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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by rosehips

  1. I only weigh myself every 3 weeks. Then when I have those stalls I don't know about it. My clothes continue to get bigger, even though I shrank some in hot Water.

    I hold so much emotion on what the scale says, I can be in a bad mood outwardly for hours, inwardly for 2ish days. I yell, how can I be eating like a bird and not dropping pounds?

    I did kick up my exercise after 1 month, I decided the weight loss was not as dramatic as I wanted. Now I wald 3 miles every day, plus use a pedometer, that really helps, have been going to Water aerobics FAITHFULLY, 2 days a week, and a week ago I started using the bowflex.

    I hear PROTIEN helps burn off pounds cause it takes our body more energy to digest, drink the 64 oz of water most days if you can. I have experienced that phenoman where a person kicks up their calories for 2 days and then reduce to what we should be doing on WLS. For me I would have to be careful what foods I used to increase calories. I do believe some foods intentionally have stuff in them that make anyone crave more, and then there is me who starts to think about potatoe chips as I type this & all of a sudden feel hungry when I' m not really. Imagine a sick puppy like me weighing in with advice!!!

  2. Hi Danielle, I have a difference of opinion regarding wanting to know the things you posted on this forum. Because I feel strongly about what this site has done for me, I am sharing this with you.

    When I get on VST I look for forums on things that I am experiences now, I learn from others how to keep going if I don't have any experience in an area, like when do I start the gym, why am I still nauseous after 10 weeks, ect.

    I did not get any help from your post, liking kitty kitty and being scared of spiders does not give me any info or tools to help with weight loss surgery.

    When I went to your profile and read you have lost 116 lb.,s and you have lost your inhibitions......that is useful information and why I come to this spot. I know I only have to read the forums I want. Like I said earlier, this site has become very important to me and wanted to share a different point of view. With that being said, you have inspired me with your 116 lb weight loss and sticking too it for a year. I too have that journey ahead of me and am 10 wks post op. Thanks

  3. Hi fellow sleevers! I'm two yrs out and have gotten very slack with my diet! I really need to get back on trac and get the weight coming off again! I need a friend on here to talk to and with ideas ,recipes any help I can get! Any takers????

    I am 10 weeks out and full of enthusiasm due to the success I am having. Would u like to email each other every day or every other day? I have read that a successful tool is to know each day what we r planning on eating for this day.."then we don't have such an opportunity to just grab something

    You can go to my profile and email me on this or we could do something else.

  4. I am at week 10 & very happy, my first month I lost 16 pounds and thought I was going to lose more than that. I was upset w/ myself right after the surgery, regretting that I should have loved myself enough to accept me as I was. Well, thank God I had the courage to do this, I AM THRILLED, I no longer dread walking into a room with many people in it.

    I had to kick up my exercise to get the weight to come off faster, I am averaging 4 pounds a week, double what I could have done without the sleeve. Good luck to you, I will be thinking of you and food job for your honesty

  5. How are you? Ya know, a person can't be perfect on the PRE op, if we could we wouldn't need the surgery. Once you have the surgery you hopefully will not turn to food during those emotional times. I use to turn to food at the drop of any stress/conflict in my life. The reason I don't turn to food post surgery is because something has happened in me that makes me feel like I am "divorced" from food. There are so many rules, ie: can't drink for 30 min after eating, chew, chew, chew. I still get a little nausea at 10 weeks post op but I am glad cause it makes me not want to eat. I think I get nausea because I eat too fast, I am struggling, how can a person make 4oz of food last 20-30 minutes???

    Once you get this surgery everything will change, and since you know you eat emotionally support groups are important for us to reduce this component for our long term success. Hang in there

  6. Who is telling u to have 2 shakes a day and one meal for 6 months? Insurance or doctor? I had to do a one month PRE op diet. I was told this would help my liver to shrink. This would make the operation easier for the doc cause my liver would not be in the way as much.

    After the surgery I was thankful for the PRE op diet, it helped me get use to eating less.

    I would have had a horrible time doing your diet for 6 moths, one of the reasons we r having this operation is because we get too hungry on diets and we then fall off the wagon. My doctor said of course I can't lose this weight on my own, it is too slow and we get too hungry. So being on your diet for 6 months, it is good to change your habits but you will not be able to be perfect. If it is the doctors office requiring this maybe u should have a 2nd consultation. Good luck.

  7. I was so fearful I almost cancelled surgery one week prior, I was scared of the unknown and I was comfortable with my current large body. (290). I am 10 weeks post op, I am happy and having so much fin shrinking into all the clothes I grew out of. I now weight 245 so by society standards I am still big, I feel so fabulous, I no longer walk in a room intimidated, scared and feeling judged. Thank God I had the courage to walk forward, in fact I heard clearly from my higher power to walk forward and do this. Keep posting, anything you feel, someone else has felt it or had that experience too.

  8. I understand being an honest person and not wanting to lie. You might be over thinking this to some degree, yes your 150 lb weight loss is a lot over 8-9 months. But this person does not know the pounds and everyone is into themselves.

    Since you feel strongly about keeping this private you definitely should. Less is more, keep it simple so it is not hard to remember.

    How does this sound......the person is going to say something like "OMG u have lost so much weight". You could say" yes, I started a nutritional program with a doctor and an exercise program, i feel great, tell me what's new in your life?". Every time the person brings it up you just Beas honest as possible, u r seeing a nutritionist at a dr.'s office and you are exercising. You just aren't saying you went in for an operation 1st. And u don't have to share how many pounds you have lost.

    One day I had to tell a person, "I'd rather not say.". The person did not get upset, the questions were stopped. I have overthought this same issue....less is more, get them to tell you what has been happening in their life. Good luck, let us know how it goes for you

  9. I clearly remember day 6, I was planning on calling my doctor on day 7 even though I had an appt on day 8. On day 8 I arrived at the doctors, when the support staff asked how I was I started crying, my first week was nausea, diarrhea, pain and I thought I had made a horrible mistake. After seeing the doctor and learningmy pain was normal, my nausea was going to get better I felt so much calmer and reassured.

    I had to crush my antidepressant pills and some other daily pills, I said the same thing you are saying. I was in the habit of taking all my pills as soon as I got out of bed, I thought it necessary to cont. to do that. So every morning my day started off adding these damn pills to shakes and running out of room. I can't quite tell if you crush pills or your mess r liquid. The best product I found to mask the flavor was carnation instant milk sugar free, it was hard to find, found at Walmart, chocolate flavor really strong. By week 3 I could swallow pills so I became happier.

    Also if you r doing 4 oz on day 6 this might be causing your nausea. I was doing 4 oz too, I dropped it down to 1-2 oz and felt much better, much, much better, then in a few weeks I was up to 4oz and could tolerate it. I AM SO HAPPY NOW, I am at 10 weeks, still have some nausea but I think I just need to eat slower or??? GOOD LUCK

  10. Oh boy, You have hit the nail on the head. Tonite I am going to a party and everyone knows me from presurgery. I too have been very open about having the surgery. Now I have 50 lb's off me in just a few months. I DON'T WANT THEM DOING THAT MENTAL MATH EITHER!! I think I will say "I use my clothes instead of the scale to gauge my weight loss". I have a total of 125 lbs to get to goal. Yep, that's too personal to share w/ acquaintances. Thanks for bringing this up.

  11. Sorry for posting about liquid vitamins' date=' I've read the other posts, but haven't found my answer. Which liquid Vitamins do people recommend? I'm so worried about the taste, I tend to get very nauseous so any recommendations regarding taste would be helpful. I found the Wellese brand and am debating going with them. I haven't taken my Vitamins in 4 weeks because the chewables make me so sick so I really need to step it up and start taking some.


    I have been on wellese and pretty much love them, the taste is as good as it gets. I hate most liq. Vitamins so to say I pretty much love them is saying alot

  12. I'll try grilling it on a real grill but if it doesn't work I will probably give them away. I used an electric grill.

    I'm a fried fish kinda girl so I guess fish prepared any other way just can't live up.

    You are definately right about frozen 'fresh' fish especially if it's fillets you get it from a grocery store. Most grocery stores don't have workers to clean and fillet fish. They take them right out of the boxes/bags in the frozen fish freezer section and put them in the display cooler.

    I'm from coastal GA and I love going to the docks in Jekyll Island to get fresh fish off of the boats. We also do a lot of fishing ourselves too.

    How r u, coastal GA girl? Hope OK after the storm

  13. I'm looking for one that was on here I lost it it was crab meat and cream cheese and u put it cupcake pan does anyone know what I'm talking about if u do u can e- mail it to me wilson31@yahoo.com

    Did anyone send it to u! Would u post it if u get it? Thanks

  14. I waited for what seemed like 9 long months to have the sleeve. By the time I went through all of the hoops of Dr appointments' date=' psych eval, weight loss seminar and whatever else, I was so excited to have this done!! Well I was sleeved on 9/12 and have lost 37 lbs. Starting out at 325 I knew I finally had the tool to make this work. Nothing hardly makes me sick and I have been on regular foods. Now all of a sudden, I just want junk food. What has happened to me? Is nothing going to work for me? I am tired of being fat!!!![/quote']

    R u eating enough of the food we r suppose to be eating? When I start to want "bad" foods it means I forgot to eat enough food, I have a meal. 4oz. And I am usually good. I use sugar free popcycles as sort of a fun food. I am also going to support groups and am taking my food addiction real serious, I am addicted to sugar. My nut says she has never seen a single person who tries to eat their trigger food in a controlled way not regain their weight. Not a single person. And with that I say, pass the PROTIEN please. :-)))

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
