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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. Oh! and by the way' date=' no one won the dollar.....

    But I might give it to proudgrammy for thinking pregnant!! <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />

    Thanks guys you mad me laugh and cry from the nice words <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />[/quote']

    I believe in you.

  2. Amanda' date='

    The nurse meant it as Prisoner of War.. She was saying that since they are prisoners, they can only eat what they get, if anything...(she was telling Bella, that if she doesn't eat she won't be heavy).[/quote']

    The only way I could think to define POW was prisoners if war... But knowing that I thought, there could be no way the nurse meant that. That is too crass and absolutely horrific. I'm sorry you had to deal with such cruelty, OP.

    I am so saddened to hear someone said such a thing. I would report the nurse. Fat shaming is unacceptable. Please take a stand.

  3. I am four months postop and I feel really good to see others excited and empowered by their sleeves. That's how I feel most of the time. I still struggle. I occasionally make bad choices and suffer the consequences. I'm getting better at it. My addiction fights my progress and I fight back.

    I get frustrated more when people rush into this full of bravado backed by very little research and unrealistic expectations and start with the regrets. I empathize with the regrets because this is an unringable bell but also feel frustration.

    I get frustrated by the Sleeve Purists who seem to lie in wait, ready to pounce on someone who dared to be human and ate a cookie.

    I get frustrated by those who ignore the postop diet that is mostly about your body healing.

    I get frustrated when resuming preop behaviors is a priority to some ASAP.

    Buuuuuuut. I try and be supportive and helpful. I try and remember that they struggle for, mostly, the same reasons I do.

    The one I also struggle with that is kind of shallow on my part. It may be jealousy that my road is longer and maybe harder for me.... The people with 50 lbs or less to lose. Exception would be band to sleeve conversions. But that's my hang up.

    Whew! That was actually cathartic.

  4. Sounds like it to me! I've had it happen to me twice...because' date=' ya know, I can never learn the first time. <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

    Here's what mayo says about it: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/dumping-syndrome/DS00715/DSECTION=symptoms

    Symptoms of dumping syndrome are most common during a meal or within 15 to 30 minutes following a meal. They include:




    [*]Abdominal cramps


    [*]Feeling of fullness



    [*]Dizziness, lightheadedness

    [*]Heart palpitations, rapid heart rate

    Signs and symptoms also can develop later, usually one to three hours after eating. This is due to the dumping of large amount of sugars into the small intestine (hyperglycemia). In response, the body releases large amounts of insulin to absorb the sugars, leading to low levels of sugar in the body (hypoglycemia). Symptoms of late dumping can include:




    [*]Dizziness, lightheadedness


    [*]Heart palpitations, rapid heart rate


    A study of more than 1,100 people who had their stomachs surgically removed found that about two-thirds experienced early symptoms and about a third experienced late symptoms of dumping syndrome. Some people experience both early and late signs and symptoms.

    No matter when problems develop, however, they may be worse following a high-sugar meal, especially one that's rich in table sugar (sucrose) or fruit sugar (fructose).


    It was most of those symptoms. Horrible. Lesson learned for sure!

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