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Posts posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. Amanda - you seem to have a very good head around what you want in your body at goal weight. I think this applies to guys also. Instead of BMI' date=' maybe we should be thinking in terms of body type like Matthew mcconaughey (for me who is not so interested in being ultra bulky)) or Dwayne Johnson ("the rock") or perhaps even Hugh Jackson. They all have worked hard to reach high levels of athletic body compositions. However, I bet they are all in the overweight section of the BMI chart for heir height. This would be ok with me as long as I can get to this physique without adding on body fat.[/quote']

    I don't want it to be like holding celebrities up to an elevated status. And hold ourselves to foolish expectations... But I want to be healthy and womanly.

  2. Marilyn was a size 16! I'm a 14/16 and I still look obese! But you know Deborah from the show Dexter? I never want to look like that! I wouldn't mind having a body like Khloe (sp?) Kardashian. Lol! In other words I still want a womanly figure and not the body of a 12 year old boy!

    She was a 16 in a different era. I think I remember reading if you compare her size 16 then it was would be a lesser number by today's standards.

  3. I get curious about this as i see more and mire woman here say that. You and I are friends so I will ask you ! <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    When I read woman here say they want to retain their curves does that mean staying slightly above normal BMI numbers or not getting to the point of underweight?

    I guess I look at bmi when its in a certain range as a guide. I totally want to avoid being underweight and I want to be healthy inside and out, not just on paper.

    I don't want society to dictate how I should look. I want to reach a point where I'm satisfied and healthy. And womanly.

    I want to take the "ass" out of mASSive and put the "oo" in bOOty.

    I want curves, not rolls. But overall I want health.

  4. Wow! Amanda... you are doing so amazing! You inspire me! Guess what? I will be in Mexicali on Sunday... having surgery on Monday morning with Dr. Aceves! Your detailed account of how it all went has really given me a road map to follow so I know what to expect... I believe he is the BEST surgeon for this procedure and how he and his team handled your crises was just another testament to why I chose to be in a hospital setting... thank you for sharing all of that. I'd like to Friend you on here if you don't mind? I want to follow your progress and hopefully make a new post op friend (you would be my first as of Monday July 8th! lol!)

    Great to hear you are making such great health improvements!

    I'm excited for you and I'm glad sharing my experience helped you in making such a big decision.

    I'd love to be a friend to you and I'm excited to hear about your Mexicali journey. I hope and pray it is a smooth and easy journey for you.

    Dr. Aceves and his team are great.

    Btw, don't eat at the Buffalo Steakhouse!!!!! ;-)

  5. I have been reading these related threads the last few days but felt since I wasn't involved in any way I should refrain from commenting. But since I work in a hospital I have seen instances where doctors had inappropriate relationships with patients. Doesn't always mean sex' date=' flirtation is more common but is NOT appropriate behavior for a physician. It isn't usually reported at the time because the patients involved seemed either ashamed right after the fact and wanted to forget it, or they were enthralled with their doctor and the doctor strung them along for a time hoping to avoid disciplinary action. Regardless of consent, doctors are always in a position of power over patients. That is why any hospital or clinic worth their salt takes disciplinary action against doctors who abuse the doctor-patient relationship. Mine certainly does, and they do investigate the incidents carefully.

    As for the rampant **** shaming that has gone on in these threads - I am appalled and disgusted. You ladies should be ashamed of yourselves. Another member corroborated her story and other patients alleged similar behavior from this doctor. Even if you don't believe her story or you took her retraction as truth, you stooped to the gutter level by outing her and harassing her. This man wasn't fired and I'm betting based on Dr. Garcia's Facebook message that he will be exonerated, rightly or wrongly. So congratulations to those who have a misguided mission of protecting this doctor's unethical behavior.

    You may think this story is clear-cut and that this is an obvious instance of a woman scorned, but consider this: I was raped in college and beaten in the course of the attack. I did everything I was supposed to -went to the hospital, had painful and invasive tests, filed a police report, had my day in court. From the day my rapist was arrested I was harassed and **** shamed by his girlfriend, his friends, and the university itself. I was threatened with bodily harm and death. I was called a crazy **** who had buyers remorse. My rapist's defense attorney convinced the jury of this too and he was acquitted. I am not saying my story is similar to the story at hand, but what is similar and deeply troubling is the way women gang up on each other rather than support each other. I grow so tired of it.[/quote']

    Exactly right. These threads have been just awful all around and you summarized it very well. I'm sorry to hear about such an experience in your past that allowed you to relate to the bad behavior.

    Thank you for speaking up. I hope and pray we all learn and grow as better people and I hope you have found peace and that the OP finds peace as well.

  6. I used to have a huge tank too. But these two tanks are very small.. One is a nano (14 gallons)

    The other is a "pico" (2 gallons) they require lots of work because the normal perimeters get thrown off daily because of the smaller size.

    So you have to be OCD and very controlling (right up my alley) to deal with them.

    Oh and get my cuddles still Amanda!

    In the form of my "pico" dog <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    Gotta get the cuddles!

  7. my aunt got a malamute cause they are beautiful dogs. She was going to get a rot but instead she drove 4 hours to pick up a baby malamute. My teacher bought a golden doodle cause she loves that specific breed and how fluffy they are. I am buying a corgi because they are adorable' date='small and very obedient and easy to train.[/quote']

    We just knew our furry family were right for us. :-)

  8. Ok I just read all the new posts here and I must day I am finding it very disturbing!

    This change if topics' date=' about your dogs, hedgehogs and other furry things...

    What about FISH??? (and coral they are pets too)

    I'm feeling like there is some discrimination going on here.


    Cuddling fish and coral? Something tells me that won't work out very well.

  9. lots of people get dogs based off of looks and how cute they are. And I mean lots. You can't really judge a kitten or a puppy when you go to look at them on their personality. I do not like the way pitbulls look so I would never get one. I do not like those cats that naturally have no hair so I didn't get one. I forgot to say my 3 year old cat was adopted so I'm done adopting for now. She's a great cat but like I said I want to be able to be there from the start with a dog.

    I got my furlings based on the fact that my heart recognized them as soon as I saw them.

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