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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by rosehips

  1. How has your weight loss gone for u' date=' I am one month out and lost 16 lb's. I got over excited and thought there was hope to lose a lot more but I am just being happy for what I have, if u would, tell me about your weight loss, thanks[/quote']

    Hey, did u get your surgery? Maybe just a few days ago? Hang in there, I hope all is going "good". As far as the average weight loss, I think u said it... "everyone is different ". I have a monthly amount I am "believen for" and I am accomplishing that. I would hate to limit your believing. Let me know how u r now that u r post op. EVERYTHING will just get better!!!

  2. I'm glad someone agreed! <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />. I've lost and regained huge amounts of weight (30' date='40,50,60 and 70 lbs.) since I'm 15, I'm now 53. It's not the progam or diet that failed, it's not "my parents fault!", etc ad naseum...it's what goes on in my head and what comes OUT of my mouth that has enabled me to regain lost weight. I am so excited for my sleeve-times flying! Pre-op this Friday. How are you feeling one month out, rosehips? I'm looking forward to the holidays again- not for the food, but to show my family I'm doing it! )While wearing a cuter, smaller outfit, too- I might add!) <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />[/quote']

    Hi Holly, sorry it has taken me so long to respond. Now I am coming up on 7 weeks and life is

    going good, sometimes great, no days are shitty . Before I did the sleeve I had a lot of shitty days, food hangovers, isolating, MISERABLE. Now I force myself to JUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS. With that being said....

    I went on vacation last week and discovered I can eat the fillings of burritos and unfortunately I discovered I can eat corn chips. While on vacation I ate 1/2 cup of corn chips per day, then I doubled it, then I threw them away. When I ate the Beans, rice and meat in the buritto I stayed in the correct portion for me which is 4 oz. I actually can not eat more than the 4 oz., there is no more room and the food like backs up into my throat, at least that is what it feels like.

    I am walking daily, trying to get 60 oz of Water in. I have lost another 10 lb.'s in 17 days. Total of 26 post surg. I am averaging 4.33 pounds a week. Of course I want more but I am thrilled with the way I am looking. I am wearing Levi jeans and my tops, well I keep finding smaller ones in my closet. I had to buy a belt to keep my pants up!

    Yesterday I had bad head hunger, sort of for the first time. I did not give in, I just followed the rules. Today I wrote out my goals and why I want to lose more weight. I have not felt the head hunger today

    Bottom line...when I started w/ preop diet on 8/1 I had 125lb's to lose. As of 10/10 I now have 85 lb's to lose. That sounds so much less over whelming.

  3. Hi August Sleevers!

    I was sleeved 8/21. Total weight lost about 33 pounds. I lost it all pre-op though. I'm one of those who stopped losing weight after the surgery. But I'm not frustrated. I haven't read anywhere that this surgery doesn't work' date=' so the weight will come off eventually.

    I'm on full liquids till 9/11.

    For Breakfast, lunch & dinner I drink the vanilla Premeire Protein drink. In between i'll have hot chocoalte, or a creamy Soup. I also like sugar free puddings. My sipping drink is Pomegrante Crystal light. I haven't had any hunger pains but I am looking forward to adding more variety next week.

    I have very litte surgery pain or nausea. No acid reflux.

    Energy so-so but I've got auto-immune diseases that fatigue me, so i think its a combo of everything.

    Good luck this month in the journey of weight loss![/quote']

    Is the weight loss good now?

  4. I was sleeved on 8/14 . My highest weight was 247 I got down to 213 but managed somehow to gain 3 pound . It's my TOM next week and I think it may be the cause of the 3 pound fluctuation. In the morning I have a lean Protein shake for lunch it's usually a cup of Soup or tuna or crab salad. dinner is half of a salmon patty with cheese or baked fish. My energy comes and goes the beginning of the work week I feel great but by hump day it's like I'm totally drained. I usually power walk or jog a mile 3x a week but I haven't at all this week. I get 60 oz of Water everyday and about 50 g of Protein everyday. I'm have a hard time eating ' date=' it's so darn uncomfortable and the whole small bites and chewing like a camel is getting on my nerves . At this point I have regrets about the surgery but I said going in that I wasn't going to change my mind pre-op and afterwards I would just have to deal with it and I am ![/quote']

    Are things better for you now?

  5. I got my sleeve August 21' date=' total loss to date 29 lbs, I just got moved to puréed foods and they want me to eat baby food... I have had crab, shrimp, steak, chicken in the last couple of days, not puréed, and it was all great! Not sure I can eat baby food... Has anyone tried any good ones?[/quote']

    Thanks for your post, I was sleeved 8/28 and today I have lost 26 lb.'s, I feel great but scared i made my pouch too big, I was up to 4 oz of food 3-5 times day, all liquid. I have continued to do my puréed food at 4 oz. & still do, I just got done reading a site that says 1 oz.

    Anyhow, I did not eat baby food, I did canned chicken, salsa, Beans, no fat sourcream, delicious and lasts for days since we eat so little, I do a lot of cottage cheese, PROTIEN shakes, popscycles. Some people do tuna, dill, sourcream, onions, throw all in a blender and all is good.

  6. While 100lbs in 4 months might be a little aggressive unless either male or sssob' date=' what is the norms for say 4 months. Is ten pounds a month normal? Is twenty? I am 300 lbs and have my surgery coming up in 4 weeks. I sit here day (or night) dreaming about how I am going to look in a few months. Can anyone shed some light on how much is average. And I do understand that everyone is different.[/quote']

    How has your weight loss gone for u, I am one month out and lost 16 lb's. I got over excited and thought there was hope to lose a lot more but I am just being happy for what I have, if u would, tell me about your weight loss, thanks

  7. I think it's a coping mechanism for allowing ourselves to fail in reaching our goals so that we can go back to the familiar rather than face the (scary) unknown. I laugh at myself... while losing weight I'm like "why are my boobs here? Why is my stomach there?' date=' etc." mean while I'm ignoring my body while gaining weight - I'm NOT like, "Why is my stomach sticking out further than my chest?" "wow-this pants/skirt/dress/top feels a little snug today I better reduce my calories and move more!" (Sounds so simple, tho doesn't it?) as soon as I become conscious of what I put inside my body- I start to care about the outside. It does make sence when you look at it that way! As far as sagging skin- I've posted before stuffing extra tummy into Spanx to wear a 10-12 is better than looking 7 months pregnant in a size 22/24! Try to think positive thoughts about yourself to push out the negative. For every bad or negative thought you have about yourself- catch yourself doing it- correct yourself by saying 2 positive things about yourself. If we can't love ourselves- we really cannot love others.[/quote']

    Right on, I am going to incorporate 2 positives for every negative thought. It was sooooooo hard for me to leave my "familiar" world and have the surgery. I forced myself and I am so much happier, just one month out and life has changed already

  8. Throughout this site I haven't really found people who seem to understand me <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> maybe this is the place-

    I am a total food addict.

    Addicted to eating and not eating.

    I thought maybe I'd started to gain some control over this addiction in the past few months' date=' but this last week has been hell! I'm pre sleeve and today ate a footlong double meatball sub for lunch. Four hours later I still feel sick but can't stop thinking about the refrigerator... Will this end?[/quote']

    When I was PRE sleeve I lost the 15 lbs required, then I had about 3 days til surgery. I was feeling great, really in control....but I said "I will never get to have any potatoe chips again so I better have them today". I bought a small bag & it did not even taste good, then I thought well I better have my last piece of cake, so off I went on the same day, had some cake and bought some Cookies too. Now I went from total control to total out of control in 24 hours, the next day I did the same thing, all in secret. IT WAS AWFUL!!!

    Now I am 1 mo. Postop. The first month I had no choices cause the risk of getting a leak was too great so I followed orders. One day I found chocolate Cookies in my house and I chewed it and spit the cookie out before swallowing, that is disgusting & you guys r the only ones who know I did this.

    So I am a work in progress, I need support groups where I hear how others are living life w/ freedom from addictive eating. I MUST deal w/ my trigger foods as I do w/ alcohol. Before I put the food in my mouth I still have a chance of staying abstinent, I can call someone, I can go for a walk, I can stick myself in a shower, anything. Once I take that first bite, now it is not only my head wanting this food, it is a chemical reaction in my body that wants more.

    At my last support group the leader said she has not know a single person who tried to eat their "trigger" foods in a controlled manner and were successful. That hit me hard, NOT A SINGLE PERSON. and what do I want more? Some cake today or jeans tomorrow? I want to know deep within me, I WANT JEANS!!! But just typing this my head said cake. I can win this battle by working a food program as SERIOUSLY as a person works AA. I will WIN. Thank you for letting me post my battle.

  9. After 20+ yrs in OA & still 317 lbs. this surgery was my last hope. I lost 32 lbs b4 the surgery as my insurance required & only 28 lbs @ 3 1/2 mos post-op. I can't find words for how discouraged I am with the results of this surgery. I've stayed the same wt now for about 5 weeks. I am so afraid this is it for me when I have sooo much left to lose (100 lbs). I wish now I'd gone with the bypass choice or lap band. I am so frustrated & ready to give up & go back to eating sugar & junk. I've already mentally thrown my hands in the air. This surgery was meant to save my life in more ways than one & now I don't care anymore.

    How are you now? Have things become better for you? I am so sorry to hear your desperation, I know how you feel from a PRE op perspective on not being able to lose, please let me know how you are now, your post really touched my heart

  10. Today is 6th day being sleeved' date=' i dont feel hunger at all.....

    But also the doctor said take only a sips of Water 60ml every hour and 60 ml of apple juice ((( is there anything you can share with me .....

    Sent from my iPhone using VST[/quote']

    Enjoy not being hungry.....lasted 2 weeks for me. I am almost 1 month out. Being hungry is not so bad since we get to est so often. My first month has been awesome cause the weight is falling off and my clothes are literally falling off....25-30 in this one month. Listen to your doctor, he is steering you correctly

  11. Hello Capt Derel' date=' I am very familiar with the creatine. The one thing I would watch at your stage is the carb and calorie intake. It is very hard to balance the weight loss and the muscle building together at your stage. As you know the creatine will make you retain Water in your muscles which is a good thing. The bad thing as you know you need to increase your carbs and calories for your workouts to build up. This makes it REAL HARD to lose weight at the rate you need to be losing it at this stage and trust me, you want to lose the max weight your first 6 months because it gets ALOT HARDER after that. I lost 120 lbs. and reached my goal 9.5 months out, I was 1 year out about 3 days ago. The majority of my weight loss was in the first 4 months.

    I worked out with cardio and strength training from the time I was 6 weeks from surgery and still go to the gym every day. I had to choose to lose the weight while I could or build up during those first few months. I choose to lose the weight, do moderate weight lifting and build a cusion for the weight I am adding on with more and more muscle. I concentrated on muscle toning for the first year to reduce loose skin and it worked. I am now in the muscle building process. I really carb up before workouts and have Protein before and after my workouts. I have just started on the creatine which as you know does wonders.

    I am just mentioning this to you so you do not lose the very important first 4 months of the weight loss process. You can still tone and lift weights just watch the supplements and carb and calorie intake while doing it. I went over all of this with my NUT and personal trainer which also is a registered dietician. You can do what you wanr with the information but once those first few months are gone, you cannot get them back and trust me, it does get harder and much slower to lose the weight after that.

    Good luck on your journey.[/quote']

    Thank you so much on the info about the 1st 4 months, 6 months. I had heard to try real hard to get the weight off in a year. Now I will continue to work on my aerobic exercise, I will force myself to increase it, all I am doing is walking but I am only 3 weeks post op. thanks again for posting your experience.

  12. Me too

    If I had read about 38 days in the hospital and all that this gal went thru I might have cancelled. I am glad I did not read this prior. Yes, things can go wrong but it is not the norm. I hope you go forward, as I sit here in pants I have not been able to wear in 3 years, I feel so much more content in my own skin. I walk most nights and this is a change too.

    I am so sorry for the lady who had those complications and glad she is better

  13. Honestly' date=' I feel the same way. I am a catastrophizer. Always thinking the worst will happen. My surgery is tomorrow and I am still scared to death. no pun intended. trying to focus on the future but it is hard. Hopefully your NUT and psych appoints go well and give you some encouragement![/quote']

    How you doing now that you are about 11 days out? I hope all is good

  14. Hi' date=' I'm seriously contemplating the sleeve. Not much support by family though...they're like just quit eating so much and go walk and you'll lose it.....right! like i haven't tried my whole life. My big question is does anyone regret having their sleeve done? If so, why....thanks for the info. I go for my seminar in 1 1/2 weeks.[/quote']

    I am almost at 4 weeks out, I am thrilled, shrinking every week, friends and family say it looks like I have the monkey off my back. I was very fearful, almost cancelled. Thank God I did not. I hope your family supports u soon, my first week post op was difficult, remember, just eat 1 ounce at a time until you tolerate that well, then try 2 oz.

  15. I am 3 months post op' date=' I regularly slice jalepenos and fill them with ff cream cheese then grill them as a side with my turkey burger. The other day, I did I with a habenero.

    Tonight, I made 4 cheese mashed cauliflower bake with Italian turkey sausage, diced green chilies and diced jalepenos.

    I love spicy! Very thankful that I can enjoy it like a normal person now.[/quote']

    Can I please have the recipe for the 4 cheese mashed cauliflower bake w / turkey sausages misc.... I am very ignorant in the kitchen so I kinda need stuff spelled out, or what website do you use for recipes. Thanks a lot.

  16. Anybody on here willing to tell me about what life's like after the sleeve? I know side effects with this procedure are significantly less then with other bariatric surgeries. But' date=' I'm wondering, am I going to be nausiated all the time? What about diahrrea? Is there sanity after a food addiction?? I know these are (kind've gross) and personal questions...but really...what is life like after the sleeve?[/quote']

    What my life has been like after the sleeve......

    1. I have a low tolerance for pain so my 1st 4 days sucked. At first when I got home I thought the diet said to drink 4 oz of my PROTIEN drink. I was wrong, I got the proper directions and started drinking 1 oz every 2 hours and was much more comfortable. I also used my pain medicine for about 5 days. Through out this week, I had liquid diarrhea, nausea & was crying. I worried I had made a horrible mistake, altered a perfectly good body part & I was just crazy w/ worry. Another thing that was going on was I have 5 pills I take daily for thyroid, bipolar, depression. I had to crush them and put them in my Protein drink. This sucked cause I had never done it before. There was a learning curve for me, at 2 weeks I was able to stop crushing them and take them normally.

    2. I had a 1 week ck up w/ the doctor. By then I could almost smile. At this point I realized this was not a horrible mistake, I was drinking 2-3 oz, my clothes were loose. I complained to my doc about the pain I had and he said "whadya think you were coming in for? A haircut? You had a major surgery, of course it hurt". Well I was surprised it hurt so much cause MY STEPMOM AND STEPAUNT HAD IT DONE AND WERE PAIN FREE AFTER THE SURGERY. Part is genetics, that is why I mention they are not blood relatives. Anyhow I left the appointment very reassured that all is well, doc said I would have up and down days for a monthish and that is all NORMAL. Ahhhhh, that sentence relaxed me. The doc also told me, after I have a month under my belt, if I am nauseous or throwing up it is cause I am eating too much or the wrong things.

    3. After being reassured at 7 days out I started hitting the dirt and walking my dog everyday. I feel great and if I don't feel great I push myself a little & and then I relax. I have been on liquids for three weeks and tomorrow I start puréed food. I had NO HUNGER FOR TWO FULL WEEKS. Then the hunger started creeping in, but not as bad as before being sleeved.

    I started the preop diet on 8-1 & lost 15lb's. Had surgery on 8-27 & have lost 25 lb.'s in 3 weeks, total lost 40lb's. I feel so much better, I have 90 lb's to get to goal of 160. I am 5'7", weighed 290 at start. I am 52 yrs old. I am already more social.

    As far as once a food addict is there life afterward? I am treating this like alcoholism. Once I start I can not stop, therefore I can't start. (with sugar, chips and overall crappy non nutritious food). I do phone meetings of Overeaters Annoynoumous., right now I am on the easy part because I absolutely must follow the food instructions otherwise I could get a leak. With this surgery it is one more tool to help me keep portions under control.

    A 12 step program is going to be one more tool to my success. This is my story so far, I hope it helps you. Keep in mind, all of us are different, you may not have pain, just remember it is a major operation. Hope all goes fabulous for you.

    As far as once a food addict

  17. Eh' date=' i don't have an issue with artificial sweetners. I don't consume them a lot anyways.[/quote']

    Now that I have had the sleeve my intake of Splenda, aspertine, & all fake sugars has increased because that is what the doctors food plan is. I am eating about 4 sugar free popcycles a day. Ummmm, the rest of my food at this point is OK. How long has it been since u were sleeved? When did your stomach handle regular sugar? Thanks for your help & your previous post.

  18. I am not thrilled about going into the sugar free world, some of it is necessary but.....for my Water consumption I use reconstituted lemon juice, only brand I like is Sunny Select from Savemart & some Stevia. I was paying way too much for Stevia at Whole Foods. Now I get it online at swansons, great price for "Better Stevia". Basically you need to figure out your own recipe. Mine is 32 oz. water, 1 shot glass of lemon and 4-5 drops of Stevia

  19. I felt like the hugest person every where I went, now 18 days post op I am down 35-40 lbs INCLUDING PRE-OP LB'S lost. I still have 90 to go. I am still the largest person around but I don't feel lousy anymore. I am sharing this with you because you are going to feel so much better fast and those caddy woman will still b talking but you r gonna feel great & not care. Love to you

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