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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. You know Amanda I eat a bit of bread here and there...I used to eat it everyday before surgery! I did not touch it for many months after because of all of the stories about how bad it make people feel and because it bad for you... But we all know I have a sleeve of steel so of course when I tried it' date=' it was fine. Ok lots of things for me are sliders and make me want more. You know the usual suspects chips popcorn sweets.. But bread? Meh I can take a bite here and there even bought a baguette in big sur a couple of weeks ago to have with goat cheese (and copious amounts of wine) it, for some reason does not trigger me? It does fill me a bit yes, but I've not stuffed enough of it to hurt.[/quote']

    Baguette, goat cheese, and naturally the copious amounts of wine sound soooooo good.

    I'm just over 6 months out and now that autumn weather is here I think how good some crusty French bread and a yummy veal stew would be just delicious... Followed by.... Aforementioned copious amounts of wine.

    I just drooled, typing this.

  2. I don't care for Powerade Zero and my biggest issue is that I don't like anything weird flavored. I will drink orange or fruit punch and that's about it. Any of these new fangled strawberry/kiwi/watermelon/mango/berry/funky ass fruit flavored combos make me want to gag. I hope Water will appeal to me again soon. I used to chug at least 120oz a day and I miss it.

    I miss chugging water too.

  3. I don't feel bad about the Coke Zero or the straw. I've been using a straw from the beginning with no problem' date=' it's the only way I will get my fluids in. As for the Coke Zero, I know it's bad for me and I know I should drink almost anything else, but until I find something I can tolerate, it is what it is. Crystal Light makes me gag as does tea. I can drink Water after a workout but only a little. I drink it whenever I can, but if it was my only liquid, I would barely hit 16 oz a day. I do drink caffeine free Coke Zero, so that's slightly better I guess. The only other liquid I can really tolerate well is Gatorade and I don't mean of the G2 variety. That said, I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND ANYONE ELSE DRINK IT. [/quote']

    I'm afraid to try pop. Same with bread. I don't miss it much so there hasn't been a good reason to try.

    Btw, Powerade Zeroes and Sobe Zeroes go down easy for me. Idk if you've tried them yet.

  4. Darn it' date=' y'all. Am I supposed to experience guilt? I haven't felt guilty once when I have made a poor food choice. I have seen it as my trial and error plan to see what I can tolerate and what may be off limits. I don't plan to "diet" my life away but to modify my portions, my intake order and my choices. I haven't had any major over sized portion problems yet but I have thrown up several times when "I chose poorly". Buffets with family are murder for me. Even if I stay focused on better choices and tiny servings I still over do and urp as a result (yes, I have done it twice now). I don't want a life of depravation. I don't think I have to have one with my sleeve as my helper. I try to "respect the pouch" and it tries to keep me on the straight and narrow. So far, so good. Bad choices and all.[/quote']

    A buffet would be such a waste of money for me. I used to get my monies worth but now, no dice.

    I don't feel guilty for indulging either. Once every two weeks I buy a Belgium dark chocolate bar and relish and savor every last bite. Amazing....

  5. I developed optic neuritis over a year ago in my right eye. It is an indicator of MS. So far no signs of MS but that possibility and my now increased chance of developing it prompted me to get my weight under control.

    I knew at 400+ lbs I'd be wheelchair bound in no time if things got bad.

    I hope I never have to find out, but I'm glad I took control of my situation either way.

  6. Almost 9 weeks out now I bought a Cuisinart ice cream maker (recommended on a forum here) and am experiencing a new found anticipation for my Protein shakes in ice cream form. 10-20 minutes of churning and they are ready for me to eat with a spoon. Yum! Then again' date=' perhaps it's living in south Texas that really makes me crave colder things much of the year.[/quote']

    Yummy idea!

  7. Thanks ladies... btw. AmandaRae...I love your quote "If You Propose To Speak' date=' Always Ask Yourself, Is It True, Is It Necessary, Is It Kind.” [/quote']


    I never had a problem with "air" in my blended Protein shakes..... But I didn't have the postop gas pain many had.

    I shared my Gas X strips with other Sleevers.

    Once i was cleared to have a banana.... I like my smoothies with Syntrax chocolate, PB2, unsweetened almond milk, and half a banana...

  8. It is really yummy and quick. I'm a fan.

    I mentioned on MFP that when I get a Wake Up Wrap from Dunkin Donuts, which is comparable, it slides and I only takes 10-15 minutes to eat. When I make my wrap it takes about 45 minutes.... General consensus is it due to the white flour tortilla they use vs me using a whole grain tortilla.

  9. Be weary of the white pills they give you in the Hotel. They are clonopins. I brought my baby and was nursing and they were supposed to give me pain meds that were safe for nursing moms. I trusted the doctor....found out what the pills were once I was in the states. They give you those so you will be knocked out for 8 hrs plus. Also' date=' if you happen to have any complications do not expect ANY cooperation from their end. The doctor didn't even have the decency to call me back when I told them my husband has been hospitalized for over 4 months due to a leak. It wasn't from anything Dr. Almanza did but it still would have been nice to get a post op report for the doctors here....it's definitely go at your own risk.[/quote']

    I hope your hubby is okay.

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