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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    missrose59 reacted to feedyoureye in The 5:2 Diet   
    See my signature line for my 5:2 loss..... I eat around 12-1500 on feast days (depending on exercise) and 550 or so on the two fast days (mon and ths for me) I had a 22 pound regain, lost 5 of that, started the 5:2 protocal and lost the rest, plus got to goal. I am now maintaining still using the 5:2.... or occasionally 6:1. Its pretty easy to do, theres always tomorrow to eat what you want. It worked for me when it seemed nothing else would.
    ...start the 5:2 plan (6-11-2013)- 190.9
    almost 3 years after surgery First Goal, get to the 160's (11-7-13) 168.7 still on the 5:2!
    There is a private 5:2 group. We might entertain a new member or two, but new members must show a commitment to the lifestyle, and show they can get along in a positive way... we are a very close and supportive group.
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    missrose59 reacted to Success2013 in Feel like my surgery "expired" at 1 year   
    Since I first posted this I have gained almost 10 pounds! Ugh! But I know that I have only myself to blame and I CAN and WILL turn this car around! I obviously got disoriented and started driving up the scale instead of down. Well not anymore! I'm in charge of this journey and I'm responsible for reaching my destination. Yes there have been road blocks and detours that have gotten in my way, but it's up to me to get back on the road and put the pedal to the medal! Anyone else going my way?
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    missrose59 reacted to Georgia in Feel like my surgery "expired" at 1 year   
    I am truly an "all or nothing" kind of gal. I have proven to myself once again that I CANNOT be trusted! LOL. I do well for a long time and can be really 100% but it's the maintenance that trips me up. Yes, I know exactly what to do for me but once I relax AT ALL I fall "off the wagon" completely.
    You mentioned you felt your surgery had expired. Nope! It hasn't. Just a very few days will show you that you still have your best tool- your sleeve, and once you eat correctly, the restriction shows up again. Junk, carbs, etc are addictions. Simply put. They always will be. Can't change that and for me, it's all about the junk. Just one candy bar isn't enough. Once I start with the junk, I crave it and will graze all day long!
    I'm over 4 years out now. I've reached goal, lost goal, regained and exceeded goal and continue to war! You can too. It is what it is - a lifetime challenge. Sure, they may be those who don't have any struggle but I don't think there are many. Just look at it realistically. You lost 80 pounds. You are still sleeved and have that tool. You may just have to really take yourself "in hand" (as I have to) and as Lynda said, toss the junk, weigh and track (FYE) and fight!!
    We're with you in the battle!!!
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    missrose59 reacted to MichiganChic in Feel like my surgery "expired" at 1 year   
    @@CowgirlJane thanks for the words of encouragement. My actual all time high was 325 - still don't know how I managed to keep off that extra 20 pounds for several years. I think you give great advice about accepting and embracing our success. In some ways, that "all or none" mentality is part of what got me to that high weight. It was totally ignoring my health for periods of time, followed by periods of 100% rigid, obsessive, restrictive diet, followed by failure, rinse and repeat. Learning that one slip up is not the path to obesity, but a repeated pattern is, was a valuable lesson for me.
    I've been deemed successful and "good to go" by 4 physicians (not in the same practice), and the dietician and nurse at my surgeons office, so I'm trying to wrap my head around that, even though on some levels I still feel "not quite finished". In the meantime, I think I'm getting better at accepting where I am and enjoying it as a genuine success. Having the perspective of others who have gone before us is tremendously valuable - so thanks!
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    missrose59 reacted to CowgirlJane in Feel like my surgery "expired" at 1 year   
    Michiganchic - when I got to a size 10 I considered myself "at goal" For me that was at 158#. I stayed there for quite a while before I took on losing a few more vanity pounds. Notice that I don't revise my goal weight because I am STILL happy to have made my goal of 158. A major major major accomplishment for someone who used to weigh 332 (my lifetime high). I can't speak for your situation, but I encourage people to really embrace their successes and realize that you "made it baby" even if you feel like another 5 or 10# would be better.
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    missrose59 reacted to lsereno in Feel like my surgery "expired" at 1 year   
    Hi there,
    It's such a thin line between losing, maintenance, and gaining. All vets (and at one year that's what you are) struggle at some point.
    If you're not logging your food and weighing yourself daily, that's my number one trick for managing my weight post-op. After a couple of days of that, I can see where to cut back to lose or stop gaining.
    Making myself cut back is hard. I help myself out by getting rid of foods that aren't in my plan, especially my favorite junk foods. Give them away or throw them away. Replace them low cal treats you can enjoy guilt free. For me, that includes fat free greek yogurt with splenda and fruit, no-cal drinks such as LIption's Diet Green Tea with Citrus, and raw veggies with dip made with greek yogurt. I also measure my food to get back on track. Both to make sure I'm getting enough Protein and to control carb creep (1 oz. of crackers creeps up to 2, then 3 ounces if I don't).
    And I give myself no calorie treats for success, like a new lipstick, lotion, book, puzzle, or even a pay per view movie. It's just a little splurge, but it picks me up.
    Also, I eat less if I track my fluids and make sure I'm getting 64 oz. per day.
    At this point, to stave off hunger, it pretty much has to be Protein. Nothing else hits the spot the same way. Are you getting enough protein? I aim for 2-4 ounces per meal. Another thing that can masquerade as hunger is stomach acid. You might try taking prilosec and see if it makes a difference.
    Bottom line, most everyone is working it to continue losing or to stay at goal after one year. Hang out here and commiserate with the rest of your people :-)
  7. Like
    missrose59 reacted to feedyoureye in Feel like my surgery "expired" at 1 year   
    You have done such a fantastic job! Only 14 pounds from your goal. At 5'6", I would think that 152 is looking really good. The weight loss does slow down and stop at some point. I even gained 22 pounds in my late second year. It took me quite a while to get it back off. I am now in maintenance, and can mostly stay in my 3 pound goal bounce range, I am about 2 pounds over that right now, my mom was sick for a while and passed on two weeks ago, and staying in focus to keep the weight off has been more than a chore at this time. I used the 5:2 method to get the 22 of. I use it to keep it off as well. I also chose a goal that was possible to keep off. Not a tiny fantasy weight... but I look good, and feel good. I keep up my new lifestyle, with exercise I like around 4 days a week, and weigh in, log my food everyday if I expect to stay on track. You are in a new non honeymoon phase. This does not mean you are a failure. You are in the pre-maintinance phase, getting ready to keep up a manageable routine the rest of your life. Do keep track of what you eat. Eat more veggies if you are hungry, drink your Water, find healthy Snacks to have around the house. Eat your Protein first. I am at 3 1/2 years out and only 2 pounds above goal range, and it took me over 2 1/2 years to get to goal in the first place! Back on the wagon girl!
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    missrose59 got a reaction from PsychoVGS in Do You Find That Some People Find It Odd That You Would Do This So Late In Life?   
    I am 53, and cant remeber what it was like to feel light and confident. I think the last time was right before I had my beautiful daughter, who is now 32! Dont get me wrong Ive gone up and down so many times, with so many diets. I just never got all the way down and stayed at a healthy weight. But at this age my kids are grown and I have all the time in the world to take care of me. So this is it, Im doing it for me. I want whatever time I have left, to be a healthier me, and yes a more attractive me. This is our time to shine, I feel this could be the best age ever......So here we go, i hope everyone is as excited as I am for the next chapter!
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    missrose59 reacted to O.T.R. sleever in Talk to me about... BROTH!   
    Anything pre prepared (in a can) is going to have a ton of sodium.
    Honestly chicken broth is really simple to make. My wife made me a big pot of it after surgery, then we just portioned it out into 8 ounce containers so I could grab one & zap it.
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    missrose59 reacted to emartini in Surgery on 1/10...scared and nervous and rethinking my decision   
    Good Luck! You'll do great!
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    missrose59 got a reaction from Sexiipisces77 in Surgery on 1/10...scared and nervous and rethinking my decision   
    Hi, my surgery is on January 16. Im scared too. Its especially hard because everyone has an opinion. My family is also scared and hearing there fears doesnt make it easier. But i do understand they just love me. Just the way I am. What they arent thinking of now is that just the way I am is not healthy. So scared or not I have made peace with it. I know its the right thing and I have to leave it in gods hands. I hope you find that peace for yourself. Good luck and god bless whatever you decide
  12. Like
    missrose59 got a reaction from Sexiipisces77 in Surgery on 1/10...scared and nervous and rethinking my decision   
    Hi, my surgery is on January 16. Im scared too. Its especially hard because everyone has an opinion. My family is also scared and hearing there fears doesnt make it easier. But i do understand they just love me. Just the way I am. What they arent thinking of now is that just the way I am is not healthy. So scared or not I have made peace with it. I know its the right thing and I have to leave it in gods hands. I hope you find that peace for yourself. Good luck and god bless whatever you decide
  13. Like
    missrose59 reacted to kyllfalcon in Am I The Only One?   
    I was sleeved on March 14, 2012 at the age of 59. I am within 10 pounds of goal!
    I was so worried that I was too old for all this, but "all this" has made me feel at least 20 years younger, if not more! I was so slow, out of breath, hot, tired and anxious. Now I zip around, never get out of breath, haven't broken a sweat in months and smile all the time! People are always commenting about the change they see in me.
    I was so very lucky not to have any complications from the surgery. I was so worried that I would develop a distaste for food, that I would no longer enjoy cooking, that the lifestyle change might affect my wonderful marriage. None of that was true. I am able to eat almost anything I want, just in limited quantities of course, but those quantities are actually greater than I supposed. I only avoid very greasy foods, white soft bread, raw onions and lettuce.
    I just put on the biggest Thanksgiving spread ever, for 19, and enjoyed every last minute of it.
    And I just spent $3,700 on a complete new wardrobe, including undies, jammies, work clothes, casual clothes, coats, gloves, shoes and jewelry! That hurt the bank account but made quite a few big desposits in my self-esteem account!
    My husband, sons, friends and coworkers have been so supportive, I truly love each of them for it.
    Be aware that things could possibly go wrong, but be confident that they won't! This is the greatest thing I ever did for myself.
    Good luck to all!
  14. Like
    missrose59 reacted to Satchel in January is coming fast! How is everyone feeling?   
    My surgery is scheduled for January 11th. Getting nervous, but I have read and heard so many positive things about having this surgery which is keeping me going. Started my liquid diet this weekend, and I have to admit that I found myself more anxious about that, feeling as though I would never be able to eat again. I know that is ridiculous. Must be my emotions talking. 2013 will be our year, January Sleevers!
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    missrose59 reacted to stacie1002 in January is coming fast! How is everyone feeling?   
    My surgery is January 15 and I am so excited that it is finally going to happen! I start my pre op diet on January 1 and I am busy researching items I will buy for the diet.
  16. Like
    missrose59 reacted to icon23 in January is coming fast! How is everyone feeling?   
    My surgery is Jan. 17 and I'm excited and impatient. Four weeks to go and it cannot get here fast enough!
    Good luck to all of my fellow Jan. sleevers!
  17. Like
    missrose59 reacted to Kaffeine67 in January is coming fast! How is everyone feeling?   
    Hi January sleevers! I am scheduled for January 8 and will be starting my pre-op diet on Christmas day! Is anyone else getting excited or nervous?
  18. Like
    missrose59 reacted to Lauren13 in January is coming fast! How is everyone feeling?   
    Hey! I'm very excited! I start my pre-op diet on December 28th and my surgery date is January 4th! I just found out about this website from my surgeon and it looks like this is an amazing place, I am both nervous and thrilled about getting my surgery! Hope all is well!
  19. Like
    missrose59 reacted to icon23 in January is coming fast! How is everyone feeling?   
    My surgery is 2 days after yours. I went shopping for my pre-op diet yesterday and I bought Protein Shakes, no sugar added clear juices, and broths mostly. I also bought some things for after surgery like liquid Tylenol, Gas-X strips, Powerade Zero, and Listerine breath strips (for ketosis breath), but I didn't want to stock up on too many food and drinks for after surgery just in case I can't tolerate them once my taste buds change.
  20. Like
    missrose59 reacted to Luckystar12 in Surgery is Jan 7th and just took my before pics.   
    After looking at my official "before" pics, that created the extra push to do this. Trying not to be nervous and hoping for an uneventful operation and recovery. Really looking fwd to taking an "after" pic that will not bring disappointment. Also looking fwd to less foot and knee pain! Deep breaths! Ahhhh! .
  21. Like
    missrose59 reacted to Drea Brooks in Any Bay Area California Sleevers?   
    I would love to meet with some of you ladies. I am east bay (Brentwood). I'm trying to go to support group in Antioch through Kaiser, but the new year calendar is not approved yet. I just think any support I can get at this point will be helpful. Again I am going through Fremont Kaiser. I have a friend in Brentwood that is also pre-op and going through Kaiser Richmond. I'm sure she would love to come too.
    I go tomorrow for my physciatric appointment. I get so nervous with every appointment. I'm afraid they are going to say "you can't have the surgery now". I feel like now that I have made my decision to go for it, I'm going to be let down. Wish me luck!
    Hope you all had a nice holiday. It is such a hard time of year to try to loose weight or keep it off.
    Take Care,
  22. Like
    missrose59 reacted to meeganlee in Any Bay Area California Sleevers?   
    I am goingto look into seeing if we can start one. Will let you
    know what I find out.
  23. Like
    missrose59 reacted to meeganlee in Any Bay Area California Sleevers?   
    I am interested in having a monthly meeting in San Rafael. Is anyone in Marin? Any thoughts? I wonder if I contact Kaiser if they might have a room where we could meet, and possibly anyone to lead it. They don't have a bariatric center there. Please let me know if you would be interested. Thanks!
  24. Like
    missrose59 reacted to Cholula in Any Bay Area California Sleevers?   
    Surgery November 21, wow one week to go, it's going to happen!
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    missrose59 got a reaction from nanaspez in Any Bay Area California Sleevers?   
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! I am so thankful for this site

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