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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. Thanks to you who responded with actual' date=' personal help.

    I am fully aware of all the pros and cons of the sleeve (and surgery in general) and will be sleeved soon. This tool will allow me to finally get control over my weight battles. Every choice has a down side. This is the tool I have chosen for me after careful thought and consideration.

    Chickenlittle, I figured there would be some judgement. Ironic that those with high BMI's who have been judged all their lives, presumably, would choose to turn around judge someone who was not 'obese' enough. How silly.


    I don't think disagreeing with someone's choice or offering very important details that may be glossed over and/or disregarded is judging.

    I will never tell you what you want to hear, unless what you're wanting to hear is honesty.

  2. Perhaps this is one of those Aussie-American things - where we think that because we speak the same language we should understand each other' date=' but we just don't - but I don't get why any poster would go raving on about their doctor unless they were being paid to do so. It sounds - to my ears at least - disingenuous.

    Surely a simple "sorry to hear of your bad experience, mine was good" is enough to balance the record, if you feel that's necessary.

    I had a very good experience with my doctor, but not in a month of Sundays would I describe him as "awesome"... and he'd probably be completely creeped out if i did.[/quote']

    Sharing all the deets is very important when venturing to another country as there are more potential unknowns. And my surgeon was awesome. I enjoyed my experience as much as one can enjoy surgery. Perhaps it's because I was so anxious about leaving "home" and having surgery in Mx?

    The only bonus I get from sharing my story is knowing I've helped someone feel better and more comfortable about going to Dr. Aceves.

    But knowing that some get compensated for referrals does take something away from the sharing of experiences. Just like coordinators misrepresenting themselves as patients.

  3. I have heard others say they use your initial weight for qualifying you.

    That said I used Dr. Aceves in Mexicali. He is a wonderful surgeon and I have zero complaints. I researched Mexico for several months repeatedly changing my mind on the right surgeon.

    There are many well reviewed and respected surgeons in Mx but Dr. Aceves was my best fit. He is a more expensive surgeon, at 8750 for VSG, but you recover in a full service hospital with a surgeon who has years upon years of experience.

    Good luck in you WLS journey.

  4. Clk I love when you reply to any post on vst! The post above gave me a huge smile. <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    Thanks for telling me about about your journey. I'm thankful that "derailing" for a sleever is not like derailing pre sleeve. I'm back on track today and unfortunately for now' date=' I'm hanging the running hat up. I think it's also the heat and humidity making that too hard for me.

    I called my doc and left a message that I'm ready for the and depressants. He had told me pre sleeve that I'd probably need it. I have a history of depression and now that the honeymoon (yes and faster weight loss) is over, I'm definitely feeling it again. I am excited to feel better. He's putting me on Pristique, which I've never tried before.

    Well here's to a new day, healthy eating choices and peace with myself if I need a break in exercise. I won't take more than two days.

    I <3 all if you and from the bottom of my heart, I'm thankful to all who reached out.


    I hope you get that pep back in your step. I think you will. Now that its super hot and humid maybe you can hang up your running shoes in exchange for your swimmers cap?

  5. Didn't you have some medical care on your way back home? How was that covered?

    I'm guessing your concern is regarding your insurance not covering WLS related medical claims postop?

    I knew going in they wouldn't cover WLS med claims postop. I decided the benefits outweighed the "what if" risks for me. I had comorbidities and topped out over 400 lbs.

    Only you know what the best decision is for you short term and long term.

  6. Didn't you have some medical care on your way back home? How was that covered?

    I had issues with my heart acting up again in Denver. It was covered by my medical insurance I have with my employer.

    It was not treated as WLS related as it is a well documented issue that predated my WLS.

    Although with the weight loss my heart is behaving just fine.

  7. AmandaRae - I am enjoying your new profile picture.....you are a very beautiful woman! So excited about your weight loss and cannot wait for the below 300 party! I will drive to Ohio...lol!

    Thank you for the kind words. I am happy to say I didn't have to twist into odd angles to take a flattering selfie. And I'm 13 lbs away from 299 lbs!

    I think I will be celebrating at Cedar Point this fall! I'm hoping I will confidently fit all the rides by then!!!! :-D

  8. Why do I feel weird about eating the night before surgery? Where does that food go? I doubt it will pass in time for the surgery. And the thought of having to go to the bathroom soon after surgery makes me cringe with pain.

    We had an eating curfew and were told it would be well past the stomach and into the intestines. I did have a bm at the hospital. No pain.

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