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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. AmandaRaeLeo

    Urgent care

    I hope you're feeling better. Amanda Rse
  2. AmandaRaeLeo

    What to bring to Tijuana?!?

    Define cold? I will be there in mid-March. It's been about 2 degrees here in NE Ohio factoring in wind chill. When its in the 50's and 60's we open out doors and windows and drive with the windows down!!! Lol! Amanda Rae
  3. I bought a single serving blender to liven up my preop intake. I found my favorite Protein shake combo. MRM low carb chocolate protein mix. Almond Breeze Unsweetened Almond Coconut milk. It tastes like an Almond Joy. How much ice should I add? Should I reduce the almond milk and add some vanilla Greek yogurt? Has anyone mastered smoothie making? Amanda Rae
  4. AmandaRaeLeo

    Dr. Fernando Garcia

    I was going to go with Dr. Garcia initially but Dr. Lopez was suggested due to my high BMI. And then Dr. Garcia and ALM parted ways, I believe? I've heard good things about Dr. Garcia... Amanda Rae
  5. AmandaRaeLeo

    Urgent care

    I'm glad you reacted right away and you kept everyone informed. Your forum friends can support you and have new info about a potential postop experience to be vigilant about. I've had gallstones and it was easily worse than labor. A friend had kidney stones and it reduced her to tears. Dehydration does wonky things to our bodies, as does rapid weight loss. Definitely follow up with your PCP and surgeon. And please keep us posted. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Amanda Rae
  6. AmandaRaeLeo

    I have my surgery date!

    Good for you and good luck! I wish I had the extra cash to do a coastal resort town... But TJ will get the job done! Amanda Rae
  7. AmandaRaeLeo

    Urgent care

    You're in my thoughts and prayers. And don't let that doctor make you feel bad about going to the ER. That's what it's there for! Since your husband is coming to support you ask him to notify your surgeon perhaps? Amanda Rae
  8. If I could do it at home I would. Not due to a perception of superior/inferior but because its home. Where my entire support system is. Home. But I can't. So Mx it is. Amanda Sexton
  9. AmandaRaeLeo


    Have you checked to see if you require lower pressure? That could be a sign of progress towards a CPAP "breakup". Amanda Rae
  10. Not having to spend a fortune on nice clothes at Lane Bryant. Breaking up with my CPAP. Amanda Rae
  11. AmandaRaeLeo


    I lost 100 lbs on Weight Watchers and stopped snoring. I gained it all back with interest and now I use a CPAP. As much as I like the good sleep my CPAP gives me I'm looking forward to breaking up with it. :-D Amanda Rae
  12. AmandaRaeLeo

    Icon23! Where are you?

    Awesome! I will be you in 7 weeks! Amanda Rae
  13. Me too! This weather has overstayed its welcome. Not that it was ever welcome!!! Amanda Rae
  14. I'm a self pay headed to Mexico in March. My insurance excludes WLS too. Amanda Rae
  15. AmandaRaeLeo

    Leaving next Friday

    Me too for sure. I have an anesthesia phobia. Although Dr. Lopez assured me no one ever failed to "come out" of anesthesia and at least 60% of his patient's have sleep apnea I'm still a nervous wreck. Especially since I saw another thread about sleep apnea. One poster said something about patients having trouble coming out of anesthesia. I think it was related to them not using their cpap regularly and not using it in recovery. I'm so nervous to ask for clarification because I'm afraid of his answer!!! Amanda Rae
  16. AmandaRaeLeo

    Surgery tomorrow

    Best of luck! Safe surgery. Amanda Rae

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