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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. Do I have that? Maybe. I am pretty cranky. I just feel sick and very weak. My surgeon is far away and doesn't call me back. I am so frustrated trying to stuff enough Protein and Water in to make it go away so I feel stronger but it isn't working yet. I am on my forth huge jug of Water for the day which will give me 80oz but its half water and half gatorade with 2 dashes of Fiber shaken in just for FLAVOR!

    A. Cranky

    B. Emotional

    C. Short tempered

    D. All of the above


  2. I traveled from Jacksonville to there and back and did great. Coming home' date=' the airlines out of San Diego are actually very used to having Medical Tourism patients fly with them. If you tell them you just had surgery, they are very good about looking after you, making sure you get plenty of Water, etc. In fact, Dr. Aceves sent some broth with me for the trip home, and the steward had no problem with heating it up for me.

    Sent from my iPad using VST[/quote']

    I was sent home with bottled Water, Gatorade, juice, and broth. Every discharged patient was. Very thorough and thoughtful.

  3. Your experience sounds a lot like mine. I was sleeved by Dr Aceves on August 20' date=' 2012. They are a great team, I have recommended them to at least a dozen friends or business associates.[/quote']

    My mom, the Mexico surgery skeptic, is now recommending Dr. Aceves to coworkers and friends if the express interest.

    She was that impressed with the team at Almater.

  4. My concentration in school was adult substance abuse/mental health/criminal justice. I went to school at 40' date=' have a buttload of loans that I will be paying for until I die. It took me 5 years of applying with the VA to get hired but after years in the social services field, I can tell you that working for the Feds is the only place you will make good money with good benefits unless you want to go into private practice. If you are still in school, I would suggest you attempt to get an internship. My supervisor came on as an intern 23 yrs ago and has never worked anywhere else. You will be able to work in any state anywhere regardless of where you are licensed. [/quote']

    Thank you for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I'm looking into trying to get in with a good company, preferably the federal government, to maybe help with tuition.

  5. Full price Oreos (no sale even) I could of bought 9 packages! Hehe yes I just looked up Oreos?

    Did you guys know they make sugar free Oreos now??? Go figure <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />

    I did not need to know that. Lol

  6. When I was on vaca last week I bought two boxes of Atkins bars, not cheap, so that I'd have Protein handy. I went to grab a meal bar and my box of five was reduced to a single bar.

    My sister, her bf, and my daughter decided to feast on them.

    I was po'd! :-(

  7. Clinical Social Worker with the Veterans Administration doing case management with homeless Veterans. Sleeved 8/5; didn't weigh before but think it was somewhere between 260 and 270. The surgeon weighed me July 3rd during my final consult with him and will weigh me again when I go for my post-op on the 21st. I feel good' date=' still tire easily, getting in all my liquids and more and pushing my suggested Protein intake. On liquids until I see my Doc for post-op. Life is good and now it will be better. <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />[/quote']

    I'm currently enrolled in school with a double major to be a Clinical Social Worker with a focus on Substance Abuse.

    I've been looking into entry level jobs with the VA in Wilmington, NC.

  8. I cannot eat much. My stomach is the size of a Sharpie. I have to prioritize my intake. So, dammit, when I find a yummy AND nutritionally balanced AND sleeve friendly meal.... Leave my food ALONE!!!! Don't eat my leftovers. Let me enjoy it.

    Why is it what I'm eating and/or rationing out is the most appetizing thing in a 50 mile radius to my family?!?!

    And then I feel selfish and guilty for getting so annoyed. Like I'm being the greedy food ogre who never wanted to share?

  9. Hmmm... I was going to post a study about nurses' date=' shift work and obesity rates.

    But it looks like you guys have moved on to making fun of people you perceive as being not as intelligent as you?[/quote']

    Uh oh, that's totally not cool. I missed that part. No one should build themselves up by putting others down.

  10. Friday night' date=' we flew from SC to San Diego, CA. We spent that night, all day Saturday and the next night in San Diego. Sunday, we were dropped off at the airport. We were told we would have about an hours wait, but Ernesto got there in 15 minutes! Ernesto is a sweetie, but it was difficult for me to understand him as I don't speak Spanish and he has a slight speech impediment. This is the point where I started getting nervous. We were driving straight to the hospital, with Ernesto talking about the sights, etc. He and my DH talked -- I was too nervous to join in. When we got to the hospital, I met my surgery sister there (she was having a band) and we got our blood drawn for tests. Next came the ekg and then the xray, They were very puzzled when looking at the xray machine and asked, "does she have a zipper in there?" LOL I have a steel rod fused to my spine that was showing up in the picture. Next, we were taken to the hotel. It is a very nice hotel and full service -- you can get a massage, etc. but that has to be booked ahead of time. It was too early to eat dinner and we were hungry so walked to the 7-11 for Snacks and drinks. It is HOT in Mexico in August. Finally it was time for dinner. Only one of the three restaurants was open because it was Sunday, so we had to go with the Mexican one, which was fine as I love Mexican food. Our dinner was marvelous and we split dessert. Then, the next morning, it was on to the hospital. I had assumed since my surgery sister was having an easier surgery that she would go first. Wrong! I was up first. I remember being in the OR with a male nurse or dr. named Sergio. He was very nice and spoke with me right before I went under. There were others in there, but he stood out as he spent time talking and explaining things to me which helped calm my fears. Then, they put a mask on my face and I don't remember anything until waking up in my room. I was only supposed to be in recovery for two hours but was in four as the anesthesia really put me under. (A good thing!) My mouth was dry the day of surgery but I was allowed to swish and spit Water so that helped a great deal. I had IV fluids, a drain, and morphine for pain. My surgery sister and I did a small amount of walking at some point, either that day or the next. The hospital was very, very clean. It is small, but you get such good care there. If I needed something, I got it immediately. I can't say enough good things about the level of care I received. After my second leak test, I was brought my first "food": Gatorade, hot tea and apple juice. I drank more of the hot tea than anything else. I also got chicken broth the second and third days. Yuck. I am sure it was cooked well, but I am just not a chicken broth fan. That generally went back untouched. The thing that surprised me the most was pain when I drank. Did not know it would hurt to do that. The day of departure, Ernesto was there bright and early to pick us up. The plane ride home was brutal. The delays were brutal. That was my worst day painwise and I only got half a bottle or so of Water in all day. I HIGHLY recommend upgrading your return flight tickets if at all possible. I am on day six after surgery and feel much better. There is just a tiny bit of pain when I drink now. I am tired and feel a bit weak from time to time but am much better. My DH and I are very pleased with the care we received from Dr. Aceves and Almater hospital in Mexicali.[/quote']

    I'm glad you made it home safely and had a quality experience.

    They're a great team, at Almater. I hope your pain is gone now. Traveling home was rough for me too. Not much pain, but it was a misadventure!

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