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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. AmandaRaeLeo

    Passport Card...

    I understand that proof if a submitted application is how it was meant. Amanda Rae
  2. AmandaRaeLeo

    Passport Card...

    Yes I went to the post office. $30 for passport card. $25 fee. $55 out the door. Amanda Rae
  3. AmandaRaeLeo

    Passport Card...

    Sent it off on 1/7... Amanda Rae
  4. They wouldn't let me sleep on my stomach. Side was okay... Amanda Rae
  5. Just started using it. My name is AmandaRaeLeo. I would love some added support. Amanda Rae
  6. AmandaRaeLeo


    For me it's the surgery in general and anesthesia specifically. I have an anesthesia phobia. Amanda Rae
  7. AmandaRaeLeo


    Totally get it! I had a panic attack the other night. Couldn't sleep. Amanda Rae
  8. AmandaRaeLeo

    What is the best Greek yogurt?

    I think the cherry tastes like cherry pie. Amanda Rae
  9. AmandaRaeLeo

    What is the best Greek yogurt?

    Dannon Light n Fit is 80 calories. 0 fat. 12 grams of Protein. 9 carbs. 8 grams sugar. Amanda Rae
  10. AmandaRaeLeo

    Waiting my turn!

    Hooray and a safe surgery. Amanda Rae
  11. AmandaRaeLeo

    Video of mi doctor hospital

    She has several videos about her sleeve experience with Dr. Lopez and ALM. Comforting... Amanda Rae
  12. My uncle was sleeved about a year ago and his surgeon had his cpap in recovery and at hospital. He has since broken up with his cpap thanx to his sleeve success. I'm looking forward to breaking up with mine as well. Amanda Rae
  13. AmandaRaeLeo


    I eat waaaaay to fast. It got worse when my daughter was born. Hurry up and eat b4 the baby wakes up!!! It was 12 years ago that I became a mom but the bad behavior speed eating is still a problem. I need suggestions on how to change this behavior while I am still preop. Amanda Rae
  14. AmandaRaeLeo


    I'm practicing my chewing and laying my fork down on some steamed broccoli and cauliflower right now! Yum. Amanda Rae
  15. AmandaRaeLeo


    I've read putting your fork or spoon down between bites help... I need to practice now while I'm preop and don't have the risk of damaging the sleeve. Amanda Rae
  16. I was told to bring mine. Same with previous recent surgical procedures. Amanda Rae
  17. AmandaRaeLeo

    Horror Story

    Deep fried Kool-aide too. Blech. Amanda Rae

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
