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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. AmandaRaeLeo

    Large sleeve!

    A bougie is a guide used by many surgeons when creating our sleeves. There is very little difference in the most commonly used sizes. People tend to put way too much emphasis on bougie size making a major difference in weight loss. Medical studies show is doesn't.
  2. AmandaRaeLeo

    Large sleeve!

    I think people put way too much stock in the bougie size. Consider your stomach size preop compared to now.... And hunger isn't magically gone. It may be reduced. Plus head hunger is real and powerful. Here is a pic that likens bougie size to pens and highlighters.
  3. AmandaRaeLeo

    Are Complication Posts Being Deleted

    Check out MeasureOfMe's post about her experience with Dr. Kelly. She has a way with words and was very open and honest about her experience. I will see if I can find it...
  4. AmandaRaeLeo

    Large sleeve!

    This is all I have. If you look at the size difference between then you'll see its not a staggering leap.
  5. AmandaRaeLeo

    Large sleeve!

    It sounds like your surgeon made the safest decision for your health. That is a good thing. Now you're armed with knowledge and can taylor your sleeved life accordingly.
  6. AmandaRaeLeo

    Are Complication Posts Being Deleted

    It would be unfortunate if relevant and accurate threads are being removed, as long as they're not libelous.
  7. AmandaRaeLeo

    Hero Worship?

    Maybe hero worship is not the right expression, but I'm struggling to find the right one. We Mexi-Sleevers seem, for the most part, a bit more passionate about our surgeons and experiences. I'm Christian as well and I believe that Dr. Aceves was an answer to a prayer. When I chose him I felt so much peace of mind that was lacking before.
  8. As a Bengals fan I hate agreeing with a Squeelers fan But she's right.
  9. This is a rant in the truest sense of the word. This is probably the most frustrated you will see me get on this forum. I've been hanging out on VST for almost a year and I am now 3 weeks postop. I'm no expert, but I am a woman with food addiction trying to get healthy. Some of the questions I've come across blow my mind. Truly. It's not that I don't get this is a journey and a struggle. I do. I get it. I've wanted to lick spoons! But really?! Bread a week out?! Trying to figure out how soon b4 you can get drunk?! Let's eat at McDonalds for Protein?! I've been sleeved a month, can I get Chinese takeout?! I sure miss bingeing?!?! Pass the box of donuts, it is all I can afford?!?! Disclaimer: I plan to eat realistically. I know I will eat bread again. I'm sure wine will pass between my lips again. I imagine I will partake in Chinese food, although a buffet would be a total waste. I will sink my teeth into a Boston cream donut. But I'm 3 weeks out. These things are not my priority. And while I won't tell others what their priorities should be, if these are yours you may want to find out why. I've been tempted to ask my uncle, he is going on two years sleeved, what he can hold comfortably in one sitting max. But when I reflect on why I'm asking that I realize its my addiction wanting to know this. Wanting to anticipate max binge ability. When I read some of the above questions my brain translates it to my subject title: How Soon Can I Resume My Pre-Sleeve Eating Lifestyle? Maybe I'm wrong/reading more into things, and my emotions and whatnot are getting to me postop.
  10. I'm glad you and the hubby weathered the storm and talked through it. I had a recent similar experience.... My hubby and I were grocery shopping the other day and he went to the bakery and bought 3 decorative sugar Cookies for him and the kids... I was PMSing and gave him hell in the store, and walked off. I don't even LIKE sugar cookies!!! He put them back and I told him to buy them. I apologized and explained, in my case, it was displaced anger. Displaced anger or not, it's real and powerful... Good luck.
  11. I am closing in on 6 weeks postop. I'm on solids. I've learned the hard way about eating too fast and not chewing well. I slimed and puked yesterday. Big time. It sucked. I don't plan on making the mistake again but I know I am a work in progress. It's hard to change a life time of bad behaviors. Here is my question. I track on MFP. If the unfortunate experience of eating and up-chucking happens again, do I track it? All of it? Some of it? None of it?
  12. AmandaRaeLeo

    Size 32 Bougie

    About the same. Mine is a 36fr.
  13. AmandaRaeLeo

    Size 32 Bougie

    I don't think bougie size makes a huge difference in weight loss. I have heard the leak risk can go up the smaller the bougie.
  14. AmandaRaeLeo

    Decaffeinated Iced Tea!

    My favorite. I sweeten mine using Splenda with fiber. It helps me keep things moving on this low carb/high protein diet.
  15. AmandaRaeLeo

    Gross Question... Do I Count Them?

    Well Sleeve Perry is not a fan either.
  16. AmandaRaeLeo

    Gross Question... Do I Count Them?

    True that! It was my own fault. I ate too fast and didn't chew well. You can bet I was on my game this morning. I chewed my Breakfast to mush. Slowly.
  17. AmandaRaeLeo

    Possible first tattoo need help

    I got George for my 30th bday. He's on the back of my shoulder. I hope he stays put!
  18. AmandaRaeLeo

    Back from mexico

    Hooray! I'm glad you made it home safe.
  19. AmandaRaeLeo


    Just eat light. Nothing fatty or heavy. Maybe Protein shakes?
  20. AmandaRaeLeo


    I had gallbladder attacks after losing a lot of weight on WW. It was excruciating. Worse than all 26 hours of labor I had with my daughter. No relief until it was over. It hurt so bad I was gagging.
  21. AmandaRaeLeo

    Dr. Garcia vs. Dr. Aceves?

    I am doing really well. My heart has been on good behavior and my cardiologist feels that weight loss will get rid of my sleep apnea which will help my heart behave.
  22. AmandaRaeLeo


    Hooray! A safe and successful surgery/recovery for you!

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