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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. It's pretty streamlined. I submitted a health form. Medical and surgical history. Comorbitiies. Medications. Depending on your BMI your preop diet guidelines and how soon to begin it. My surgeon, Dr. Aceves, had some questions about my heart issues and wanted to confirm how my last heart echo and EKG came out and whether they were recent enuff to be relevant. My PCP was apart of my journey from b4 I went to Mx and now. Preop testing the day b4 surgery and spent that night in a lovely hotel. Surgery the next day and three nights in the hospital. Four nights for me b/c my heart rhythm acted up.
  2. AmandaRaeLeo

    Mexico Bariatric Center

    I knew that ALM had been hacked by their former tech person. I didn't know it escalated like this. I hope that's not the case. Things seems so very competitive and aggressive in TJ nowadays. A few people on the forum used Mexico Bariatric Center and reported having good experiences while at Mi Doctor. I also hear that Dr. Kelly, a very well established surgeon, books through them now too. May I ask how you uncovered this info?
  3. Wishing you a safe and successful surgery! I was sleeved by Dr. Aceves 3 weeks ago and my experience was excellent. Please tell them I said hi.
  4. AmandaRaeLeo

    Roll Call

    I'm doing really well. On soft/blended foods now and learning my limits. I'm avoiding the scale but as of this past Friday I'm down 30lbs. How're things progressing?
  5. AmandaRaeLeo

    Roll Call

    Who's had their sleeve for a long time? How's it treating you? Amanda Rae
  6. AmandaRaeLeo

    How Soon Can I Resume My Pre-Sleeve Eating Lifestyle?!?!

    [quote name="Lisa ] Another one I love is "Make it a choice' date=' not a cheat"!!! I love it because if we are truly making a lifestyle change then there should never be a reason to "cheat". Cheating implies that we shouldn't have something. Why shouldn't we? Even those "normal" people without food issues/addictions eat foods that are not "healthy". The way I see it, if you're going to eat cake, pizza, candy, whatever....make the CHOICE to eat it AND enjoy it, understand what that type of food does to your body (i.e. blood sugar spikes) and then move on and get back on track!!! I don't deprive myself of anything!! My goal in having surgery was not to NEVER eat something unhealthy ever again. My goal was to develop and healthier relationship with food....which is a work in progress, but nonetheless, progress!!! Great topic!! And I hear you Amanda Rae....sometimes the things people say here drives me nuts!! Most of the time I just don't respond becasue I realize that I'm being too judgemental and/or it's not my place to speak my mind. Like Measureofme said, we're all at different points in our journey. Hopefully, we'll all find our way!!![/quote'] I agree with not calling it a cheat, but rather a choice. I chose "cheat" because it is status quo. But we are humans, and I don't want to let the pendulum swing too far in the other direction. I want balance.
  7. AmandaRaeLeo

    So many Dr's in Mexico!…help!

    Also in the Self Pay/Mexico forum there are many of us who shared our very detailed experiences with our respective surgeons.
  8. AmandaRaeLeo

    So many Dr's in Mexico!…help!

    I went with Dr. Aceves in Mexicali. He is a bit higher in cost than most. I think he was worth every penny. I was originally going to go to TJ and have my surgery at Mi Doctor. It is not run out of a strip mall, that would be Jerusalem Hospital, but it is not quite a fully operational hospital. Ie. there is no ER. Babies aren't born there... More like a specialty center? I changed my mind b/c my heart acts up and will flip into unpleasant and sometimes potentially dangerous rhythms. I was concerned Mi Doctor wasn't equipped to handle it, especially if I was in a hotel. As it turns out my heart did act up and Almater Hospital and Dr. Aceves' team were all over and got me on track. That said, I'm sure if you talk to enough people on the forum you will get great feedback and experiences regarding many surgeons and options. Just make the decision that sits well with you and your hubby.
  9. AmandaRaeLeo

    Making up a goal

  10. AmandaRaeLeo

    Zero carb Breading meats

    Parmesan cheese.
  11. AmandaRaeLeo

    Someone is definitely looking after me!

    I'm glad to know you're okay and I hope everyone injured recovers.
  12. AmandaRaeLeo

    Making up a goal

  13. AmandaRaeLeo

    April NSV's

    My shoes fit better. I'm already feeling sexier.
  14. How do you know with utter certainty that the hunger you're feeling isn't head hunger? Your lack of restriction aside, how do you know? I think it is near impossible to tell the difference. I even dream about food.
  15. AmandaRaeLeo

    Puree week! Help

    Wendy's chili was a favorite on Weight Watchers for me. Filling and reasonable points value.
  16. AmandaRaeLeo

    Puree week! Help

    It is. Very.
  17. AmandaRaeLeo

    Puree week! Help

    Et viola!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
