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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About bethxxx

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    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 08/23/1992

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    Music, singing, movies
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  1. Yes I think that's what has happened. It's sad but true
  2. UPDATE: I decided after a lot of hard thinking that he isn't right for me and I am being unfair to him and to myself by staying in the relationship. I broke up with him last Monday and asked him to move out by Sunday. Last night (Sunday) he moved out of my house. He spent the week texting me telling me he loves me so much and that he can change and please take him back but I have heard it before. He has said he can change so much but I know he has tried before and it just hasn't worked. I have cried everyday so far but I know things will get better i just have to push through. I am very sad for him as well as I know he is heartbroken and its not like he did anything really wrong, he just isn't right for me. I am going to stay single for a while and try and spend some time with myself. I feel very nervous about entering the dating scene again as I have never done that as a thin person. But I need to heal first. Thank you very much to everyone who gave me such good advice and helped me to be strong and make the right decision.
  3. Wow sleeve as an outpatient?? I was in for four days! Good luck I hope you go well and have everything you need at home
  4. Yes my sister says that is his way of trying to make me stay with him because he can feel what's coming. I have talked to him about making the changes and I believe he has tried but I think we just aren't compatible anymore. He doesn't WANT to change so he will end up resenting me in the end. This is so so hard because I know he has no where to go... I am telling him today he has a week to find somewhere to go
  5. If everybody in life only did what they were obligated to do, well it wouldn't be a very good place. I understand what you are saying but just because he isn't 'obligated' does that mean he should stay the same forever?
  6. I feel like I know deep down this is what I have to do but it is so hard! Seeing it put into words does help though so thank you x
  7. Fried chicken.... I have given in a couple of times but thankfully I can only eat half a piece now! Usually I will go for a roast chicken instead which I don't feel bad about because its healthy and yummy
  8. I feel like I'm going crazy! I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years now and when we first got together I was a complete mess. I had serious depression, my life was pretty much falling apart and he immediately started looking after me, like he sort of rescued me. Then I had surgery in January this year. My life completely changed! I now exercise every day, I am so happy, I'm healthy and I feel alive again. It seems like my boyfriend doesn't really like the changes he sees. I think he likes to play the 'rescuer' role and now that I don't need that anymore I get very annoyed at him constantly looking over my shoulder, monitoring my every move. He also hasn't made much of an effort to try to change with me, I want to go out and exercise, he wants to sit on the couch and eat pizza. I feel like he is holding me back from achieving more, he gets upset if I stay at the gym too late or if I mention I want to take an extra class etc. He also doesn't contribute financially at all, which didn't used to bother me but why does it bother me now? I own my house and he doesn't pay me any rent, doesn't help with bills and he wastes his whole pay check every week. I feel really terrible because he loves me so much and would do anything for me but I don't feel like I am in love anymore?? I read about the high number of break ups after the sleeve but I never thought it would happen to me. Has anyone else gone through this/ going through this now?
  9. bethxxx

    Tummy Tuck

    I've heard doctors say 2 years after surgery, mine says when you are finished loosing weight. I haven't heard of insurance covering it except when someone's skin was rubbing and causing a bad rash. Not sure where you are from but I'm in Australia and here my insurance covers my hospital stay so I just have to pay my surgeon fees. I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way in America

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