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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mcwestfam

  1. mcwestfam

    Your "large" Incision?

    Mines in my belly button.
  2. mcwestfam

    Sandy !

    Praying for all of y'all!! Keep us posted!!
  3. mcwestfam

    Hair Rejuvenation Laser

    I did. Spent a lot of money and saw very little result. Wasn't worth It at all, IMO.
  4. I struggled with the same decision. But I am so glad I went thru with it. One month post op and down 28 pounds!! Good luck!! I'm sure you will make the right call for you.
  5. mcwestfam

    Need Good Reading Suggestions

    I enjoy the Janet evanovich Stephanie plum series. One for the money is the first one.
  6. mcwestfam


    Put a little vanilla extract in it. Hold your nose and chug! Lol!! Good luck!!
  7. Woo hoo!! That's awesome! Love your new profile pic too!
  8. I'm happy for you!!! Are you still loosing after uping your calories new grandma?
  9. mcwestfam


    I'm glad you are going to see your pcp. Sounds like they may be infected. Good luck!! Hope you feel better soon!!
  10. mcwestfam


    I don't know that it is related to the biotin, but is related to weight loss. Your body is releasing a lot of stored up toxins during rapid weight loss.
  11. mcwestfam

    Tattoo Ides?

  12. mcwestfam

    No -One Responds!

    1). I was ok with a week. Hopefully, you will too, but do you have a back up plan if your not ready? 2). I vote stay overnight. I stayed 2 nights and they were needed.
  13. mcwestfam

    I Did It! Before/after Pics

    How awesome!!! I can't wait to do the run for your life 5k. There's one here in Texas in march. Hopefully I'll be ready by then. Congrats!!!
  14. Call about adding an international plan. The last time I checked it was pretty pricey for txt and outrageous for cellular data and calls.
  15. No. Mine changed the moment I crossed the boarder. I have AT&T. But the hospital and hotel had wifi. So I just kept my phone on airplane mode to avoid additional cost. I downloaded a free txting app that I could use on wifi.
  16. mcwestfam

    What Vitamins Do You Take?

    I am taking centrum chewable and sublingual b12. I'll probably add biotin at some point.
  17. All my adult life I have dealt with stressful situations by grabbing something to snack on, a cigarette, and a glass if wine. But now that I have given up all my vices I seem to be at a loss. This last week has been horrible. Have had some horrible things happen in my family. And all I can do lately is cry. Any suggestions?
  18. mcwestfam

    Handeling Stress?

    Thanks so much everyone for all your thoughts and suggestions. Asking for help is something that's very difficult for me. And having all of your support is awesome!! And I think I probably will set up an appt with a psych. Just to have someone to talk to if nothing else. I'm pretty alone in this journey. Well, except for you guys
  19. mcwestfam

    Handeling Stress?

    I wish I felt up to "vigorous" exercise. I'm just three weeks out today and walking about 2.5 miles a day and that has me beat!! But hopefully soon I will be back in the gym!! Thanks for the ideas!!
  20. mcwestfam

    Handeling Stress?

    Awesome idea! Thanks! I may have to order a couple of those.
  21. I am so sorry you feel so horrible! But like the others have said you need to see a physician. Even if you don't have a personal physician you can always go to a walk in clinic and hopefully they can refer you to a specialist. Hope you feel better soon and get some answers!!
  22. Right now at this early stage it's much more important to get your fluid in!! Fluids first protein second. Try some powerade zero or some pedialyte to get thinks going in the right direction. Hope you feel better soon!! If not please call your doctor or go to the hospital. Dehydration can get very serious very quickly!!
  23. Works on my iPhone 4S. I can see tickers.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
