I had my surgery on Nov 19th. That first night in the hospital was difficult for me. Unfortunately I had a lot of nausea which made everything worse. I was up and walking within a few hours and although difficult it was tolerable. Hardest part is figuring how to sit up from a reclining position and how to get my legs over onto the floor and up on my feet. Use of a pillow on your stomach is helpful and inching your way into a sitting position instead of thinking you have to sit up like you're used to. Maybe your first night experience won't be so bad...the discomfort is tolerable but it was that darn nausea that did me in. First night the best I could do was the ice chips. But ever since I have had no problem with sipping the water all day in order to get the required 64 ounces per day in.
I am now 1 week post op and just started pureed soups,, yogurt, milky oatmeal. No problems with eating no problems with drinking and very little discomfort.
Each day is a little better. I have lost 20 lbs.