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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by babyiwantu

  1. babyiwantu

    My surgery was 12-12-12

    I hate broth and soup's and the doc told me i have to eat something and not drink all my calories because i wasnt even mixing my protein with milk i was mixing it with water i had to force myself to eat the broth and now im having to do the same thing with the soup im not weak yet but i really hope you get to feeling better i used the soup from chicken noodle soup just didnt eat the noodles and it helped some. maybe you could try that if you like chicken noodle soup
  2. babyiwantu

    My surgery was 12-12-12

    It's head hunger I think it's were I know I can't have it that's why I want it lol
  3. babyiwantu

    My surgery was 12-12-12

    I just went to the doc today for my one week follow up and I'm down 11 pounds in 7 days still not allowed to eat eggs but I am allowed creamy soups now but can't seem to find any I like but I will keep trying them all can't wait till I can eat a lil bit of real food
  4. babyiwantu

    My surgery was 12-12-12

    I'm getting all my liquids in no problem I get to start cream soups so hopefully that will help I have picked up a few things and had to put them down I keep forgetting I can't eat them specially candy
  5. babyiwantu

    My surgery was 12-12-12

    I was also sleeved 12/12/12 and im hungry i think its just head hunger.
  6. babyiwantu


    Your such a beautiful women i cant imagine you would even need surgery you look great and not over weight at all!
  7. thank you so much yes keep up updated im sure you will be fine tho good luck with the journey to your new life
  8. Hope all goes well I'm getting sleeved on Wednesday i'll keep you in my prayers!
  9. Anyone else getting sleeved on this day? i am really excited to finally have a date its been along time coming i am ready to change my life for the better.
  10. Congrats I hope you have a speedy recovery and hope everything goes well for you in surgery i will keep you in my prayers!
  11. No i havent made my shopping list yet but i am so ready for this chapter to be over in my life im sure everyone will do great! I have been taking vitiams for years now so i dont think it will affect me to much some people say they make them sick but they have never made me sick yet so hopefully after the surgery they wont affect me to much.
  12. Awl thats awsome im not on the liquid diet yet i think i only got to do that for 2 weeks i go to the doctor on monday to get all the info before surgery but i bet you are excited! i was really scared at first but now that its here im just ready to get it over with done with the scared part i guess lol
  13. Finally Got My Date Im Getting Sleeved On Dec 17th!

  14. babyiwantu

    1 Week Post-Op Update With Picture

    Im getting really scared reading about your struggles and Biancahanke also Im sure everyone feels this way after the surgery i just hope that it will pass quickly for the both of you! i think you are a very beautiful girl its really good putting to a face on you lol I think you are doing great i would love to lose even 30 lbs I cant wait to hear about how much better you are feeling in the weeks to come! good luck and i will keep ya in my prayers! "both of you!"
  15. babyiwantu

    Douchiest ****** Bag Move Ever

    You are so right you are to good for someone like that u need someone who's going to stick around in hard times at least he could have waited until after your surgery I mean u are the mother if his child guys really disgust me sometimes he will be begging you back once u lose the weight and he realizes what he's lost!
  16. babyiwantu

    Getting Sleeved With Hpylori

    yes you are right about the staying away from foods i am glad to know that your nurse told you that it will always test postitive that makes me feel better! but i love italian foods also!
  17. I have been treated for hpylori twice now and it keeps comming back positive and my surgeon decided to go on with my surgery and im kinda nurvous i have talked to a few people who have had the surgery with hpylori and was fine but i am wondering if there is anything i can do to lower my chances of something going wrong having hpylori.
  18. babyiwantu

    Getting Sleeved With Hpylori

    well at first my doctor told me they wouldnt do my surgery until i tested negative for it and it has set me back 2 months trying to get rid of it and just got retested and tested positive again and my doctor said that she will go ahead with my surgery even though i have tested positive again so that makes me feel better because someone told me once you test positive you will always test positive weather you have it or not.
  19. Stopped My Antibiotic's Yesterday Getting Re Tested On The 12th Hopefully No More Hpylori For Me ;)

  20. babyiwantu


    Congrads!! Cant wait to get there myself!
  21. I am 27 and I am super jealous u look amazing! I hope I look as good as u when I am that age!
  22. Hello I came a crossed your thread I am 27 and have two kids one of each and my husband is the same way I am waiting to get my surgery date I think you will be fine I am wanting this surgery for the same reasons basically I just wanted to say good luck and keep us posted u are never to young to want to be healthy.
  23. Postive for hpylori for the second time Im getting soo frusterated with the set backs! Wish i could have my surgery already!

  24. Has Anyone every had this happen to them im really upset i have already went through one round of antibotic's and i just had my breath test on monday and got a call today and i am stil positive for it I dont know what to do im really scared because i read that it can cause stomach cancer if it's not treated and im scared im going to have this for ever and never be able to have my weightloss surgery just wondering if this has happend to anyone else??
  25. babyiwantu

    H-Pylori For The 2Nd Time :(

    thank you so much if it don't i will defently look around for someone who will do it.

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