wanting the surgery......I've done nothing but gain weight for the last 12 years and dieting no longer works...I can't make myself stick to the diets longs enough.....with this,i will have to..: ) looking forward to better health,lower BP, losing that CPap machine and walking easier....

  8. I had my final appointment with the surgeon earlier this week. The appointment only lasted 5 minutes and he wouldnt answer my questions. Mostly all the appointment was for was me getting a note to be out of work it seems. He said there is a clear liquid diet but didn't say when to start it. The pre op at the hospital is on the 12th (Surgery on 16th) Apparently I find all that out at that appointment.

    I would call your Dr. Office and ask them..this stuff is very important. Is the surgery October or November?

  9. I get to go home today! A little sore, but nothing I can't handle. I just wanted to share a picture of my Breakfast this morning. Who knew I'd be so excited??!!


    LOL i LOVE the picture ! I've not fully explained how different my eating habits will be to my husband so today i decided to tell him. I told him after the surgery i would be lucky to get down a tiny medicine cup of Water.....his eyes were big as saucers LOL...poor guy ,I hated to worry him.

  10. I was sleeved on 8-27-12. Just 40 days ago. I am down 27 pounds since the day of surgery. I feel like I've had a spare tire surgically removed from my middle. I am so happy I did this for me!!


    The week before surgery.


    Week prior to surgery

    LOL that is so awesome to hear because i feel like I'm carrying around a spare tire in my abdomen and i'm so ready to be rid of it : )

    I use to be thin many years ago and remember how good it felt to walk around and buy cute clothes.....I hate shopping now.....I cant wait for that to change.

  11. where is your Protein Shake? ? You need those and start taking your bariatric vitamins....What did your dr. advise you to do??? How long of a pre op diet do you do? Usually its 2 weeks and then i think its clear liquid last two days or so...Im not there yet...start mine lat the end of this month. I was told a shake for Breakfast and lunch and one more during the day and a small 200 calorie frozen dinner that is low carb and sugar...i have specifics but dont have them in front of me.....The dietician should have given you this info.

  12. I have never bee thin (since maybe 2nd grade). I think that my face looks okay right now but I can literally not IMAGINE what I will look like at a normal weight. Do you think I will be pretty? I feel like a loser for posting this.. But all o a sudden I'm realizing that I may look completely different.. And maybe not in a good way? November 12 is soooo close and I'm scared.


    of course you will ... you are now and will be and always be...BEAUTIFUL......dont let anyone including yourself tell you different !

  13. Days are going by pretty quick.....I have a Dr. appt on the 17th...hope all is in place and ready to go by then. I was approved and ready to go for the lap band but after reading on here changed my mind. I called my dr's office and told them i wanted the sleeve instead. Seems like the best choice. i haven officially heard from my insurance co. for this change but the requirements are the same so I expect no problems. A couple more weeks and i start the diet....I'm tempted to now but I don't want to make myself sick of the Protein Drinks earlier than I have to : ) I bought Injury chocolate and chicken flavored. I also bought the PB powder for later on to change the taste of the drink and add more Protein. I'm trying to hold myself back from packing my bag LOL! I like to be prepared . I made sure i have a brand new thermometer (digital) the gas X strips and have yet to buy my Vitamins. I also bought some new night clothes that will be suitable for walking around the hospital and chap stick for my lips . Some days I think of backing out ..I know that I will regret it if i do.....sure I can diet for a short time and then i would give up as always.....My health is suffering and would greatly benefit from this surgery. How is everyone holding up ?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
