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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. AmandaRaeLeo

    Unanswered Questions b4 leaving.

    I've heard your plus 1 can stay at the hotel while you're in the hospital for $55/night or stay at the hospital with no extra charge. That is how I understand it to be with ALM. Amanda Rae
  2. AmandaRaeLeo

    Holy Cow, Booking the Flights Now!

    Booking the flight made it even more "real" than making my deposit for some reason. Amanda Rae
  3. AmandaRaeLeo

    Food Funeral...

    Indeed we can! Amanda Rae
  4. AmandaRaeLeo

    Holy Cow, Booking the Flights Now!

    I'm so excited... And a little nauseous! Amanda Rae
  5. AmandaRaeLeo


    Friend request sent! Thanx for the support everyone!!! :-) Amanda Rae
  6. Thank you for sharing! I am brining my mom/nurse and she will be on it! Amanda Rae
  7. I hope and pray 2013 will bring us all safe and successful surgeries, recoveries, and continued healthy successes! Cheers! Amanda Rae
  8. AmandaRaeLeo


    Sent. I think.
  9. AmandaRaeLeo


    Thanx! Got it. Now I just gotta figure out the app! Lol
  10. AmandaRaeLeo

    Happy New Year!

    Should I start my preop diet today and skip the sauerkraut and pork or start my preop tomorrow? Please opine. Amanda Rae
  11. Thank you for sharing your positive experience and congrats on your success! If you think you've seen negativity trying visiting the Self Pay/Mexico forum! I'm going to Mx in March for surgery and it is an overwhelming choice on top of an overwhelming choice. Ironically most who post negatives didn't have surgery in Mx,! They just can't believe someone would... Sigh... Have a safe and successful recovery and please stick around! Amanda Rae
  12. AmandaRaeLeo

    High BMI and Pre-op Diet

    I will start 1/2. I really want sauerkraut/pork and mashed potatoes tomorrow! :-) Amanda Rae
  13. AmandaRaeLeo

    Support System

    Hooray to that! I'm glad you have new sleeve buddies, Jess! I felt bad that our dates didn't align with Dr. Lopez anymore! Amanda Rae
  14. AmandaRaeLeo

    Going to Mexico alone

    No worries! There's a learning curve... Amanda Rae
  15. Dr. Lopez/Osuna 3/18/13 Age 32 5'9 Starting weight 385 lbs Goal weight 160 lbs Amanda Rae
  16. AmandaRaeLeo

    Discrepency in cost of surgery

    Definitely not cool! I hope it works out! Amanda Rae
  17. AmandaRaeLeo

    Discrepency in cost of surgery

    I believe a lot of rates are going up at the 1st of the year.
  18. And oh how the butterflies are fluttering in my max capacity belly! Amanda Rae
  19. AmandaRaeLeo

    Making My Deposit Today...

    I may have to push my dates back a week to 3/18. Dr. Lopez and I have conflicting schedules! Lol! Amanda Rae

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
