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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TheNEWME!

  1. TheNEWME!

    100+ Lbs Finally!

    WOW!!!! Congrats!
  2. TheNEWME!


    I was told at about 3 months out that I could start taking vitamin capsuls and not have to do the chewables anymore.. anyone else heard that too???
  3. TheNEWME!

    Solid Foods Tomorrow!

    Whoo Congrats!!! I also was sleeved on Oct. 30th and I am down around 29 pounds!!!! YAY!
  4. YAY!!!!! So happy for you!!!! I believe hitting onderland will be happy tears for me too!!!! I can't wait!
  5. Once you are sleeved... you will be forced to slow down or else... I have not yet experienced the consequences of eating too fast or too much other than a little discomfort when I'm almost past my full mark. I think getting sleeved helps you realize and understand portion control. Had I understood portion control before I wouldn't be where I am today. I wish you the best of luck!!
  6. TheNEWME!

    Mexico Complications?

    I had my sleeve performed in Tijuana, MX with Dr. Garcia on Oct. 30th. I was treated and cared for wonderfully! No complications. 2 nights in a Hospital and 2 nights in a very nice hotel with visits. I would encourage everyone considering WLS to do their research. I am very happy witht the decision I made and would reccomend Dr. Garcia and his team to anyone.
  7. Hi All!! I'm about 3 weeks out and not regular at ALL! Wondering if at this stage this is normal and if there is anything I can do to help it. Thanks for any advice!
  8. hi There!! WELCOME! Congrats on the 19lbs lost!!! As far as Protein shakes... I would definitely suggest starting to drink them or incorporate them into your daily routine. At this point, you aren't able to get the reccomened protein in with the way your eating. Not sure why your doctor didn't suggest or give you a plan to follow. Seems odd... are you able to contact him and ask? I'm thinking you can possible order protein drinks online from where you are from.. not sure? it's normal to be scared! But just believe in yourself and you won't fail! I had surgery on oct. 30th and am down 25lbs... I only lost 1 pound last week, but I'm not going to give up. I know I will lose more. Our bodies just need to adjust. There is a lot of great information on this site... best of luck to you!
  9. Hi! I was sleeved on Oct. 30th. I just have a couple of questions relating to what I've been eating lately and wondering if I am sabatoging myself or if this is ok: I am 21 days out and this is what I can eat so far (typically only less than 1/2 cup each time I eat): Tuna mixed with lowfat mayo eggs mixed with a little cheese String cheese Refried Beans w/cheese SF Popsicles Low fat Cheese Sticks Cream Soups Does this seem pretty normal for the stage I'm in? Am I sabotoging myself? Why I ask is because this past week I only lost 1 pound... I'm not freaking out about it but I figure it's due to being on a total liquid stage and now starting to introduce more foods to the diet... am I correct in thinking this will slow things down a little? I've lost about 25lbs so far, I'm so happy and excited and just want to keep doing the right thing. I'm also starting to exercise a little more harder and boy do I feel it!! Thanks for anyone's advice. I appreciate it!
  10. TheNEWME!

    Am I Doing This Right?

    Tuna, refried Beans, cheese, greek yogurt, all have protein in them... kind of why I chose them to eat... and I drink a Protein Drink in the am...sometimes in the PM as well. Am I missing something... ?
  11. TheNEWME!

    Am I Doing This Right?

    LOL!!! Totally know where you are coming from!! LOL
  12. TheNEWME!

    Am I Doing This Right?

    Thanks for your input!!!! Do you think I'm eating too much cheese????
  13. TheNEWME!

    Finally Did It...

    Hi Noel! I was sleeved on Oct. 30th, so I'm 21 days out. I too have gone through the emotional period of "did I do the right thing". I've lost about 25lbs so far and couldn't be more thrilled! Of course we all want to lose faster but just because we have the sleeve doesn't mean we don' t have work hard for our results. My advice on getting enough liquids in is ALWAYS have something to drink within arms reach, if you can, sip every 5 minutes or so or at least every 15 minutes. I even take a bottle of Water to bed and every time I turn or happen to wake up, which is a lot, I take a sip. Find something you enjoy drinking and stick with it. At first it was Gatorade for me... then I kind of got sick of that and water was my calling. I'm sure your parents understand you are going through a very emotional time, but just remember that you are doing this for yourself and your future. It will get better, I promise.
  14. It is definitely alarming to hear that coordinators would make such scary accusations toward ANY doctor! Especially to such a senative topic such as WLS. We are already scared as it is and then to not know who to believe would be way to stressful. I thank GOD I did not see this post until now. I was sleeved with Dr. Garcia on Oct. 30th using Ready4AChange and experienced nothing but wonderful care.
  15. Actually, 8 pounds lost pre-op and 16 pounds lost post op and I'm only 2 1/2 weeks post op I weigh in again on Saturday... crossing fingers it keeps going well.
  16. TheNEWME!

    1 Wk Post Op!

    Congratulations!!! That's wonderful to hear!!!
  17. What kind of drama are you experiencing??? I went with Ready4Achange and Dr. Garcia and could NOT be more happier! I was sleeved on Oct. 30th of this year and down 24 lbs! The care I received was excellent and the cooridantors were amazing and very compassionate.
  18. TheNEWME!

    Pre- And Post-Op Nutrition Plans (See Attached)

    Thank you for sharing this!!!!! It's nice to see something like this!
  19. TheNEWME!

    4.5 Months Out And Feeling Fabulous!

    You look beautiful!!!
  20. I feel exactly the same way... I'll be 15 days out tomorrow! So far I've only been weighing myself once a week. I do NOT plan on weighing myself daily. It is tempting, but I can't do that to myself... I would drive myself crazy!!!! I agree on starting soft foods and wondering if that is going to change the rate of weight loss. So far I've lost 24 pounds... I am scared to see if the scale slows or doesn't even move at all now that some foods are going in.....
  21. I too was sleeved by Dr. Garcia in Tijuana, MX on Oct. 30th 2012. My experience with everything was pretty positive!!! The Mariott Hotel is very nice and the staff that works there are VERY friendly! Arriving at the hospital, Mi Doctor, I was a little surprised at how small the hospital was, but quickly didn't care because it definitely was a hospital, was clean, and the staff was wonderful! My only negative comment is the room they put us in was the back corner room. It was large and clean and had two beds, one for me and my husband, and our own bathroom... they only thing negative about it was that the only window in the room was facing an alley which let in NO sunlight... all the other rooms had nice big windows and made the room feel more inviting. That's my only complaint. I would highly reccomend Dr. Garcia... he took his time explaining the procedure and answered any questions we had. The other doctors and staff were very pleasant too. I guess I lucked out and was the only paitient on the floor, so I got all the attention... it was very quiet. My recovery after the hospital was spent at the Mariott which was lovely!
  22. Wonderful!!!! Great job!
  23. Congrats!!!!!! You look awesome!
  24. TheNEWME!

    Blood Clots?

    Is there a time period from date of surgery when this risk might be over???
  25. TheNEWME!

    15Days After V.s.g.

    WOW!!! That's AMAZING!!! Great job!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
