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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. Hooray!!! Thrilling, isn't it? Amanda Rae
  2. AmandaRaeLeo

    Making My Deposit Today...

    Will do for all of the above! :-) Amanda Rae
  3. AmandaRaeLeo

    Making My Deposit Today...

    I'm not using R4C. I'm using ALM. Also, I have high BMI. Thanx for looking out. Amanda Rae
  4. AmandaRaeLeo

    Making My Deposit Today...

    And thank you thank you to everyone! I'm glad I stumbled across this site for info and support. It would be a lonely scary journey otherwise... I'm super emotional!!! Amanda Rae
  5. AmandaRaeLeo

    Making My Deposit Today...

    2 Protein replacement shakes. salad and "protein" for dinner like chicken breast. A 3rd Protein shake if necessary. 3 days preop take a laxative and then 3 days Clear liquids only. Amanda Rae
  6. AmandaRaeLeo

    Making My Deposit Today...

    Oh me too! And Dr. Lopez bumped my surgery day up from 3/11 to 3/10. Idk why the one day change has me so excited but it does! :-D Amanda Rae
  7. AmandaRaeLeo

    Making My Deposit Today...

    From a mansion to an efficiency. Lol Amanda Rae
  8. AmandaRaeLeo

    Making My Deposit Today...

    Super excited and calmer now that its done. Deposit officially deposited!!! Thanx all for the support and encouragement! It means so much. Amanda Rae
  9. AmandaRaeLeo

    i want sex now now now

    Look I'm not engaging you in an argument but I do think your choice of words kinda sucked. Also, me personally, I'm not a big fan of justifying or excusing "word vomit" by hiding it behind the label of "truth". Honesty can be honest and kind. That is the impression I have here. (*Disclaimer alert* that was not an accusation but me opining on an observation). When I stick my foot in my mouth or have a "word vomit" or find that my words unintentionally upset/hurt someone I just own it. I don't apologize for my feelings. They're mine. They're valid. I apologize for the unintentional hurt. But... that's just me... Amanda Rae
  10. AmandaRaeLeo

    i want sex now now now

  11. http://www.gastricsleeve.com/forum/tell-us-about-your-journey-getting-a-gastric-sleeve/11382-doctor-ramos-kelly-info.html I believe this is a post from Dr. Kelly himself with his contact info. Idk how up to date or accurate it is... Amanda Rae
  12. AmandaRaeLeo

    Question fot the Ladies

    I'm nervous about the idea of getting a Brazilian wax or even a bikini wax. Once I get my weight under control that is... Is it worth it? How long does it last typically? Amanda Rae
  13. AmandaRaeLeo

    i want sex now now now

    You envy us fat people?!
  14. AmandaRaeLeo

    Recent border problems?

    Not to mention it would be bad for business if the patients came back reporting horror stories... Of course I believe they do want us safe out of human decency but they are running a business as well. I think we just need to use common sense with a side of extra caution. Amanda Rae
  15. AmandaRaeLeo

    Ohio Sleevers And Mexico...

    My aunt and uncle went there. They are doing great and speak highly of their experience. It's too much for me to self pay there... I had research further and starting looking into Medical Tourism. My surgery date is 3/11/13. Amanda Rae
  16. AmandaRaeLeo

    Had to visit ER today :(

    I'm glad you're getting the hydration you need. Water. Water. Water. And thank you for the reminder. It is good that we are reminded that this is a big deal! I hope you feel better... Amanda Rae
  17. AmandaRaeLeo

    Ohio Sleevers And Mexico...

    Akron/Canton area. You? Amanda Rae
  18. AmandaRaeLeo

    Ohio Sleevers And Mexico...

    We're the lonely two! Amanda Rae
  19. Tis the season to be running around in 20 different directions! Merry Christmas. Amanda Rae

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