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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Jordan1923

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 02/08/1957

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  1. Jordan1923

    September 25Th Sleevers!

    Hi all I lost a total of 54lbs but have now gained back 48lbs
  2. Jordan1923

    Any other Canadians out there?

    Rockpaperthin ; Yup that's the same place
  3. Jordan1923

    Any other Canadians out there?

    Rockpaperthinner that is the Cloverdale walkin clinic on no 10 hwy beside the shoppers drug mart and rustys pub
  4. Jordan1923

    Any other Canadians out there?

    Hi I have Doctor Fahim at the Cloverdale, Surrey walkin clinic and he doesn't have a problem with the surgery or sending me for the lab results etc.
  5. Jordan1923

    Any other Canadians out there?

    Hi BC Medical will not pay for surgery out of country. I live in Surrey also the Cloverdale area. I did not want to wait for surgery so I went to Mexico to have mine. It was a great experience and I would recommend it. I went to the Obesity Control Centre in Tijuana.
  6. Jordan1923

    Any September People

    Shewolf thanks for the pep talk, my medical does not cover a therapist, I am kinda broke as I was self pay on the surgery. May 1st is tomorrow so I will start a new month with a new diet plan.
  7. Jordan1923

    Any September People

    Shewolf yes my problem is not staying on the diet, I am consuming way too many calories, carbs, and sugar. I just don't seem to be able to stop myself. I don't seem to have a full button when it comes to junk food.
  8. Jordan1923

    Any September People

    Wow you guys are doing awesome. I am the slowest of the slow hands down. I weighed 230 surgery day and am stuck at 200 since Dec. Havent been on the site much lately, I am kind of giving up.
  9. Jordan1923

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    Artsong; So Sorry to hear you need more surgery to fix the problem. Glad to hear you now know the problem. Wishing you the best to come.
  10. Jordan1923

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    oops typ 198.8 should be 198.8 I guess it was wishfull thinking
  11. Jordan1923

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    Hi Artsong I know how you feel I am right there with you. I have lost 30 pounds since day of surgery and will be hitting 6 months on the 24th of March. I too thought it would be a lot faster loss. I too am wondering what the hell I spent me my money for. The one thing that really bugs me is in the Morning I weigh 118.7 and in the evening I weigh between 3 and 5 pounds more, making it really difficult to decide how much I have lost. I am now not counting losses unless it is also a loss in the evening. I have been exercising regularly and starting keeping a journal again. I am having trouble keeping on the presurgery diet so I have given it up for now. Hopefully with counting each and everything again I will be able to see whats wrong. on a more postiive note congrats to everyone else most of you are doing fabulous.
  12. Jordan1923

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    newgrandmother thanks for the info. I will try and remember to only grab healthy snacks. It is quite motivating to see everyone else doing great, it makes me think I can too.
  13. Jordan1923

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    KParker, I have wondered if the sleeve was too big, but they ensured me it was the regular size of 32, that they do for all their patients. It is just me snacking in between meals.(I'm so bad) My servings are small enough at meal times, Problem is I can tolerate small amounts about every 2 hrs though. I need to quit eating inbetween meals (note to self- stop doing that). My Happy Dance left me, I weighed in at 203lbs after lunch today. 200lb this morning. I always self destruct when I get close to being past the 200lb. I guess you have guessed by now that I fell off the wagon on my liquid diet. Will start again in the morning.
  14. Jordan1923

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    Happy Dance day 2 of returning to the pre surgery diet. I have broken the 200lb mark which for some reason was really important to me. I couldn't believe it. I woke up this morning and weighed myself stark naked 198.1. So I went and had my breakfast drink, went to the pool for an aqua class. Came home and weighed myself dressed with shoes and weighed 199. I want it to be nightime now so I can weigh myself to see if after the whole day I still weigh less than 200lb. I am so excited. Thanks everyone and greenfamily for just telling me to do it. Exciting to see what the next few days will be.
  15. Jordan1923

    In Mexico ..OCC

    I also still get dizzy sometimes. But is gets less and less as time goes on.

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