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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. I have read that a large part of the hair loss is the "shock" that the body goes through from the surgery. Also' date=' anytime you lose weight rapidly, you will experience Hair loss. I discussed this with my doctor because, well, I'm kind of paranoid about it all. He assured me that no, I will not go bald, as long as I keep up on my Protein shakes (hair is made up of protein) and my Vitamins. I have also been taking extra zinc pre-op to help strengthen it now. On a side note, it's spendy, but Viviscal promises to combat the anagen phase of hair loss which surgery and weight loss promote. I will probably start on that as soon as I get off the liquid phase of my diet. I do know of two ladies that had the surgery done and they had no hair loss whatsoever. It's a mystery.[/quote']

    The surgical shock aspect never made much sense to me. My hair stayed put after both my c-section and having my gall bladder removed.

    However, fast and extreme weight loss has been known to be a culprit for hair loss. Namely, I believe, to the deficiency of calories, Protein, and nutrients.

  2. Good question Amanda! I am ashamed to say I just kind of sputtered and said "well yeah I don't really eat that stuff" <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> I can be such a strong woman sometimes with a big mouth. But then I'll get side swiped with a comment like that and I lose myself... The fact of the matter I can and did eat some! I can eat whatever I want. There is nothing I shouldn't' date=' couldn't eat! I make my choices and I chose to eat semi clean but that's my choice my business.. This is the same friend that told me when we were out eating sashimi a couple of months ago, "You need to slow down, you're eating too fast" Smh... I am not a super slow chew forty times wait 5 minutes between bites gal. The fact is I'm done with my meals kinda quick. But again I will say "my body, my life," [/quote']

    No shame, Laura. You were taken aback by poor manners.

    And you're exactly right. You make your own choices and answer to yourself.

    And your success speaks for you loud and clear! :-D

  3. I had a friend come over today. I told her I made granola last night with my son... She said to me "should you be eating that" 0_o f**k I said we made it' date=' I didn't say I sat down and ate the platter afterwards... Ok better now, well, I'm still somewhat pissy but better.[/quote']

    How did you respond?

  4. Wow – it seems a lot of you guys are allowed to have it with almond milk. My dog won't allow it. I have to make some sequestrate Water but' date=' I am allowed to add extract to them. I have vanilla extract, coconut, and strawberry. I have different flavors of Chike as well. I have tried making them into ice pops – I had put my coffee cup in the freezer – it had my Chike in it and it's I pulled it out hours later and it was frozen solid and I let it thaw for just a little bit and ended up making it into a slushy. It went down pretty well that way… I definitely have to have a cold or doesn't go down very well. But I'm having a great deal of trouble getting in the amount of Protein I'm supposed to get in. I'm three weeks postop and I'm supposed to have two shakes a day but, i'm lucky if I can get one end. I know it's bad and I should be trying to get the other end but, I'm just not hungry… Natalie[/quote']

    Did you ask why almond milk is off limits?

  5. I made a pot roast and homemade mashed potatoes for the family night before last. I can tolerate beef very well but that chuck roast immediately evacuated back through the way it came. I figured it was just a bad night as I have those from time to time' date=' but I tasted it the next day and BOOOOOOM, out it came. The mashed taters were the same. They made me feel as if I had swallowed a rock. SOB!!!! I am in serious denial right now.[/quote']

    I struggle with potatoes and the various ways of preparing them too. Bummer that!

  6. Just curious as to how much you had to make the nausea come on? Or is it just the fact that you ate it at all (or was it the carbs)? I love chik parm and I am trying to get a gauge of if I will never be able to eat it post sleeve.

    I believe it was mostly the Pasta. Low carb. High carb. Whole wheat. It doesn't matter. Pasta lands hard and fast. I didn't eat much at all. But it was too much.

  7. I made the most amazing chicken Parmesan for dinner tonight with spicy marinara and low carb linguini.

    It was spectacular!!! I kept eating to the point of discomfort, take a break, and eat some more.

    The portion was minuscule compared to once upon a time, but the behavior is what worries me. It really is my best chicken parm ever.

    I had to walk around and take deep breaths to keep from sliming and puking.

  8. Why does the partner have to change on your schedule? People will not tackle their health and weight issues until they're good and ready....and not a minute sooner. I don't know about you' date=' but I was overweight for decades....then one day I decided to do something about it. But for many years before, doctors and relatives had been urging me to do something....I just wouldn't....until the day I decided enough was enough. My wife married me when I was 400lbs and she was running marathons. Thank god she didn't decide I needed to be on her fitness and nutritional plan or we would have never been married.....so no....it's not a problem unless you make it one. JMHO[/quote']


    And if it is a problem, own that it is your hang up.

  9. I agree... my opinion is that 13 is too young to put that type of responsibility on him. And any complications could be traumatic for him' date=' not knowing quite what to do and being in a foreign country. Even run of the mill issues can be scary -- when I threw up after surgery it scared the crap out of my mom and she's 65. I like laura-ven's suggestion... use the money to buy a friend a ticket to come with you.[/quote']

    My mom panicked when I threw up postop even tho it was expected. 13 is too young.

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