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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Mandabear

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  • Birthday 11/19/1981

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    Administrative Assistant
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  1. Happy Birthday Mandabear!

  2. Mandabear

    6 Week Stall! Ugh! Suggestions Pls

    I am eating one egg for breakfast, tuna for lunch and a very small supper of mostly protein. ( i still cannot eat more than a few ounces at a time) I eat a protein bar for a snack and drink plenty of water and green tea. The scale finally came down a lb but with the amount of exercise I do I am just so shocked that im not losing more. i guess I will just have to wait and be patient. thanks for the support kika!
  3. I am about 6 weeks post op and although i have lost about 22 lbs, I have come to a complete stall. my scale hasnt budged in about a week! I am not eating anything bad, I watch my calorie intake I focus on protein and hydrating, and i exercise almost every day. Is it normal to stall like this? could it be getting harder because I only have 30 lbs to goal weight? please help! im worried that i will not lose any more! Help!!!
  4. Mandabear


    Im doing great Kika thanx for asking how are you doing? I have lost about 15 lbs since surgery. I started my soft foods yesterday so im pretty excited about that! I had crab tonight and it was delicious! I have been having some upper back pain for the past week but im sure that will eventually disappear. Congrats Ana!! how has your journey been so far?
  5. Mandabear


    Hi everyone! Im new here. Was plicated 21 days ago in TJ
  6. Welcome to the Sleeve Plication Talk forums Mandabear! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

  7. Mandabear


    Hi everyone! My name is Amanda I had sleeve plication on Aug 17 at the obesity control center in TJ by Dr. Ortiz. Im 21 days post op and Im feeling great!!
  8. Hello everyone! I am new on this site. I am 21 days post op and have noticed i have very bad upper back pain mainly on my left side near my shoulder blade. has anyone else experienced this? i know its not gas pain because I had a lot of that in my first week. any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!!

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