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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. AmandaRaeLeo

    New and ANNOYED

    WLS is completely excluded from my insurance. Period. No exceptions. So I'm a self pay and I'm going to Mexico in March. Amanda Rae
  2. AmandaRaeLeo

    Couscous as replacement item?

    Quinoa is good. Amanda Rae
  3. Also, completely limiting certain foods increase the likely hood of binge eating. Know your triggers. Know your limits. Exercise moderation and caution. Join a support group to connect with like minds who can help. Amanda Rae
  4. AmandaRaeLeo

    Any March Sleevers?

    March 18th w/ Dr. Lopez in TJ. Best of luck to you! Amanda Rae
  5. How are you doing? January is just about over... How is your recovery and weight loss going? To those who are days away, how is the anticipation treating you? Amanda Rae
  6. AmandaRaeLeo

    akwitham72, How are you doing?

    I was wondering the same thing. I gave her a shout out on the Dr. Ponce thread... Still nothing. I hope all is well. Amanda Rae
  7. AmandaRaeLeo

    Surgery tomorrow

    I'm glad you made it through your surgery safely and I hope you feel better. Rest and follow the doc's orders! Amanda Rae
  8. AmandaRaeLeo


    That is a bummer. But it's a good thing you had yourself checked out and know now something is going on. I hope this doesn't sound trite, but one of my favorite mantras is, "It's not a problem, it's an opportunity." Remind yourself that things happen for a reason and we have opportunities to make the most if them. I hope everything works out for you!! I can relate to iud problems. My mirena caused a plethora of issues. So glad to be rid of it! Amanda Rae
  9. AmandaRaeLeo


    I never knew that. Good to know, thanx! Amanda Rae
  10. AmandaRaeLeo

    Coaching Softball?

    I can dig it!
  11. AmandaRaeLeo


    Absolutely! Lol I think we all hold our breath until we get that "out of surgery" post. Amanda Rae
  12. AmandaRaeLeo

    Urgent care

    I hope you get answers soon. Obviously I'm not a doc but my gallbladder attacks hurt worse than 26 hours of labor pains did. Easily. Amanda Rae
  13. AmandaRaeLeo

    doctor fernando garcia

    Flying out on that exact day! I will wave as we take off and I will be sure to share my experience too! Amanda Rae
  14. AmandaRaeLeo

    Coaching Softball?

    It's exciting for you and your family I'm sure. I'm filled with excited anticipation too... I'm so looking forward to doing the things I love the most. Like rock climbing and hiking in the mountains. Amanda Rae
  15. AmandaRaeLeo


    March 18th with Dr. Lopez in TJ. Amanda Rae
  16. AmandaRaeLeo

    Just received a verbal beating...

    My dad really chewed me out when he found out my plans. It is a subject we've agreed not to talk about. It was "Mexico" that caused him to freak. In hindsight I wish I would have not told anyone but my hubby until afterwards. Hindsight is always 20/20. Amanda Rae
  17. AmandaRaeLeo

    What to bring to Tijuana?!?

    So glad you asked! I was going to ask too! Amanda Rae

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
