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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    sleevediva reacted to Brandywine in September Was Your Progress?   
    Been reading all posts here just don't post much! Hi everyone!
    Pre surgery 244
    Day of surgery sept 26. 234
    Today 208
    I feel I'm slower but as I read it seems everyone feels this way! Congrats to all of y'all! So far food is good nothing has given me issues haven't tried any kind of bread yet a lil scared
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    sleevediva reacted to nicole836 in September Was Your Progress?   
    9/1 hw 303 ( I'm 5'4")
    9/20 surgery 292
    11/15 238!!!!
    Oh and nsv.... No more "big boy" cuff for blood pressure!!!! My doc and I are in shock right now!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  3. Like
    sleevediva reacted to IrishEyes in September Was Your Progress?   
    When I talked to my Dr about my stalls they told me that just bumping up Fluid intake to 100oz helps most people come out of stalls. Has worked for me twice.
  4. Like
    sleevediva reacted to scorpio2479 in September Was Your Progress?   
    Sleeved 9.20.12
    Starting weight 248lbs
    Weight as of today 203lbs
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    sleevediva reacted to jjones10669 in Darkening Of Skin   
    Of course my first pregancy i was just 14 and i had no idea. My mom would scrub and scrub but of course to no avail. I still remember the humiliation of feeling "dirty". Im sad that people live under that misconception because it sticks with u long after the pigmentation fades. : (
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    sleevediva reacted to XO Jessica XO in Darkening Of Skin   
    Let me be VERY clear on something. The darkening on the skin we are experiencing IS NOT dirt. That is either an ignorant comment from an uneducated person, or someone who has been EXTREMELY poorly informed. It has to do with Insulin Resistance and the insulin leaking out of our bodies. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the TRUE cause of this very embarrassing, hygiene UNrelated issue. Please read below or take time to do your own research on Acanthosis nigricans. I myself have found very positive information regarding this unsightly issue, with regards to weight loss and overall fading of the problem areas.
    Acanthosis nigricans is a brown to black, poorly defined, velvety hyperpigmentation of the skin. It is usually found in body folds,[1] such as the posterior and lateral folds of the neck, the axilla, groin, umbilicus, forehead, and other areas. (In other words..your neck, armpits, groin (inner thighs), near the belly button, and forehead)
    It typically occurs in individuals younger than age 40, may be genetically inherited, and is associated with obesity or endocrinopathies, such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, polycystic ovary disease, insulin-resistant diabetes, or Cushing's disease.
    The most common cause of acanthosis nigricans is insulin resistance, which leads to increased circulating insulin levels. Insulin spillover into the skin results in its abnormal increase in growth (hyperplasia of the skin).
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    sleevediva reacted to geno5150 in I Am So Thrilled For You! Behind You 100%!......sike   
    In her defense, she did tell you the truth, even though she took the long way around. Does your doctor have a support group meeting you could take her to? Her objections sound pretty weak, so I have a feeling she wants to support you but needs some help doing so.
    The fact that she was able to be honest, even though the method sucks balls, I think shows a lot of character rather than continuing to lie to you.
    Chin up!
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    sleevediva reacted to Threetimesacharm in I Am So Thrilled For You! Behind You 100%!......sike   
    All the artificial sweeteners in Jello and pudding? You've got to be kidding me!! How about extra fat being carried around, does she have a weight problem? She needs to get a grip, I think she is jealous!
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    sleevediva reacted to lsereno in Post Op Portion Control?   
    How slowly are you eating? I chewed 30 times, and waited one minute between each very small bite. I think that gave my tummy time to send the signal, but I still had issues at first. I didn't try Rtiz crackers. I could eat one or two saltines and about an ounce of soft meat at one sitting.
    So a typical day at three weeks was:
    6 a.m. 1 cup Water
    8 a.m. 1 cup Decaf
    9 a.m. 1/2 cup greek yogurt with splenda
    11:00 a.m. Protein drink
    noon: 1 cup Water
    1:45 p.m. 2 oz. turkey meatloaf
    2:45 I cup crystal light lemonaide
    4:30 p.m. Light cheese stick
    5:30 p.m. 1 cup water
    6:30 p.m. 2 oz. turkey meatloaf
    7:30 p.m. 2 oz turkey meatloaf
    10 p.m. 1 cup water
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    sleevediva reacted to robynluevano in September Was Your Progress?   
    Sleeved 9/4, starting weight 213.6, current weight today 187. Down 26.6 lbs. :-)
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    sleevediva reacted to jentheyo in September Was Your Progress?   
    Surgery weight 256 9/22/12
    Today 244
    In a stall for this entire week. hoping to break it next week.
    How is everyone else doing?
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    sleevediva reacted to FishingNurse in What Is Your Average Caloric Intake?   
    I am not but I'll give a typical day....
    Breakfast: Caribou medium iced latte 190 cals
    1 turkey bacon mini egg ciabatta 190 cals
    Snack: apple 80 cals, 1 string cheese 90 cals
    Lunch: 1 slice of toast with Peanut Butter and jelly 250 cals, 1 can of Soup 200 cals.
    Snack: 12 baby carrots with dill dip 130 cals, 1 yogurt 150 cals. Dinner: 3oz of meatloaf with ketchup, 1/2 cup of veggies and a couple bites of potatoe, 400 cals. Dessert: real fruit bar Popsicle: 100 cals and popcorn 200 cals.
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    sleevediva reacted to FishingNurse in What Is Your Average Caloric Intake?   
    For my weight loss I was higher than your average sleever.... 1200-1500 a day. 15 months out now, maintaining goal for 7 months at 2000 cals. I don't count carbs, I don't eat low fat, or sugar free.< /p>
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    sleevediva reacted to CBT in What Is Your Average Caloric Intake?   
    Sleeved July 25. Gym/exercise most every day. 900 calories per day. As my recovery progressed, my calories went from 600 to 800. Regular exercise brought daily calories to 900.
    life is a journey, not a destination; so, stop running -H.D. THEROUX
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    sleevediva reacted to ArtSong in What Is Your Average Caloric Intake?   
    655 cals under 60 carbs a day 6 weeks out
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    sleevediva got a reaction from senickisncis in Post Op Day 11 Bleeding From Incision...help!   
    Unfortunately they do not have any after hour phone number. This does kind of suck.
    Other than that I am doing much better. I'm just a little over 5 weeks and have lost 24.5 pounds post op since the since and a total loss of 38 pounds. I'm getting better and better everyday although I still am struggling with energy.
    I did have a follow up with the doctor last week. I did receive a B12 shot but I don't feel much different. I just need to work on getting back to the gym.
    I'm thankful that I'm feeling better and not having pain. My incisions are completely sealed, thank goodness.
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    sleevediva got a reaction from senickisncis in Post Op Day 11 Bleeding From Incision...help!   
    Yeah I'm definitely not playing this waiting game again. Thanks!
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    sleevediva got a reaction from senickisncis in Post Op Day 11 Bleeding From Incision...help!   
    Thanks. I ended up going to the E.R. because the pain got worse. The bleeding had stopped but the area got more swollen and I got worried.
    As it turns out I have a seroma, a build up of Fluid. They gave me some stronger pain meds too. I follow up with my surgeon tomorrow. I'm just happy to know what is going on.
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    sleevediva got a reaction from senickisncis in Post Op Day 11 Bleeding From Incision...help!   
    Zenoosh - yep its Jem...because I'm truly outrageous!
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    sleevediva got a reaction from senickisncis in Post Op Day 11 Bleeding From Incision...help!   
    Thanks for the help guys. I'm gonna wait a few before taking off the dressing again to check it its hot to the touch. I think I might have an infection because it was a little warm earlier today. I'd rather deal with infection than any leak though as weird as that sounds. I just really don't wanna go back to the hospital. I can definitely deal with the pain till tomorrow. Thank goodness for these pain meds.
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    sleevediva got a reaction from senickisncis in Post Op Day 11 Bleeding From Incision...help!   
    Correction I meant to say I think the bleeding may have stopped. The incision just hurts off and on though. I don't if this is normal.
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    sleevediva got a reaction from senickisncis in Post Op Day 11 Bleeding From Incision...help!   
    No fever, just pain by incision and the very slow bleed if The bleeding isn't much, I think it may have stopped. It just hurts.
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    sleevediva got a reaction from senickisncis in Post Op Day 11 Bleeding From Incision...help!   
    Unfortunately they don't have an after hours service. This really sucks having to wait till tomorrow morning.
    Has this happened to anyone? Is it normal?
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    sleevediva got a reaction from senickisncis in Post Op Day 11 Bleeding From Incision...help!   
    Today marks the 11th day post op. I had a lapband to sleeve revision on the 20th with complications. The day after my surgery I had emergency surgery due to a hermatoma. I was discharged from the hospital 5 days after surgery once stable.
    I've been slow moving since getting out but feeling better every day. Today I noticed that the incision where the port was taken out was a little tender compared to usual. This evening I changed my dressing and noticed that I had several dots of blood from my port incision. I wasn't expecting any bleeding. It's been a couple hours and I can tell it hasn't dried, still bleeding a bit.
    Is this normal? I assumed that with the conversion there is more swelling but I wasn't expecting any bleeding after a while. Should I be concerned? I'm feeling a little more pain there than usual too. I don't have my follow up for another 2 days.
    Any advice? I'm kinda freaking out.
  25. Like
    sleevediva reacted to O.T.R. sleever in Excessive Acid   
    Your prescribed PPI will not give immediate relief to excess acid. What it does is slow the production of further acid. What you need now is something like tums, pepto, etc. just keep in mind tgat you don't want to get into the habit of taking tums too often as one of its side effects is that it stimulates acid production.

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