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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by teacherchick

  1. teacherchick

    September 07 Roll Call

    Singingoffkey, I am doing Medifast last week and this week. When is your surgery date?
  2. teacherchick

    What do you tell people at work?

    It i such a personal decision. Like many others, I opted not to tell anyone except my parents and my husband (who has been very supportive). My mother actually suggested that I research the band. My best friend is extremely nosey and would want to know everything, and would probably end up getting it too. This was something I felt I needed to do for me, you know!!! I even have a friend who was banded a year ago and I have not told her. I am a teacher and I told my boss that I was going to be out for a minor medical procedure, no questions were asked. I just don't want it to be the main topic of discussion when I am in the room. Sometimes I do want to talk about it with people, but I come here were others understand!!!
  3. teacherchick

    September 07 Roll Call

    My surgery is September 20th!!! Getting close!!
  4. Hello everyone!!! My surgery is scheduled on Thursday and I am ohhh so nervous!!!!! I am ready to change my life but this is drastic you know!!!! Any words of encouragement and advice would be great.
  5. teacherchick

    Surgery Date Thursday

    Thanks everyone for your encouragement. Wendell-I will definitely take your advice, thanks for the picture tips. Margie-I will definitely follow my docs and advice and I will be back for the encouragement Kacee-I'm glad you shared your experience, I hope I will feel the same way in 3 months
  6. Hi everyone, I just got back from psych. eval.!!! Yeah one step closer! My surgeon's name is Dr. Amir Moazzez. He has an office in Fairfax but it is also starting to work with Dr. Afram in D.C. I am going through the D.C. office. They are just starting to do lap band in that office but Dr. Moazzez has done plenty of lapband surgeries. The surgeries take place at George Washington Hospital. Have had a great experience so far, now just waiting for insurance approval and surgery date!! I'm excited!
  7. teacherchick

    Hello Fellow Marylanders

    Just wanted to formally say hello. I'm from Laurel, Md and hoping to get banded soon!! Just wanted to say hello to all of you, I will probaly need your support as I go through this!!! :youcandothis:
  8. teacherchick

    Hello Fellow Marylanders

    <p>Thanks Chimboree I will definietly keep you gusys posted. You do the same!! Good luck to you!</p>
  9. teacherchick

    Hello Fellow Marylanders

    gunn4ya, I will be going through Dr. Afram's office but he is not doing my surgery. I briefly met with the surgeon his name is Mozzawe(not spelled correctly). The perform their surgeries at George Washington in D.C. I don't have a date but I go for psych eval and Nutritionist on the 23rd! My husband says they will definitely committ me that day!!! LoL
  10. teacherchick

    Hello Fellow Marylanders

    Kathy, Thanks!! I will keep you informed!! How did everything go? Are you progressing? teacherchick
  11. How many days did you have to stay off work after your surgery? I am a teacher and I have a lot going on this summer but still want to get going with this procedure!!! Excited!!!!:clap2:
  12. teacherchick

    Lapband in the DC Area

    My seminar was held at Dr. Afram's office. The seminar was on the Friday before last and I got my insurance approval this past Thursday. I spoke with the surgeon on the day I had my seminar and he gave me a list of test I neede to get done. I do my psych eval and nutrition assement on the 23rd. I guess Dr. Afram just does the surgery at GW and is not a part of the dr's at GW, don't know. Anyway, I just wanted to know how the testing was done, you went through your PCP?
  13. teacherchick

    Lapband in the DC Area

    Tina, When I went to the seminar, the lap band patients saw a doctor named Mozzawe(not spelled correctly) that apparently works our of Dr. Afram's D,C office. I did see on their website that Dr. Afram does mostly gastric bypass but he will not be doing my surgery. I had never hear of Dr. Brody. Do you have a link to a website? Thanks!!! How are things going since your surgery? I hope to get mine mid June. I go on the 23rd for my psych/nutrition appt. Did Dr. Brody do all of your other test or did you have them done elsewhere? Teacherchick
  14. teacherchick

    Lapband in the DC Area

    :Banane43: I just go insurance approval for my surgery, I am going thorough Dr. Afram's office at George Washington in D.C. Anybody know anything about him? I think my doctor is going to be Dr. Mozzawe(not spelled correctly).

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