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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ArcusX

  1. I'm in pre-pre-op... which is to say, I'm simply on a diet (not liquid). I have had a couple of "planned" cheat days, like on Saturday, we were near a really good Italian restaurant away from home. As soon as I realized we were near it, I resolved that 1) we would eat lunch there, and 2) it would be bad. It wasn't too bad, as I only ate half the plate, and it carried me through so I didn't need dinner, so I stayed under my daily caloric goals.
  2. I didn't get a chance to address "goal" with my doctor when I met with him. I have my own goal in mind, but how is the goal weight actually set. Is there a formula? Hopes? Dreams?
  3. As a matter of fidelity, this is the worst kind.
  4. ArcusX

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    My target is January. The girl who runs things for my doctor told me that once I get all my pre-op checks done (EGD, NUT, etc.), that's when they submit. She said insurance has up to 45 days to respond, but usually do so within 7-10. I think I'll have everything taken care of by mid-December, so January is doable.
  5. When I spoke to my surgeon about VGS, he indicated that the one issue that he had was as described above. It was very minor that was caught during the surgery and easily corrected, but still "recordable."
  6. Do you have any idea of the root cause(s) of your complications? I read an article over the weekend about this TED talk, where the speaker, a doctor, speaks about mistakes he has made and calls upon others to do the same. In today's litigious society, I get why this is not a popular way to go. Here's the link: http://www.ted.com/talks/brian_goldman_doctors_make_mistakes_can_we_talk_about_that.html
  7. ArcusX

    Today I Start

    I'm not looking forward to pre-op liquid only diet... Good luck. BTW: I did the Premier RTD drink, and Isopure zero carb. The Isopure tastes MUCH better. So far, I've done the vanilla and dutch chocolate (low carb).
  8. So, I'm about a month in on my 3-month pre-op program. Since my first official doctor visit was on 2-October, I'm looking at early January for my surgery. I've been dieting again - the usual; 1800 cal, 200 Protein, 100 carb per day, and so far, I've seen around an 11# loss. One of the guys here at work in the warehouse has noticed, which is cool. I was talking to him yesterday, and he was saying how he wants to organize a weight-loss competition to start with the new year. Apparently, he has no will-power (or desire to have any) over the holidays. Also, know, that I think I've only told one other person here at work about my VSG plans, so I'm thinking, "I'm in!!" Of course, I wouldn't reap the spoils of victory when all is said and done, but it will be fun to shock people! LOL Does this make me a bad person, or just one with a good sense of humor?
  9. Bump. This is a good topic I haven't seen before!
  10. ArcusX

    Why Do I Hate The Word "hubby" So Much?

    Well, so far, it looks like the answer to my question is, "yes." I am the only one..
  11. ArcusX

    Why Do I Hate The Word "hubby" So Much?

    That was a COMPLETE accident!
  12. ArcusX

    Period Question (Sorry, Boys!)

    Musta got lost! I didn't even realize.... <exits swiftly>
  13. ArcusX

    Why Do I Hate The Word "hubby" So Much?

    I get the endearment... I do. It just bugs me for some reason. I couldn't think of the equivalent to Hubby, but Wifey must be it. I don't like it either. I'd never call my wife that. What's with all the chicks in the man room? LOL
  14. I don't care after the fact. I just don't need a bunch of discussion before hand. But then again, there's always my "I bought a tape worm from the internet" story!
  15. ArcusX

    Period Question (Sorry, Boys!)

    eewwww... isn't there another section for this? LOL.
  16. This is a small concern for me as well. I asked my wife what would be worse, fat, or loose skin. She didn't even hesitate... loose skin. I'm not going to focus on that right now though. My surgery is likely to be in early January. I figure that while I'm recovering, I'll look more closely, but excercise and perhaps some creams or lotions, or even Vitamins will help mitigate the issue. If all else fails, there's always surgery, but that wouldn't be my desired way to go. My advice: take it one step at a time. Put the first thing first. When that's over, focus on the next step. Be well...
  17. Sandy's got nothin' on you, THIS is the Perfect Frankenstorm!! Be strong! Resist! Batten down the hatches!!
  18. Is Unjury any good with water? Talking about the vanilla, chocolate, & strawberry. I just got the sample pack and they all say to mix w/ milk, "or beverage of your choice."
  19. ArcusX

    Pcp Clearance Part 2 :(

    Regarding blood sugar: 1- pin prick on your finger gives you in instant at the moment measurement of your current blood glucose (BG) level. Fasting BG over 150 is considered diabetic. This measurement will be all over the board throughout the day. Beat times to test this way are 1) out of bed/before Breakfast, 2) two hours after eating any/each meal. 2- they check your urine for kidney function. Persistent high BG and unmanaged diabetes attacks the kidneys and eyes. 3- an A1C test will give them an idea of your AVERAGE BG level over a 90 day period. For this, they will draw blood from a vein and send it to the lab. Good luck!
  20. ArcusX

    No -One Responds!

    I'm sorry you misunderstood my intent. I'm not saying not to ask questions, and i'm not trying to downplay your concerns, only suggesting a possible reason for not getting a reply. The moderator part was more hoping a moderator would see it As for experience... I'm not far enough along to give you any meaningful information specific to your questions of time off or how much time at the hospital. I was, however, trying to gently give you a little more of my experience from having participated in multiple, multiple forums. Again, best of luck to you.
  21. Bryan, have you considered that maybe another surgery option like the Band would be a better option for you? I can definitely see the amount of time to eat being a concern. I'm near the end of the first month of the NUT phase (maybe 2 months pre-op?), and I've sort of put myself on a fairly strict diet. I find myself eating every two hours, and that takes a lot of extra time. Not that each meal or snack in itself takes a long time, but i'm starving every 2 hours, and I've got to make the time to get up and do something about it. Multiple trips to the refrigerator to grab that hard boiled egg, or more Water, etc. Man, this is a drain on my time!! Good luck to you, what ever you should decide.
  22. Not to derail OP, but this is the first time I've seen the term "bougie." What is it, please?
  23. ArcusX

    Stall Is Over

    Could you post what you did that you think may have resulted in breaking the stall? Might help others like this person: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/56660-how-to-break-a-stall/

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
