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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cschenk

  1. Cschenk

    Am I Feeling Hunger Pains?

    I'm 4 days postop and I know I feel hunger! From what I've read wont feel full until off liquids and taking more food with substance. Liquids basically just going through the sleeve. It will get better with denser food!
  2. Cschenk


    Had severe sciatica 2 months up until my procedure so much so could barely get out of bed. Relied heavily on NSAIDs. mRI showed sclerosis of my SI joint. Huge golfer up to 3-4 days week this past summer so took it's toll on my body. Was so bad almost postponed surgery. Had it injected by anesthesiologist 2 weeks out and helped immensely. Must stop NSAIDs 2 weeks before surgery but my surgeon would allow liquid advil post- op so went ahead with surgery. Took vicodin if needed before surgery. Knew that losing weight would help so went ahead. Sciatica gone still and recovering without any issues so far( only been 4 days). Don't need any pain meds for surgical pain either. Good luck to you! Sciatica can be horrible! Just lucky mine was treatable with injection
  3. My surgeon was mark pleatman in west bloomfield , MI. My total charge was 11,200.00 which was $200 for initial consultation, $5000.00 his charge cash or check and $6000 for hospital stay which for me was overnight. I used credit card to get my points! He told me pts have stayed longer and to his knowledge had not received a bill for additional night stays. He does many people from out of state. his website is markpleatman@comcast.net. Good luck. He did an awesome job 4 days out feeling good,
  4. Cschenk

    Finally In Maintenance

    Kudos to you! Just home today from the hospital can't wait to join you on the losers bench!
  5. Cschenk

    November Sleevesters?

    Nov 1 for me in MI. Can't wait til it's over. Just tidying up last minute things. planning on taking one week off from work thinking should be enough . Pretty flexible at work with my assignments in the OR. Getting fluids in my only concern
  6. Cschenk

    Nov2012 Sleevers? Be My Surgery Sister

    My BMI is 33 with high cholesterol so never even considered insurance. Contemplated going to Mexico but then found local surgeon with decent cash price. Don't want my BMI to get any higher since have strong family hx of obesity and co morbidities.
  7. Cschenk

    50 #s Gone!

    That's awesome . Keep up the good work. May I ask what your starting weight was?
  8. Cschenk

    Nov2012 Sleevers? Be My Surgery Sister

    I'm scheduled Nov 1 Dr.Pleatman in MI. Paying cash due to lower BMI so cant really comment on hoops insurance companies make you jump thru. Getting excited and also second guessing my decision due to lower BMI. Leaving in am for week of fun and sun in St.Johns. Hopefully will come to terms with my decision. Can't wait to be done! Good luck with your quest!
  9. I too have what is considered lower BMI 5'51/2 wt 195# with hx of high cholesterol and strong family hx of diabetes and cardiac dz. I have been following this site for quite a while hoping to find someone like me. The physician I chose is local and I will be paying cash since don't meet insurance requirements. He reconfirmed with me why wait until I reach morbid obesity with multiple co-morbidities. scheduled for nov 1 so now really starting to doubt my decision. I know this is just part of the reality and that everyone has these feelings. Just can't wait til it's over!
  10. Hey everyone! ER nurse for first 15 yrs of my career now CRNA for past 11 yrs. Have really been researching this procedure for past 2 mos. Originally thought would have procedure in Mexico since have low BMI (32) so not covered under insurance but did find local surgeon who will do for $11200.00 thought would be better off if any complications occur plus my husband was really against the Mexico idea. Have been reading this forum faithfully every night for past few months and now that I've scheduled my date 11/1 thought it was time to start participating. Trying to intervene before I develop any more co-morbidities other than the high cholesterol I currently have. Like everyone else can lose few pounds here but can't seem to keep them off. Turning big 5-0 next year so now is the time! Can't wait for my sleeve!

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