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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. im sorry amanda.....it will not affect my recovery by them removing so much intestines....It actually helped me pass gas because i was not able to do anything if they had not done the second surgery.....Im doing great and im just about 2 and half weeks out I went in on july 8th and came home july 19th......everything is running as it is suppose to!!!

    I'm glad you're recovering. I hope it is smooth sailing going forward.

  2. Yes deffanatlly jst a vacation thing !!! I've terrified myself thinking I've done some sort of damage

    But you weren't concerned while you were actually drinking?

    I ask because I am a food addict and for me, I was never thinking of the binging while I was doing it. I only experienced regret and concern afterwards.

    If you are a food addict as well then you may want to be aware of addictive behaviors resurfacing.

  3. The guidance I was given basically states that it happens due to the shock of surgery and weightloss' date=' and that for those patients that experience the hairloss, 30-40% of it could fall out, several months after the shock occurred that put them into the "resting" phase. Guidance states that it's not likely due to nutrient deficiency and there's really no intervention necessary or particularly effective and that it will begin to grow back and you don't have to worry about whether or not to Shampoo or how vigorously to shampoo, because all that does is loosen the strands that were going to come out anyway. I think this is one of the side effects where "Suck it up, buttercup" applies, unfortunately. Might be a good time to develop a personal style that includes some cute hats...

    Good luck![/quote']

    As long as genetics stay on my side this will only serve to save me the expense of having my hair thinned professionally. :-P

  4. I have thin' date=' fine hair.. you can see my scalp.... I've been really praying to hold on to EVERY strand. I was thinking.. wooo hooo.. I made it past the four month mark.. AWESOME.... then last Thursday at 7:10AM it STARTED...literally fistful after fistful was coming out while in the shower. <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/angry.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' />[/quote']

    I'm sorry to hear you can relate, but the time/date stamp made me smile.

  5. AmandaRae - I very much appreciate your well-worded' date=' correct grammar, smart responses. I'm a geek that way.

    I'm wondering, if you would consider sharing, what questions and answers you received prior to surgery.

    Thanks much - Amy[/quote']

    Ha! I'm a bit of a grammar geek too.

    I checked my Mexi-sleeve email folder to see if I still had all of the Q&A's saved. Alas, I do not. I held onto them like a talisman for "good luck" until I came out the other side and made it home safely. Then I deleted them. I don't like clutter. Even in my email.

    I will do my best to recall as much as possible.

    I was (am) terrified of anesthesia. I wanted to know if they ever had a WLS patient never "wake up". I was told no, that has never happened. The anesthesiologist confirmed he had never lost a patient during an elective surgery. His patient losses were trauma related and the odds were against them. I really appreciated his candor. It set my mind at ease. A lot.

    I admit it. I asked about bougie size. I was informed Dr. Aceves uses a 36Fr which, as it was, the smallest size I was comfortable with. My bougie size range was 36Fr - 40Fr. The smaller the bougie the greater the risk for complications like postop GERD or even leaks. Or so I've read. I've also read it makes very little, about zero impact actually, difference in weight loss success postop.

    I asked about leaks. If I remember correctly, and I'm not swearing this to be gospel as I'm trying to remember as many questions/answers as I can and there were many, I think I was told there have been 3 leaks. One leak was his 1st surgery and I believe it may have been a revision, but I am not 100% sure of that.

    I asked about losing a patient. Again don't quote me, but I'm thinking it was one. It was explained there were contributing factors.

    Nina would be able to confirm the details as I'm trying to recall back several months ago into the mind of the extremely anxious and emotional individual that I was while researching and preparing. I was such an anxious mess that I truly don't recall every Q and every A.

    I was very concerned about them being equipped to care for me if my heart acted up. I was told they were more than capable. They then had the opportunity to "show me" even though I'm not from Missouri. ;-)

    I was a surgeon flip flopper. Initially I was going to use Dr. Lopez at Mi Doctor. I changed my mind, mentally about a 1000 times. Per day. :o

    I was not confident Mi Doctor could handle it I went into a-fib. I didn't want to have an emergency while recovering in a hotel. Almater Hospital is a 24/7 365 day a year full service, in every way, hospital. I needed that. Unfortunately I did go into a-fib. It was late at night. In Mexico, where my Spanish is subpar. Fortunately I was exactly where I needed to be. In the hospital. Recovering. They kept me an extra day at the hospital with no extra charge.

    To those who've had surgery with Dr. Lopez and/or at Mi Doctor please understand this. I'm not putting that choice down. It has worked out wonderfully for others, and I believe it will continue to do so. For me, I made that choice that was best for me. Dr. Aceves. I chose wisely. :-)

    Jesser, do you remember the deets from Nina from your research?

  6. If my mom didn't have frozen dinners, little Debbie's, Cheetos, hot dogs, etc in the house with the freedom to eat whatever and when ever I wanted, I probably wouldn't be in this situation. Veggies and fruit were completely foreign to me as a kid. Leading by example can work especially when you have kids who have no control over what foods are kept in the house. I think OP is feeling guilty of what her daughter has become. My dad did and offered to pay for lapband when I was 18. I knew then I wasn't ready for anything like that!

    I agree this surgery isn't going to fix anything but her size. Teens of any size can have issues with low self esteem, depression, promiscuity, being bullied, etc.

    I think you hit the nail on the head. The OP is reacting to her own feelings of guilt.

  7. Yes can you imagine having this done and going back to school so soon after?? And starting high school?? Getting liquids and required Protein is literally a full time job in the months after surgery.. One of the MANY reasons this is not a good idea.. Speaking of which' date=' how much thought has been put into this?

    To the op you were supposed to have this done to yourself in March, but got sick and say now your thinking of just doing the both of you? And paid her deposit.. That's a small chunk of time to make such a major decision on such a MAJOR surgery....

    I know I keep chiming in here, but honestly I'm sick to my stomach about this.. And as a mother of a teen girl beg you to reconsider if only for just a bit and go through it with yourself first.[/quote']

    I felt/feel tightness in my chest and an upset stomach while reading through this thread.

    I've been overweight forever and obese+ for longer than I can remember. My daughter will be 13 this winter and battled with weight issues. I could not imagine her, or any of her peers, being ready for this drastic and permanent decision.

    Its a major adjustment and struggle for me as an adult. An adult who's considered WLS for almost a decade and researched VSG for over a year before making the leap.

    It's too much for a child. They're still learning and growing. We want our children to learn and grow from seeing our life experiences and choices. And be better because of it.

    This thread has motivated and empowered me. My daughter and I are going to work on a healthy and realistic plan together so that she isn't faced with this decision in her future.

  8. My PCP is extremely supportive. Him being onboard with my decision was very important to me. He does my blood work. Tracks my weight. He is monitoring my positive progress with my comorbidities. sleep apnea and temperamental heart are going the way of the dodo!

    Plus Dr. Aceves sent me home with PCP postop follow up needs.

    If you haven't already found a good PCP then research it with the same fervor used to research a Mx surgeon.

    Good luck

  9. Well' date=' I am wiggling out. Am not going to do it. Just don't feel good about the whole thing. Getting pulled over for a drug search, being handed a cup to pee in while a cleaning lady would not leave the bathroom etcetc did nothing to alleviate my fears. Dr aceves seems like a good man,and brutally honest (kudos to him). The complications some of his patients have experienced that he described also put the fear of the living daylights in me. I never knew.....[/quote']

    I hope you find peace of mind with whatever decision you make. Panic/anxiety attacks are overwhelming. I had one myself before boarding my last flight home after all my heart issues. It was all consuming. :-(

    Perhaps, if you feel compelled to expound upon this further, you may want to start a new and separate thread?

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