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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. AmandaRaeLeo

    What is the best Greek yogurt?

    It's easily my favorite. I like the blueberry too, but the Cherry is the best! Amanda Rae
  2. AmandaRaeLeo

    Alcohol and 2 weeks post op!

    I enjoy wine. I'm preop. I'm so concerned about being as healthy as possible for surgery I cut it out completely. I honestly couldn't imagine drinking that soon postop. Especially knowing in advance all the possible side effects and complications that can come of it. Obviously food addiction is a problem for you as you chose to have surgery. Perhaps you should ask yourself why you chose to drink so soon without researching it or talking to your surgeon 1st. Replacement addiction is a real and common potential consequence of WLS. Amanda Rae
  3. I applied for mine on 1/7 and received it yesterday. Amanda Rae
  4. Now that I've made my deposit, secured my plane tickets, applied for my passport, and started my preop diet... I'm freaking out. I'm trying to talk myself down but I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm scared. I have sleep apnea, which I've disclosed, but I'm terrified it won't be handled properly. That I will suffocate under the anesthesia. That they will forget to put my cpap on me in recovery. That I will die or have brain damage. The anxiety is keeping me awake at night. I am so overwhelmed. Amanda Rae
  5. It is very under diagnosed. Snoring isn't the only symptom and it doesn't have to be present to have sleep apnea. http://www.m.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/symptoms-of-sleep-apnea http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/sleepapnea/signs.html Amanda Rae
  6. Hooray for you. I'm so glad everything went well. Amanda Rae
  7. Before I would even make my deposit I wanted my PCP's feedback and blessing. He gave me his blessing and is very excited for me. He insisted I get a flu shot (really glad I did too considering the flu outbreak) and updated my tetanus. He is glad to know how to best be my doc considering my intentions. If fact he told me I'm his 1st medical tourist patient. Amanda Rae
  8. I cannot begin to stress how important that sleep study is preop. It's a big deal when you're in recovery and no longer intubated. Amanda Rae
  9. AmandaRaeLeo

    Cost sanity check

    I recommend selling your clothes to a consignment or resale store and buying from them as well until you maintain at goal. A lot of times they will give you more in store credit than outright cash... Amanda Rae
  10. AmandaRaeLeo

    OMG Pre Op Diet Failure!

    Hooray for you!!! Amanda Rae
  11. AmandaRaeLeo

    Why Lie?!?!

    In hindsight I regret telling anyone my choice preop. I'm going to Mexico and still have 8 weeks. The negative feedback is getting to me. Amanda Rae
  12. ... has arrived! It only took 2 weeks!!! Amanda Rae
  13. AmandaRaeLeo

    Passport Card...

    You're welcome of course!
  14. I'm traveling with my mom too... She is a nurse so I like having the "medical back up". Plus, she's mom... Perhaps we will do laps in the halls and race! ... Are you staying an extra night in San Diego? We are doing an extra night to relax b4 flying back to Ohio...
  15. AmandaRaeLeo

    Cancelled Surgery

    Whatever happened to the new in house financing the r4ac offers? Amanda Rae
  16. AmandaRaeLeo

    Passport Card...

    I'm going through A Lighter Me, with Dr. Lopez on 3/18/2013. Same hospital/hotel.
  17. AmandaRaeLeo

    Passport Card...

    You're welcome!!
  18. That's my date too with Dr. Lopez at Mi Doctor. Amanda Rae
  19. AmandaRaeLeo

    Passport Card...

    No, I didn't pay extra for it to be expedited. Regular processing! :-) Amanda Rae

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
